SmartX Releases HCI Kit Community Edition: Free HCI with Community Support

BEIJING, June 30, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — SmartX, a modern IT infrastructure innovator, has released the HCI Kit Community Edition, a free version of its hyperconvergence product SmartX HCI. The Community Edition includes core HCI software SMTX OS and management platform CloudTower. It is freely available, easy-to-deploy, feature-rich, and community-supported, providing easy access to hyperconvergence for worldwide users.

The Community Edition allows users to experience core features of SmartX HCI, including

  • SMTX OS (community edition) that provides compute virtualization, distributed block storage, as well as network & security.
    – ELF: the native hypervisor that optimizes performance and streamlines operations & maintenance.
    – ZBS: the distributed block storage with the reliability and high performance battle-tested in production across financial services and other industries.
    – Everoute: the network and security product that provides micro-segmentation, securing east-west traffic with distributed firewalls for virtual machines.
  • CloudTower (community edition) that provides multi-cluster management, capable of managing clusters across datacenters with one unified platform.

Designed for anyone interested in experiencing HCI, the Community Edition can be installed to learn, evaluate, or use conveniently with zero cost. HCI enthusiasts could get hands-on experience and see how HCI achieves simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency; End users considering HCI products could compare it with other alternatives and run a proof-of-concept test, before making a decision; IT engineers could deploy it for Dev & Test, starting with a small scale.

The installation and deployment of Community Edition are quite simple. It can be deployed on mainstream commercial x86 servers. The whole process takes approximately 2 hours*, users can check the minimum hardware requirements and guidance on the official website.

The Community Edition offers a 30-day free trial, and before it expires, users could apply for a free community perpetual license. SmartX also supports users to switch to Commercial Editions seamlessly to unlock more advanced capabilities.

Additionally, users could join SmartX Community on Slack, to get support from the community experts, and exchange ideas and feedback with professionals in IT infrastructure, distributed systems, and the cloud.

Additional Resources:

SmartX HCI

HCI Kit Community Edition

Installation and Deployment Guide


CloudTower Spec


* 2-hour is an estimation and subject to change in actual installation & deployment.

‫نسر “NESR” و”أدنوك” يوقعان اتفاقية لدعم القطاع الصناعي الوطني خلال منتدى “اصنع في الإمارات”

هيوستن ، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية- EQS Newswire –

– 30 يونيو 2022 – أبو ظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 22/حزيران/2022، أعلنت شركة خدمات الطاقة الوطنية المتحدة National Energy Services Reunited Corp.  (“NESR”) ، الشركة الوطنية الرائدة في مجال توفير خدمات الطاقة المتكاملة في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا (“MENA”) والمدرجة في بورصة ناسداك تحت الرمز NASDAQ:NESR)) NASDAQ: NESRW)، اليوم عن توقيعها اتفاقية لتنفيذ استراتيجية مع شركة بترول أبوظبي الوطنية “أدنوك” وذلك خلال منتدى ” اصنع في الإمارات” الذي عقد مؤخراً في أبوظبي لتحفيز توطين الصناعة ودعم التوسع في برنامج القيمة الوطنية المضافة (“ICV”) في دولة الإمارات.

وبهذه المناسبة، قال شريف فودة، الرئيس التنفيذي ورئيس مجلس إدارة شركة نسر ( (NESR: “يسرنا أن نشارك في منتدى “اصنع في الإمارات” في أبوظبي، وأود أن أشكر شركاءنا الكرام في أدنوك على إتاحة الفرصة لنا للمشاركة في هذا الاتفاق الاستراتيجي الذي تسعى شركة نسر من خلاله لتنفيذ استثمارات جديدة في قطاع التصنيع المحلي ودعم مسيرة النمو الصناعي في دولة الإمارات”.

