Forget “New Normal” and “Next Normal”: Success in Event Management Industry Means Embracing the NEW NOW™

GES Launches Spiro

Expanding Virtual, Hybrid & Traditional Special Event Services of  Leading Global Event Management Company

LAS VEGAS, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — There’s a lot of focus on “the way things used to be” and “getting back to pre-2019,” but neither conversation addresses the current state of events and experiences. Rather than reflecting on a world that was, or trying to predict what the future holds, GES, one of the world’s leading live event companies is taking a major step toward embracing change, identifying new growth opportunities, and, ultimately, redefining what it means to “come together.”

GES logo

GES, a leading global provider of exhibition services and live event venue services introduces its newest venture Spiro™, the brand experience agency for the NEW NOW™. Spiro strengthens GES’ abilities to manage traditional events and will offer a new set of capabilities that deliver heightened experience dividends for the ways events have now evolved.

“The launch of Spiro comes at a very opportune time for our industry and clients,” said Spiro’s Global President, Jeff Stelmach. “The past two years have reinforced the critical value of events and experiences in connecting people. Now, some people might meet up in one place while others are joining online. Some interactions take place entirely online. It’s not about meeting people with similar interests in a single location – it’s about people with similar interests meeting up in the mediums where they are. We see this not as a hurdle, but rather, as an opportunity to draw even bigger audiences and attract attendees who might never have been able to ‘attend’ live events before.”

Skilled in analytic, strategic event management, creative design and production, Spiro sees in-person, virtual and hybrid events alike as opportunities for immersive, interactive storytelling and brand loyalty-building.

“There have never been so many ways for businesses to thoughtfully engage with their key audiences – and gain access to new ones,” said Spiro’s Chief Marketing Officer, Carley Faircloth. “One of Spiro’s key offerings is creating Communities of Practice – a design approach that positions events as catalysts for ongoing community. Through this proprietary approach, experiences are elevated beyond the transactional, to pay dividends to the experience deficit global audiences now face.”

While Spiro expands capabilities for in-person as well as virtual, hybrid and integrated experiences, GES will continue as a leader in to providing its full spectrum of traditional exhibition services and tradeshows. For more about GES, visit For more about Spiro, visit

About GES

GES, a Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI) company with a legacy spanning more than 90 years, is a global live events company providing exhibition services, brand experiences, and live event venue services throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. GES offers the right blend of experience, fresh ideas, and deep industry knowledge. The company’s award-winning services combined with accommodations, event technology, and innovative tools help you optimize your events – making all aspects of planning and execution simple and worry-free. GES’ passionate team of highly skilled experts works side-by-side with you to deliver impactful, creative, and data-driven solutions to capture the full value of your shows. GES partners with leading brands and shows and has been recognized with many prestigious industry awards. For more information, visit

Spiro, Part Of The GES Collective

About Spiro

Spiro, part of the GES collective and Viad Corp (NYSE: VVI), is a world-class brand experience agency that brings clients’ visions to life by redefining human connections with innovation and immersive storytelling for live, virtual, and hybrid experiences – all with global scale. Spiro serves some of the world’s most valuable brands with a broad range of services, including brand and platform strategy & planning, content creation, exhibit & portfolio management, corporate meetings, conferences & events, product launches, sponsorship activations, and more. For more information on Spiro, part of the GES collective, visit

Media Contact:
Jenn Joseph, The Encore Agency

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Web3 Innovator droppLabs Announces Partnership with UC Berkeley’s Tech Club, Launchpad

NEW YORK, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — droppLabs, the innovative operating system for Web3, today announced a partnership with UC Berkeley’s Launchpad to develop innovative Web3 technology and solutions that will be incorporated into droppLabs product offerings.

droppLabs commences innovation partnership with UC Berkeley

droppLabs has dedicated its substantial resources and networks to create experiential learning and entrepreneurial skill-building for Launchpad students. The Launchpad team’s core competencies in machine learning and artificial intelligence complement droppLabs’ established and innovative ML/AI tech stack.

Launchpad is an organization at UC Berkeley that tackles problems in machine learning and shares their knowledge to the community through events and workshops. Every semester, Launchpad works with select clients to solve real-world machine learning challenges with industry professionals. UC Berkeley has a long tradition of cultivating top technical talent including Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple.

Through various research endeavors, the partnership will harness collective knowledge and skills to further amplify droppLab’s machine learning offerings and challenge the capabilities of artificial intelligence.

