National Oil Corporation Is Following Up With Eni And Mellitah Oil And Gas The Implementation Of A Number Of Gas Production Projects.

Tripoli, The National Oil Corporation, followed up with Eni and Mellitah Oil and Gas Company, the implementation plan of the offshore installations development project (A and E), which is among the strategic projects targeted to be implemented according to the exploration and production sharing agreements and the gas production operating agreement.

The agreement includes strategic projects to be implemented by the joint venture team of Mellitah Oil and Gas Company, which is composed of the two partners (the National Oil Corporation and Eni North Africa). The project aims to avoid any shortage of gas quantities to supply the local and international market according to the agreements concluded, which entails penal fines on the Libyan state for failing to fulfill its contractual obligations to supply gas, in addition to bearing high additional costs as a result of purchasing diesel fuel to operate electric stations instead of gas. During the visual presentation, the activities of the basic and advanced engineering designs for the “A and E” development project were reviewed, in addition to the most important developments and bottlenecks facing the team within this project, in addition to the Bahr al-Salam gas compressors project and the Bouri gas exploitation project.

Source: Libyan News Agency