وأضاف: “تحقق استراتيجية شركة نسر القائمة على الاستفادة من أسواق رأس المال العالمية وتحفيز توطين الاستثمارات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا، وذلك مما يتماشى مع الاستراتيجية الوطنية للصناعة المحلية ضمن برامج القيمة الوطنية المضافة في دولة الإمارات. كما تعمل شركة نسرعلى برامج التنمية المستدامة وتقديم حلول لمعالجة التحديات البيئية والمجتمعية باستمرار،  وذلك عبر تقنيات معالجة المياه و مراقبة وخفض انبعاثات الغازات الدفينة، لدعم كل من برامج القيمة المحلية المستدامة والصناعات المساندة لمسيرة التحول للطاقة.”

وستركز شركة نسر، بموجب الاتفاقية، على توطين منشأة لإنتاج الأسمنت السائب عالي الكفاءة لدعم الأنشطة الصناعية الجارية،  وستسعى  بعد ذلك لتوسيع وتطوير استثماراتها الصناعية في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة من خلال الاستثمار في مجال التقنيات الرائدة التي تعزز القدرة التنافسية المتعلقة بالتكلفة والتصنيع، وتحسّن البصمة الكربونية مقارنة بالتقنيات المستخدمة حاليا.

حول شركة خدمات الطاقة الوطنية  المتحدة Reunited Corp.

تأسست NESR في عام 2017 ، وهي واحدة من أكبر مزودي خدمات حقول النفط الوطنية في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وآسيا والمحيط الهادئ. مع أكثر من 5000 موظف ، يمثلون أكثر من 60 جنسية في أكثر من 15 دولة ، تساعد الشركة عملائها على إطلاق الإمكانات الكاملة لخزاناتهم من خلال توفير خدمات الإنتاج مثل الأسمنت ، والأنابيب الملتفة ، والترشيح ، والإكمال ، والتحفيز ، والضخ ، وخدمات النيتروجين. تساعد الشركة أيضًا عملاءها على الوصول إلى خزاناتهم بطريقة أكثر ذكاءً وفعالية من خلال توفير خدمات الحفر والتقييم مثل أدوات الحفر في قاع البئر والحفر الاتجاهي وأدوات الصيد وخدمات الاختبار و Wireline و Slickline و السوائل وخدمات الحفر.

للاستفسارات المتعلقة بشركة نسر، يرجى التواصل مع:

Blake Gendron – VP Investor Relations & Business Development

National Energy Services Reunited Corp.




‫فازت MYLE VAPE بجائزة “أفضل علامة تجارية” في جوائز VAPE لعام 2022 في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا

ريدجفيلد، نيوجيرسي، 29 يونيو 2022 / PRNewswire / — فازت MYLE Vap ، وهي علامة تجارية عالمية للمستهلكين، بجائزة “أفضل علامة تجارية” في جوائز Vap للشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا ( MENA ) في دبي الأسبوع الماضي. يأتي هذا الفوز في أعقاب جائزة “رائد الصناعة” في جوائز فابوروند لعام 2022 في وقت سابق من هذا الشهر في المملكة المتحدة.

MYLE wins Best Brand at the 2022 MENA Awards

“أن أقول إنني مندهش من كيفية احتضان الصناعة لنجاحنا كعلامة تجارية عالمية ورائدة في صناعة الفايب ليس فقط التواضع ولكن وضع المعايير العالية بالنسبة لنا كشركة. نحن نفخر باستثمارنا في البحث والتطوير وضمان قيام MYLE بتطوير منتجات VAPE آمنة وفعالة يمكن الاستمتاع بها عالميًا “.

ابتكر أرييل غوريليك MYLE في سن مبكرة تبلغ من العمر 30 عامًا مع رؤية لبناء علامة تجارية VAPE آمنة وفعالة وعلى مدى السنوات السبع الماضية قام ببناء MYLE لتصبح رائدة معترف بها عالميًا في صناعة VAPE . حقيقة أن أرييل تبلغ من العمر 37 عامًا فقط حاليًا وتحقق هذا النوع من الاعتراف بالقيادة في صناعة عالمية سريعة الخطى ومتغيرة باستمرار بقيمة 18 مليار دولار، أمر رائع.