“We are thrilled to be working with such a talented group and prestigious institution. We are excited to tap into the minds of the Launchpad collective. These young engineers and scientists have tremendous problem solving skills. Together we will utilize cutting-edge machine learning and artificial intelligence to generate unique value for droppLabs and Launchpad’s students,” said Joe Sticca, dropp’s Chief Product Officer.

“At Launchpad, we strive to build creative, intelligent solutions. We are incredibly excited for this opportunity to work with droppLabs to deliver great impact to the wider community. droppLabs is pioneering a new space in the Web3 world and we are thrilled to be part of the journey,” said Lucy Liu, Launchpad’s President.

About droppLabs

droppLabs is a holistic Web3 solutions provider and platform. The dropp360º operating system applies a unique “Dream, Develop, Deploy” approach that transforms all aspects of an organization to win in the Web3 world.

droppLabs is led by an elite team of uniquely qualified creative, technical, and business executives. It has developed multiple proprietary patented innovations in AI/ML object recognition, streaming, AR, MR, VR and crypto.

droppLabs is a wholly owned subsidiary of droppTV Inc. which also owns and operates the droppTV platform – the industry-leading operating system for “shopatainment,” that brings together video streaming, mixed reality and experiential commerce.

droppTV harnesses droppLabs’ ground-breaking, proprietary technology to connect consumers, creators and brands through an interoperable ecosystem allowing for streamlined experiential commerce between the physical and digital worlds.

droppTV’s frictionless user journey delivers a tremendous monetization model for creators and publishers. It also enables brands to achieve enhanced affinity, increased conversions and granular attribution for data. In addition, droppTV offers unique comprehensive experiential NFT and social token capabilities, empowering partners and consumers to generate even greater value in Web3.

For further information, please visit and

About Launchpad

Launchpad is a technology club at UC Berkeley that fosters a community of passionate engineers to tackle real-world problems using machine learning and artificial intelligence. We grow by collaborating on both student-led and client projects and strive to share our knowledge in ML/AI to the community through events and workshops.

For further information, please visit

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تبدأ السياحة الطبية للعلاج في مستشفيات مانيبال

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 29 مارس 2022 / PRNewswire / — واجه قطاع الرعاية الصحية تحديات كبيرة ناتجة عن جائحة فيروس كورونا. أعاق الفيروس علاج المرضى الذين يحتاجون إلى السفر إلى الهند للحصول على علاجات وإجراءات أفضل. وقد بدأ الوضع في العودة إلى طبيعته تدريجيًا، وصارت القيود المفروضة على السفر إلى الخارج في الهند أسهل.

في وقت سابق، بسبب الوباء، عانت السياحة الطبية من نكسات كبيرة واضطر المرضى إلى تأجيل عملياتهم الجراحية والعلاجات الأخرى بسبب قيود السفر. وقد أثر ذلك على حياة الكثيرين وزاد من سوء أحوال المرضى، مما زاد من مخاطر الاعتلال والوفاة المرتبطة بالأوضاع الصحية التي يمكن علاجها والوقاية منها. ساهم التأخير أيضًا في الإبلاغ عن الوفيات الزائدة المرتبطة بشكل غير مباشر بـ COVID -19 . وقد بدأت مستشفيات كثيرة، بعد تسهيل السفر، في توسيع نطاق خدماتها لتشمل المرضى الدوليين الذين يرغبون في التماس العلاج في الهند لظروفهم الطبية.

 تحث مستشفى مانيبال المرضى على عدم تأخير علاجاتهم وعملياتهم الجراحية أكثر من ذلك. تقدم المستشفى خدمات الرعاية الصحية للمرضى الدوليين مع الالتزام بمعايير السلامة الصارمة، وذلك بفضل المعدات المتميزة والتكنولوجيا ذات المستوى العالمي وفريق من الأطباء ذوي الخبرة. وفي الوقت نفسه، يقدم مركز مانيبال لرعاية المرضى في الخارج خدمات كبيرة لمرضاه الدوليين، مثل التأشيرات والنقل والتأمين والعديد من الخدمات الأخرى. على الرغم من الوباء، تعاملت المستشفى بنجاح مع حالات المرضى الحرجين الذين احتاجوا إلى زرع الكلى والكبد والقلب. مع فتح الحدود الدولية، أصبح بإمكان المستشفى الآن استخدام خدمات الإسعاف الجوي للمرضى في مختلف البلدان.

