Bybit Raises the Bar: VIP Program Upgrades Set to Redefine the Trading Experience

DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES – Media OutReach – 21 July 2023 – Bybit, the world’s third most visited crypto exchange, has unveiled its newly revamped VIP program. With a focus on enhancing user satisfaction and optimizing trading opportunities, the revamped VIP program introduces a range of new features and benefits.

Notable changes include revised fee rates for takers and makers across different VIP tiers. Bybit has lowered the taker fee rates while increasing the maker fee rates to beat rival crypto exchanges by offering unparalleled value to VIP and PRO clients. The updated fee structure ensures that traders enjoy a more lucrative and exciting trading environment.

Bybit has also expanded its PRO levels from three to five tiers. Current VIP users can now instantly upgrade to PRO Level when the proportion of their API transactions exceeds 20%. PRO users benefit from a more favorable maker rate, ensuring a competitive edge in their trading activities.

The level thresholds have also been adjusted to better reflect user activity, with PRO3 encompassing a transaction volume range of 500M to 1B, PRO4 spanning 1B to 2B, and PRO5 catering to volumes exceeding 2B.

As part of the VIP program update, the fee rates for these grades have been fine-tuned to further benefit traders. Precisely, the rates have been adjusted as follows: 0.035% reduced to 0.03% for PRO3, 0.0325% reduced to 0.0275% for PRO4, and 0.03% reduced to 0.025% for PRO5.

Finally, Bybit has meticulously fine-tuned option levels and rates, ensuring an optimized trading experience for options traders.

“Our unwavering commitment at Bybit lies in equipping traders worldwide with the means necessary to best navigate the waters of the contemporary crypto market,” said Ben Zhou, co-founder and CEO. “The revamped VIP Program is a substantial stride toward realizing this vision, promising key service improvements for our clientele.”

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Les employeurs se tournent vers les diplômés d’écoles de commerce pour ce qui est des compétences d’aujourd’hui et de demain

Une enquête du GMAC identifie les talents convoités et les projections d’embauche des recruteurs d’entreprise

RESTON, Virginie, 20 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malgré des conditions macroéconomiques défavorables et des incertitudes émergentes, les employeurs demeurent confiants en ce qui concerne l’embauche de diplômés d’écoles de commerce, selon une enquête auprès de recruteurs d’entreprise publiée aujourd’hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Le GMAC, une association mondiale représentant les meilleures écoles de commerce, a publié les conclusions de l’enquête de 2023 qui étudie quelles compétences caractériseront le lieu de travail du futur selon les employeurs – et dans quelle mesure ceux-ci estiment que les candidats de MBA et de masters en affaires sont préparés.

Les employeurs affirment que la communication, l’analyse des données et la stratégie font actuellement partie des compétences les plus importantes pour les diplômés d’écoles de commerce, et la plupart disent que leur importance continuera de s’intensifier. Notamment, les employeurs américains qui s’intéressent aux compétences technologiques ont une haute estime de leur importance future mais pensent que les diplômés d’écoles de commerce pourraient être mieux préparés pour des capacités technologiques spécifiques. Les recruteurs américains, ainsi que leurs collègues dans les secteurs de la finance et de la comptabilité, sont également plus critiques concernant le degré de préparation des candidats pour tirer parti de certaines compétences de communication importantes par rapport à d’autres régions et estiment que les écoles de commerce pourraient mieux développer les compétences interculturelles de leurs diplômés.

« Selon la plupart des employeurs, les écoles de commerce sont sur la bonne voie en dotant leurs diplômés des compétences actuellement importantes et d’autres de plus en plus cruciales pour évoluer dans un monde chargé en informations et affecté par l’IA », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. « Nous sommes persuadés que les écoles de commerce et leurs diplômés relèveront le défi de la mise à niveau des compétences cruciales de l’avenir, qu’il s’agisse d’aptitude interculturelle, de Web3 et de Blockchain, ou de communication numérique – afin de leur permettre de prospérer dans des organisations hybrides mondiales et d’avoir un impact significatif dans un environnement en constante évolution. »

Autres principales conclusions :

Globalement, les employeurs ont tendance à croire que les écoles de commerce peuvent apporter un avantage par rapport aux talents sans formation supérieure en management. Les employeurs d’Asie et figurant au palmarès Fortune 500 ont une vision plus optimiste des capacités et du potentiel d’avancement des diplômés d’écoles de commerce, mais sont aussi plus susceptibles de recruter plus fortement auprès d’écoles de commerce « de premier plan ». Et comme au cours des dernières années, les employeurs continuent d’accorder plus de valeur aux talents ayant suivi des programmes en personne qu’à ceux ayant obtenu leurs diplômes ou micro-qualifications uniquement en ligne.