ويضيف آرييل غوريليك، المؤسس المشارك والرئيس التنفيذي: “إن البقاء في طليعة صناعة مبتكرة ومتغيرة باستمرار بسبب التشريعات الخاصة بكل بلد ليس أمرًا صعبًا فحسب، بل يبقينا على أصابع أقدامنا في كل منظور تجاري”.

بدأت MYLE في الأسبوع الماضي نظام Meta Bar و Meta Pod الخاص بدولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة في معرض Vap العالمي في دبي لتجار الجملة والموزعين وتجار التجزئة. كانت الإثارة واضحة في هذه المنتجات “القادمة” ونشطت شبكة B 2 B المتفانية بالفعل من المشترين.

تم إنشاء MYLE Vape ، وهي شركة عالمية لأدوات التدخين الإلكترونية تم إطلاقها في عام 2015، لتوفير بديل آمن ومرغوب فيه للسجائر القابلة للاحتراق، وهو أمر ممتع للمستهلك من حيث سهولة الاستخدام والتخصيص والمتانة.

سمحت عقود من الخبرة الصناعية التي يجلبها الفريق التنفيذي إلى MYLE Vape جنبًا إلى جنب مع فريق تصنيع على مستوى عالمي وميزانية للبحث والتطوير التي نمت باستمرار منذ بداية MYLE Vape ، بالتصميم المشهور عالميًا والابتكار التكنولوجي. تقوم MYLE Vape بتصنيع المستهلكات، وأنظمة البودات الإضافية، والأجهزة القابلة لإعادة الشحن وملحقات التدخين الإلكتروني التي يتم توزيعها عالميًا خارج الولايات المتحدة.

بيانات التواصل:
Myle Vape
Robert Dietsche
General Manager
هاتف رقم: ‎844-777-6953

الشعار –


Deaths reported after fresh protests in Guinea; journalists attacked by protesters

Fresh clashes between Guinea’s security forces and protesters unhappy with plans for transitioning back to democracy left one person dead in the capital, authorities said, though the demonstrations’ organisers put the death toll at four.

In a statement read on public television, the prosecutor’s office in Conakry said it had been informed by a local hospital on Friday of the reception of the “body of a 58-year-old man who was shot at his workplace”.

But the National Front for the Defence of the Constitution (FNDC) — the influential coalition that called the protests — said in a statement that the clashes had left “four dead and several wounded by bullets, with five being between life and death”.

In addition, four journalists were “attacked by protesters” on Friday, according to a statement from a local press union, which strongly condemned the “retrograde” acts.

The latest unrest came a day after protests against Guinea’s junta and its handling of plans to return to democracy brought Conakry to a standstill, with organisers claiming that one person was killed on Thursday as well.

Protesters in the Conakry suburbs, defying a government ban, took to the streets on Friday to burn tyres, overturn rubbish bins and throw stones at police vehicles, with officers responding with teargas.

Thursday’s protest took place ahead of comments by the chair of a regional bloc who claimed to have persuaded the junta to shorten its timeline for a return to democracy. The junta has not confirmed his comments.

The FNDC called the demonstrations to denounce the junta’s “unilateral management” of the return to civilian rule after it seized power in 2021.

Speaking alongside French President Emmanuel Macron at a briefing in Bissau on Thursday, ECOWAS regional bloc chair Umaro Sissoco Embalo said he had recently convinced Guinea’s junta to hasten the return to democracy.

“I was in Conakry with the president of the commission (of ECOWAS) to make the military junta understand the decision of the summit of heads of state that the transition cannot exceed 24 months,” Embalo said.

“They had proposed 36 months, but we succeeded in convincing them,” he added.

But Ousmane Gaoual Diallo, a Guinean minister and spokesman for the transitional government, said that “neither the government nor the presidency confirm this information about the duration of the transition in Guinea”.


Action on Monkeypox Accelerates in US as Outbreak Expands

Two of the hardest-hit U.S. regions have raised the alert level over the monkeypox outbreak.

San Francisco declared a public health emergency Thursday. The city accounts for 281 of California’s nearly 800 cases. The declaration gives health officials access to additional resources to deal with the outbreak.