وقال السيد كارثيك راجاجوبال، مدير العمليات في مستشفى مانيبال ، “لطالما آمنت مستشفيات مانيبال بجعل الرعاية الصحية في متناول الجميع. اضطر العديد من المرضى إلى تأجيل علاجاتهم بسبب الوباء، ولكن الآن بعد السيطرة على حالات فيروس كورونا في الهند وفتح المعابر الدولية، يسعدنا تقديم خدماتنا لمرضانا في الخارج. من الضروري الآن إدراك أن تأخير كل من الرعاية الطبية الطارئة والروتينية سيزيد من خطر تفاقم الأمراض الكامنة وقد يؤدي إلى الوفاة. مع فتح الحدود الدولية، يمكننا الآن الاستمرار في مساعدة المرضى في الخارج الذين تم تأجيل إجراءاتهم بسبب الوباء وقيود السفر. لا شيء يجلب لنا السعادة في مستشفيات مانيبال أكثر من منح مرضانا عقد إيجار جديد للحياة، ونحن نشجع مرضانا على عدم تأخير علاجهم أو عملياتهم الجراحية. ونحن الآن على استعداد للحفاظ على نفس المستوى من الثقة والتميز السريري بين المرضى الدوليين، وذلك بفضل فريقنا الرائع من الأطباء “.

يبدو أن صناعة السياحة الطبية تتحسن مع انحسار الوباء وتحسن الوضع، ويأتي المرضى للحصول على العلاجات الذين اضطروا إلى تأجيلها بسبب الوباء. ويتزايد سفر المرضى المصابين بأمراض مزمنة والمحتاجين إلى عمليات زرع الأعضاء إلى بلدان أخرى للعلاج. لمزيد من التفاصيل، يُرجى ملء نموذج Google بوابة المرضى في مستشفى مانيبال ( )

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Canton Fair: IPR Protection to Empower the Intelligent Manufacturing in China

GUANGZHOU, China, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Canton Fair’s Intellectual Property Administration announced that this year the Fair will underline cloud-based IPR protection to provide exhibitors with more convenient online instructions and IPR protection services. The 131st Canton Fair is coming, and the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) services are in progress.

The Canton Fair witnessed the birth of IPR protection in China. With raising awareness of IPR protection in the 1990s, complaints of patent infringement at the Canton Fair have risen rapidly.

“Many Chinese exhibitors had weak IPR awareness at that time,” said Junhong Cui, former Deputy Director General of China Foreign Trade Centre (CFTC). The exhibitors and the Fair suffered many negative impacts.

To protect the legal rights and interests of all exhibitors, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation issued the Notice of Trademark Inspection at the 71st Canton Fair in 1992. The first special campaign was also organized at the Canton Fair, marking the start of IPR protection.

In 1999, the 85th Canton Fair set up a Complaint Station and issued the Regulations on Handling Complaints during the Canton Fair. In 2002, the 91st Canton Fair firstly took the principle of “reverse onus” to increase the efforts to combat infringement cases, and achieved remarkable results. At the 92nd Canton Fair, the Interim Provisions on IPR Protection Management was amended as the Measures on Complaints of Suspected IPR Infringement and Handling.

The “good practice of Canton Fair” has been recognized by the Chinese government and China’s convention & exhibition sector. In 2021, the 130th Canton Fair IPR complaint module was launched on the official website to protect the IPR.

“Only when IPR is protected can exhibitors feel more secure in showing their innovative products at the Canton Fair, and can we do justice better to the Intelligent Manufacturing in China”, said Maggie Pu, Deputy Director General of the Foreign Affairs Office of Canton Fair. Through two decades of efforts, the Canton Fair has harvested increasing experience and developed a maturing mechanism in IPR protection.

Canton Fair now serves as a model for IPR protection in the sector to guide independent innovation, create new competitive advantages, and promote high-quality development for Chinese enterprises. Even though IPR protection still has a long way to go, the Canton Fair will march on resolutely.

Visit  for more opportunities.

Conagen’s Grant Award Opens New Markets for Monoclonal Antibodies

Funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for Conagen’s Conamax platform benefits developing countries and patients globally.

Bedford, Mass., March 29, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given a grant to Conagen to support further development of its Conamax(TM) platform for the production of accessible low-cost and high-quality monoclonal antibodies, benefitting developing countries and patients globally.

The high cost of monoclonal antibody (mAb) production makes blockbuster drugs expensive, limiting the markets in which these molecules can be applied and limiting access to large patient populations in developing and industrialized countries. The reason for high production costs is, in part, intrinsic to the use of mammalian cell expression systems for antibody manufacturing.