« Les titulaires de diplômes d’affaires en ligne devraient parler de leurs qualifications différemment selon l’employeur—les employeurs d’Asie sont plus susceptibles d’accorder de la valeur au diplôme lui-même, tandis que les employeurs basés aux États-Unis et spécialisés dans la consultation préfèreraient en savoir davantage sur les compétences spécifiques acquises par les candidats », a suggéré Andrew Walker, directeur de l’analyse des recherches et des communications au GMAC, et auteur du rapport. « Les micro-qualifications sont en soi moins susceptibles d’impressionner les employeurs par rapport aux diplômes supérieurs en affaires bien que les compétences apportées soient appréciées par certains employeurs. »

L’enquête examine aussi de quelle manière les conditions macroéconomiques influencent les décisions d’embauche et de salaire à travers les secteurs et autour du monde. Ce qui est encourageant, c’est que même en considérant l’inflation, les salaires de MBA en 2023 aux États-Unis devraient être plus élevés que les projections de 2022, tandis que les salaires des masters en affaires et sectoriels pourraient baisser. Malgré les préoccupations signalées par rapport à la récession, les plans d’embauche 2023 restent optimistes, une certaine croissance étant attendue en ce qui concerne l’embauche parmi les masters en affaires par rapport aux résultats réels de l’année 2022.

À propos de l’enquête

Depuis plus de deux décennies, l’Enquête sur les recruteurs d’entreprise du GMAC fournit aux écoles supérieures de commerce et aux employeurs du monde entier des données et perspectives permettant de comprendre les tendances actuelles de l’embauche, de la rémunération, de la demande en compétences et des perceptions des titulaires de MBA et masters en affaires. Le GMAC, associé aux partenaires de l’enquête que sont l’European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) et la MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), a rassemblé les réponses de 1 028 personnes interrogées dans 34 pays représentant 55 % des entreprises figurant au palmarès Global Fortune 500 entre janvier et mars 2023, en collaboration avec les bureaux de services de carrières d’écoles supérieures de commerce participantes dans le monde entier. GMAC Research a aussi travaillé avec un cabinet d’études de marché pour recruter d’autres participants afin de rendre l’échantillon global plus représentatif à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) est une association de prestigieuses écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Plus de 12 millions d’étudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y compris, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

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Hodeida vigils denounce crimes of burning of Holy Quran in Sweden

In the province of Hodeida, vigils were held on Friday following Friday prayers denouncing the crimes of burning the Holy Quran in Sweden.

The participants deplored the systematic and repeated abuse campaign of God’s Book, which represents an extension of the war waged by the Zionist entity, exploiting the weakness of Islam-calculated regimes that go so far as to normalize it to conspire against Islam and betray the causes of the nation and religion.

They called on the Islamic nation’s regimes and peoples to confront campaigns of abuse against the Holy Prophet and the burning of the Quran by escalating protests and taking responsible positions to sever diplomatic relations, expel ambassadors of abusive countries and cease economic relations with them.

They stressed that the Islamic nation needed to unite to respond to such abuses, warning against escalating abuse of Islam’s sanctities and persistently provoking Muslim feelings.

Statements from the vigils called for the boycott of all States that allow for the burning of the Quran, denouncing acts of offensive and anti-Islamic sanctity that reflect the ugliness and moral and political decline of the State of Sweden and all States of the West that express freedom of opinion by fuelling hatred towards religions.

The statements underscored the importance of putting an end to such acts aimed at abusing and antagonizing Muslims in the world, among the hate crimes behind the Zionist entity to fuel conflicts between peoples, pointing out that such provocation requires a major global Islamic move to discipline anyone who persists and begs to infringe on Islamic sanctities.

The statements called on the regimes calculated for Islam to act to question the ambassadors of the regimes that adopted these crimes and to boycott these regimes, which have made freedom of expression a justification for such crimes, stressing that this criminal act also requires elites, peoples and regimes to adopt courageous attitudes and to boycott all regimes that have adopted such crimes and expel their ambassadors.