New York, with nearly 1,400 cases statewide, made a similar declaration Thursday.

Worldwide, more than 21,000 cases have been reported in 78 countries, nearly all of them outside West and Central Africa, where the virus is endemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) raised the threat level to its highest ranking last weekend.

The U.S. case count is nearing 5,000, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The federal government has not declared an emergency but announced plans Thursday to distribute nearly 800,000 additional doses of monkeypox vaccine.

U.S. health officials said they had already distributed 340,000 doses, but many jurisdictions have reported that they have had to turn away patients because of short supplies.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions.

Who gets monkeypox, and how?

The outbreak has been concentrated among men who have sex with men, though anyone can get monkeypox.

The virus spreads through contact with the rash that infected patients develop. It can also pass through bodily fluids, respiratory droplets after prolonged face-to-face contact or contaminated clothing, bedding or towels.

Men who have sex with men should have fewer sex partners in order to curb the spread, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Wednesday.

“This is an outbreak that can be stopped,” Tedros said. “The best way to do that is to reduce the risk of exposure.”

However, he added, intolerance of homosexuality would not help.

“Stigma and discrimination can be as dangerous as any virus, and can fuel the outbreak,” Tedros said.

What are the symptoms? Is it fatal?

The disease causes fever, headache, muscle pain, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes, followed by a rash, usually on the face, palms and soles of the feet. About a third of cases also develop a rash on the genitals.

The strain of monkeypox responsible for the global outbreak is rarely fatal but can be extremely painful, according to the CDC. About 10% of cases have been hospitalized “to manage the pain caused by the disease,” Tedros said.

Five deaths have been reported — three in Nigeria and two in the Central African Republic.

What about vaccines and treatments?

About 16 million doses of vaccine are available worldwide, but most will take several months to be packaged and distributed, according to the WHO, which is recommending vaccination only for people at high risk, including people exposed to an infected person, health workers and people with multiple sex partners.

People vaccinated against smallpox likely have some protection against monkeypox, which is a related virus. Smallpox vaccination ended after the disease was declared eradicated in 1980.

Several antiviral medications have been approved.

How unusual is this outbreak?

The current outbreak is the first time this many cases have occurred in such widely dispersed areas outside the endemic countries in West and Central Africa.

Europe accounts for two-thirds of the cases. Nearly one-fifth are in the United States.

WHO’s advisory committee did not agree on the magnitude of the threat at its meeting last Saturday, but Tedros made the decision to declare a “public health emergency of international concern,” the agency’s highest threat assessment.

Source: Voice of America

Attacks on UN bases in DRC halted or prevented: UN

Security forces in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on Friday thwarted the breaching of a UN base, and the army stopped weapon-wielding demonstrators targeting a second, a UN spokesman said.

“Threats of violence against our peacekeeping bases and personnel continue to circulate on social media,” said Farhan Haq, deputy spokesman for UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

In Kiwanja, North Kivu province, security forces prevented two attempts by demonstrators from breaching the base and in Nyamilima, northwest of Rutshuru, the armed forces of the DRC intervened to prevent an attack against the base and arrested youths carrying petrol bombs and stones, he said. “Our mission remains on high alert.”

The spokesman said the overall situation in the North Kivu capital city of Goma is calm.

He said the DRC government met on Thursday to discuss the attacks against the UN mission known as MONUSCO, during which the participants called for calm and dialogue.

Earlier in the week, anti-UN demonstrations turned violent. On Wednesday, a military peacekeeper and two police personnel from MONUSCO were among 15 people killed in Butembo and Goma.

The under-secretary-general for peace operations, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, who was visiting Mali, was dispatched to the DRC and was to arrive on Friday.

“It will be an opportunity for him to take stock of the situation and to meet with national authorities,” Haq said. “Lacroix will also express his solidarity with peacekeeping colleagues who are working in extremely difficult and volatile circumstances as well as share his deepest condolences with the colleagues and friends of the Indian and Moroccan peacekeepers who lost their lives during the demonstrations.”