“The Conamax platform was originally conceived to address this global unmet need, so we are thrilled to have the support of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help develop affordable antibody therapeutics,” said Casey Lippmeier, Ph.D., vice president of innovation at Conagen.

With rapid cell growth, human-compatible glycan structures, and demonstrated world-scale fermentation bioprocesses, the Conamax platform holds several advantages over Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell lines and other mammalian expression systems, as well as other microbial platforms.

The foundation grant funds the bench-scale development of a proof-of-concept study of a continuous purification process, customized to inputs from Conamax and potentially other microbial host organisms. With large-scale advancements, Conagen envisions that this process will be capable of continuously purifying mAbs from material generated in bioreactors with volumes greater than 250,000 liters.

As a significant advantage, the process will not require expensive binding proteins or other expensive column purification steps. This process will enable economies of scale which are not accessible to CHO or other mammalian-derived cell systems while also providing rapid, high-throughput purification of large amounts of antibody.

“Incumbent antibody manufacturing and purification processes based on Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cell lines have brought tremendous advancements to biopharmaceuticals,” said Lippmeier. “However, CHO cell systems are comparatively low volume, expensive, and do not enable low cost and efficient purification of large amounts of antibodies.”

According to McKinsey, in 2019, global sales revenue for all mAb drugs was nearly $163 billion, representing about 70% of the total sales for all biopharmaceutical products, approximately $230 billion. That is about a 50% growth in sales and proportion since 2013, when it was $75 billion.

Continued growth in sales of currently approved mAb products, along with more than 1,200 mAb product candidates currently in development — many for multiple indications — will continue to drive the overall sales of all biopharmaceutical products.

“We’re unlocking the way to make drugs more affordable and, while doing so, opening additional markets for biologics,” said Lippmeier.


About Conagen
Conagen is a product-focused synthetic biology R&D company with large-scale manufacturing service capabilities. Our scientists and engineers use the latest synthetic biology tools to develop high-quality, sustainable, nature-based products by precision fermentation and enzymatic bioconversion. We focus on the bioproduction of high-value ingredients for food, nutrition, flavors and fragrances, pharmaceutical, and renewable materials industries.


Ana Arakelian, head of public relations and communications

Midea Group Executive IP Consultant Sally Wang named 2022 ALB China Top 15 IP In-House Counsel

SHUNDE, China, March 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Recently, Asian Legal Business released its annual Top 15 IP In-House Counsel in China. Sally Wang, the senior intellectual property consultant of Midea Group Co., Ltd. (“Midea”, 000333.SZ) is awarded as 2022 ALB China Top 15 IP In-House Counsel.

“It’s thrilling that Sally Wang was named ALB China Top 15 IP In-House Counsel by Thomson Reuters Asian Legal Business,” commented Marianna Zhao, CPO of Midea. “Sally has a deep understanding and strong practice of trademark application. With her expertise and experience in intellectual property, the legal team strongly supports the rapid development of Midea Group’s overseas business. Also, Sally’s achievement fully reflects the professionalism of our global talent team.”

Sally Wang is in charge of Midea Group’s trademarks, copyrights and domains, including trademark licensing, authorization and risk control management in e-Commerce, overseas distribution business and OEM business, as well as global trademark registration and portfolio management. In recent years, Midea Group has participated in many IP related seminars and programs in order to promote China’s international image of strengthening intellectual property protection.

Midea Group is committed to building future-oriented innovation capabilities and R&D scaling advantages with a global R&D network to enhance the R&D layout plus innovation mechanisms. Innovation is one of our core values, which is why Midea Group invests 3.5% of its profits in research in 2021. Today, Midea Group Co., Ltd. work with over 16,000 R&D personnel and more than 300 leading academics and senior experts around the world, owns over 100,000 patent family applications. According to The IFI Claims 2021 Global 250 patent holders ranking, Midea Group has also filed over 58,494 patent family worldwide, making it the world’s 3rd largest patent holder in 2021.

About Midea Group Co., Ltd.

The Midea Group, with the vision of “bringing great innovations to life”, has upheld the philosophy of creating a better life with technology for 54 years since its establishment. Today, Midea has evolved into a sci-tech conglomerate, specializing in Smart Home Business, Industrial Technologies, Building Technologies, Robotics &Automation, and Digital Innovation Business. Over the past five years, nearly 45 billion yuan has been invested in R&D, with 35 R&D centers and 35 major production bases in the world. Our products and services benefit about 500 million consumers in over 200 countries and regions.

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