It explained that the crimes committed by Western countries against Muslims cannot be tolerated, especially as they affect the Holy Qur’an, which represents the constitution of life and a source of pride and dignity for victory over tyrants and the titans of injustice, indicating that the stage calls for religious awakening and linking the nation’s generations and enlightening them with the Qur’an and the correct culture.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Supreme Council in Hajjah… Various projects to alleviate affected suffering

The branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation in Hajjah continued its role in activating the role of humanitarian partners to implement various projects to alleviate the suffering imposed by the continued aggression and blockade.

During the first half of 1444 A.H., the Branch’s management, in coordination with offices and stakeholders, focused on sustainable projects that address the needs of displaced and affected persons and meet some of their necessary requirements in accordance with the national vision of building a modern Yemeni State.

The health, food security, water, environmental sanitation, protection, shelter, education and roads sectors were the priority of attention and received the largest share of projects, as they were important to impose on the continuity of the country’s difficult conditions.

Over the past period, efforts have resulted in the implementation of 81 diverse projects, which have been distributed between 21 in the health sector, such as food security, 7 in water, 20 multisectoral projects, 3 capacity-building, 3 shelters, 3 emergency responses, 2 protection projects and the project for the education of students and learners.

Completed construction projects

A report issued by the branch indicated the completion of many construction projects represented in the rehabilitation of Al-Shahid Al-Kohlani Hospital in Mabian and the installation of computer networks, servers and accessories for the hospital within the emergency medical aid project.

55 home bathrooms had been supplied and installed, with all necessary work being carried out, a reservoir with a solar pumping system and a water network in the village of Al-Arjain in the al-Wasat district in Abs and a 100 cubic metre reservoir in Al-Kadha in Al-Bataria, within the project to promote decent access to basic services through an integrated community approach.

The report explained the rehabilitation of health units in al-Kharaza and Bani Arjan in Abs with the establishment of 2.5 cubic metre tanks and the supply and installation of electric water filters, maintenance tools and plumbing within the project to promote decent access to basic services.

According to the report, a 100-metre-high 15-capacity reservoir was established in al-Kadha zone at al-Bataria district in Abs to improve the living conditions of displaced persons and others affected.

The report reported the completion of the project for the supply and installation of a water system, the establishment of a reservoir and a water point for al-Maqtafa project in Aslam as well as the supply and installation of a pumping and feeding network and the establishment of a reservoir for the bakery project at the same district in addition to supplying and installing a water network and establishing a water point for the Bani Adhabi project in Abs within the project to improve the living conditions of displaced persons.

The report referred to the rehabilitation of the water network of the Al-Dalawahi project, the second phase, and the completion of the second phase of the rehabilitation of the Jabal Aslam, Bani Zaid, al-Mushawaha and al-Haid waters networks in the Aslam district, within the project of full assistance for emergency food security, water and environmental sanitation for those affected.

He added that the supply and installation of 160 bathrooms for the displaced in Jabal Aslam, the Al-Qadha and Al-Masaihra camp in Aslam has been completed, and the rehabilitation of the water networks of Al-Kharaza, Al-Haija and Al-Qatbour in the Abs district has been completed within the project of full assistance for emergency food security.

The report indicated the completion of rehabilitation and maintenance projects for health units in Qaidan, Afar, Rab’a Hafj, Al-Dhahr, Al-Nawa’ra, Al-Marawa’a, Rab’a Mas’ud, Bani Kahil, Rab’ Al-Boni and Al-Hakamiyeh in the districts of Kuhlan Afar, Bani Qais and Al-Shaghadra, building the health unit in Al-Marqa in Mustaba, and rehabilitating drinking water projects in Al-Midhaya in Bani Qais, Al-Bajalia and Al-Mazawta in Al-Shaghadra and Al-Jaberi in Abs within the project to contribute to reducing sickness and death rates and improving protection services among affected children and their families.

As part of the integrated response project to improve and support access to health and nutrition services, Al-Bajaliya, Al-Maaraj, Al-Mushrifah, Al-Hakamiyya and Al-Marw health units were established and renovated in Al-Shaghadra district.

While the Director-General of the branch of the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the province, Allan Fadayel, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) the keenness to work in accordance with the national vision for building the modern Yemeni state, the directives of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council, and the plans and programs of the Supreme Council.

