The Central Bank reveals foreign exchange revenues, uses and liquidity for the year 2021.

Tripoli, The Central Bank of Libya confirmed that the government’s foreign exchange expenditures decreased during the year 2021 compared to previous years, despite the fact that development spending increased by 27% during the same year.

In its statement today regarding foreign exchange revenues, uses and liquidity during the period from 1-1-2021 to 12-31-2021, the bank indicated that documentary credits represent about 45% of foreign exchange uses, and 85% of the emergency expenditures of Chapter Five were spent for development purposes approximately 6 billion dinars.

The bank’s statement confirmed that the tax revenues are not commensurate with the increase in the first chapter expenses, salaries and the like, by about 50% over last year.

He explained that customs revenues are not commensurate with the volume of documentary credits opened by banks, which constitute about 45% of foreign exchange uses, at a value of 10.7 billion dollars.

He pointed out that fuel subsidies still occupy the largest share of subsidies and represent nearly 50% of the subsidies, which is a problem that should be addressed because it causes unfair distribution and waste of public money.

Source: Libyan News Agency