Between 320,000 and 652 people benefited from the health, water, environmental sanitation, education and protection sectors. He pointed out that 278 thousand and 697 people benefited from the health sector in the districts of Aslam, Aflah Al-Yaman, Al-Shahel, Al-Mahabasha, Al-Maghreba, Bakil Al-Mir, Bani Al-Awam, Khairan Al-Muharraq, Abs, Qafl Shamr, Mabian, Qara, Al-Madinah and Washha, in addition to a number of overlapping districts.

While the water sector benefited, according to the director of the branch, 38,206 in the districts of Aslam, Al-Jumaima, Al-Miftah, Bani Al-Awam, Abs, Kushar, Mutallaqa, and Washha, and 3,314 students and teachers benefited from the education of students and teachers in Sharas, Abs and Al-Madinah, and 435 from the protection sector.

The director of the Council branch added that 286 thousand and 621 families benefited from periodic food, food security, shelter and shelter during the aforementioned period, pointing out that 216 thousand families benefited from regular food, and 63 thousand and 936 families benefited from food security activities in the field of conditional and unconditional cash in exchange for work and one-time food baskets in 22 districts.

And between 6 thousand and 685 families benefiting from shelter and accommodation in Aslam, Bani Qais, Khairan Al-Muharraq, Abs, Qafla Shamr, Kushar, Mustaba and Washha.

Fadhael reviewed the obstacles facing the Council branch, due to the lack of an emergency store to provide services to the target groups, which contributes to enabling the branch to respond quickly to emergency cases resulting from rain, fires, natural disasters, and others.

He also stressed the increase in human suffering in light of the low rate of response against the current need for various projects, specifically food security projects in light of the aggression and siege, and the procedures of the Food Program to reduce the single food ration to less than half, and the return of exchange to varying cycles of up to once every two or three months.

He pointed to the efforts of the leadership of the governorate and the Supreme Council for Humanitarian Affairs to move to development projects and intensify sustainable activities and projects, especially in the sectors of water, roads and food security, in a way that contributes to alleviating the suffering of the people of the governorate.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Ministry of Human Rights condemns repeated burning of Holy Quran in Sweden

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned on Friday the Swedish authorities’ continued abuse of the sentiments of the Islamic Ummah by repeating the burning of the Holy Quran.

In a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (SABA), the Ministry explained that this act, insofar as it is a clear challenge for more than one and a half billion Muslims, reveals the Swedish and Western tendency to provoke violence, hatred and chaos.

The repetition of such outrageous acts reflected the moral and political ugliness of the Swedish State and all States of the West that supported that path, while expressing freedom of opinion by fuelling hatred towards religions.

The statement saw these acts as a clear challenge to the Human Rights Council’s draft international resolution, which, by majority, condemned and criminalized attacks against the Holy Quran as inciting religious hatred.

The Ministry of Human Rights denounced the opposition of America, Britain and some European Union countries to vote on the Human Rights Council’s resolution, indicating their adoption of campaigns to burn the Quran and abuse the Islamic religion, and their persistent provocation of Muslim sentiments under the pretext of upholding freedom of expression.

Sponsoring such outrageous and provocative acts was an untouchable collusion that would escalate instances of discrimination, intolerance and violence in general.

It commended the honourable attitude of the people and the Iraqi Government and Iraq’s popular and official reaction to the crime of burning the Holy Quran in Sweden and the practical actions taken in response to that crime.

The Ministry of Human Rights called for unified and broad Islamic attitudes and global solidarity against the systematic targeting of divine religions, the Western and American agendas that threaten world peace and security.

It also called for the formation of an international coalition to prevent the abuse of divine religions and prophets as crimes that destabilized social peace and spread hatred among peoples.

Source: Yemen News Agency

FIFA Women’s World Cup: Spain Beats Costa Rica 3-0

Spain defeated Costa Rica 3-0 today, in the first round of Group C of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which is currently being held in Australia and New Zealand.

The Spanish national team decided the match in the first half, scoring three goals in six minutes by Valeria del Campo (a mistake in her teams goal) in the 21st minute, Aitana Bonmati in the 23rd minute, and Esther Gonzalez in the 27th minute, while Jennifer Hermoso missed a penalty kick in the 34th minute.

Source: Qatar News Agency