Duck Creek Technologies recognized for outstanding commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion by Insurance Business America

The insurtech is named winner of the 2023 5-Star Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion award

Boston, Jan. 24, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Duck Creek Technologies (NASDAQ: DCT), the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of property and casualty (P&C) insurance, has earned recognition from Insurance Business America as its 2023 5-Star Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion winner for its strong programs and values around diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I).

Duck Creek is inherently people-focused and proudly made up of diverse individuals and global teams. The company’s culture and DE&I programs are a central part of its strategic global vision. Duck Creek has five dedicated Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) focused on race, ethnicity, gender, military service and career level, and two councils focused on diversity and employee experience. Duck Creek has championed a workplace that values and celebrates individuals and differences while encouraging and enabling collaboration.

“It is an honor for Duck Creek to be recognized as a leader of diversity, equity and inclusion in the insurance industry,” says Mike Jackowski, Chief Executive Officer at Duck Creek. “Our people are our greatest asset and they are central to creating a community of belonging and helping us transform the future of insurance through purpose, technology and data. The different backgrounds, experiences and ideas of our employees enable our customers’ success and bring value to our entire ecosystem.”

“Diversity is vital at Duck Creek and we recognize that it has many dimensions,” said Amy Bayer, Global Director – DE&I, Engagement and Culture. “We work intentionally to ensure a diverse collection of people, voices, and perspectives are represented, respected, empowered, and thrive at our company. We are dedicated to continuously strengthening our winning culture and expanding our DE&I initiatives to remain a community where employees feel a true sense of belonging and experience opportunities for long-term personal and professional growth.”

About IBA

Insurance Business provides a unique offering in the insurance space as an aspirational business magazine featuring a series of industry reports that recognize the achievements of key individuals and businesses as well as providing the latest in business best practice in a continually evolving industry.

The monthly magazine is supported by an online industry hub offering daily news and business intelligence via a website and daily e-newsletter. Committed to delivering the latest industry news, opinion and analysis, Insurance Business Online takes a fresh approach to covering the need-to-know developments of the day from government and regulatory bodies, platforms, underwriters and insurance firms, as well as industry service providers.


About Duck Creek Technologies

Duck Creek Technologies (NASDAQ: DCT) is the intelligent solutions provider defining the future of the property and casualty (P&C) and general insurance industry. We are the platform upon which modern insurance systems are built, enabling the industry to capitalize on the power of the cloud to run agile, intelligent, and evergreen operations. Authenticity, purpose, and transparency are core to Duck Creek, and we believe insurance should be there for individuals and businesses when, where, and how they need it most. Our market-leading solutions are available on a standalone basis or as a full suite, and all are available via Duck Creek OnDemand. Visit to learn more. Follow Duck Creek on our social channels for the latest information – LinkedIn and Twitter.

Carley Bunch
Duck Creek Technologies
+1 (201) 962-6091

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8734761

Rosario Ochoa Named General Manager of Nikkiso ACD for Nikkiso Clean Energy and Industrial Gases Group

TEMECULA, Calif., Jan. 23, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Nikkiso Cryogenic Industries’ Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group (“Group”), a part of the Nikkiso Co., Ltd (Japan) group of companies, is pleased to announce that Rosario Ochoa has joined the Group as General Manager of Nikkiso ACD, effective January 16, 2023.

Rosie brings with her over 15 years of experience in production, lean manufacturing, sustaining engineering, new product development, environmental health and safety as well as quality compliance to standards such as ISO 9001, AS9100, ISO/TS1949. She has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronics Engineering from Mexicali Institute of Technology, Mexico, and a certified ISO 9001:2008 Lead Auditor from AQS Management Systems, Inc. She has a strong background in manufacturing operations, quality and six sigma, engineering, organizational excellence and cultural transformation.

Nikkiso ACD, Santa Ana, California, along with Nikkiso Cryo (Las Vegas) is part of the Group’s Cryogenic Pumps Unit. As General Manager, Rosie will drive operational excellence throughout the Cryogenic Pumps Unit as well as the entire organization leading the cross functional teams to improve speed and efficiency across the business. She will report to Jim Estes, Executive Director Nikkiso ACD.

“Rosie brings a broad range of skills and experience to the position. With her leadership, I am confident ACD will continue to grow and meet our customers demand for the best quality and reliability of cryogenic pumps,” according to Jim Estes, Executive Director Nikkiso ACD. “Rosie’s role further supports our mission to provide innovative equipment, technologies and services through our global group of companies to help our customers to make a difference.”

Rosie is also a member of the Vistage organization: the world’s largest CEO coaching and peer advisory organization for business leaders.

Cryogenic Industries, Inc. (now a member of Nikkiso Co., Ltd.) member companies manufacture, and service engineered cryogenic gas processing equipment (pumps, turboexpanders, heat exchangers, etc.), and process plants for Industrial Gases, Natural gas Liquefaction (LNG), Hydrogen Liquefaction (LH2) and Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. Founded over 50 years ago, Cryogenic Industries is the parent company of ACD, Nikkiso Cryo, Nikkiso Integrated Cryogenic Solutions, Cosmodyne and Cryoquip and a commonly controlled group of approximately 20 operating entities.

For more information, please visit and

Anna Quigley

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8735012

‫OKX تنشر تقرير إثبات الاحتياطيات لشهر يناير، ويظهر أكبر احتياطيات أصول نظيفة بنسبة 100% بين عمليات التبادل الرئيسية

تتضمن الميزات الجديدة لوحة معلومات أكثر تفصيلاً لرصيد الأصول والتي تعرض طرق احتساب إجمالي الأصول للمنتجات المقيّمة بـ BTC وETH وUSDT

فيكتوريا، سيشيل، 20 يناير 2023 – نشرت OKX، ثاني أكبر منصة لتبادل العملات في العالم من حيث حجم التداول، اليوم تقرير إثباتالاحتياطيات (PoR) الشهري الثالث والذي يظهر أصول بقيمة 7.5$ مليار دولار تحتفظ بها المنصة بعملة BTC وETH وUSDT، وهو أكبر احتياطي أصول نظيف بنسبة 100% بين منصات تبادل العملات الرئيسية في العالم، وفقًا لبيانات نشرتها جهة خارجية.

وتشتمل الميزات الجديدة المتضمنة في تقرير “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) لهذا الشهر على لوحة معلومات أكثر تفصيلاً لرصيد الأصول، مما يسمح للمستخدمين بمعرفة كيفية احتساب إجمالي الأصول لديهم من خلال المنتجات المقوَّمة بعملة BTC وETH وUSDT.

ويتم اعتبار تعتبر الأصول بأنها “نظيفة” في “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) عندما يحدد تحليل الجهة الخارجية أنها لا تتضمن رمزًا مميزًا لمنصة تبادل العملات المشفرة، وأنها تتكون فقط من أصول عملات مشفرة “تقليدية” ذات قيمة سوقية عالية مثل BTC وETH وUSDT. وتراقب شركةCryptoQuant ، المتخصصة في إجراء تحليلات البلوكشين، تقارير “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) لمنصات تبادل العملات المشفرة على مستوى الصناعة، والتي أفادت بأن أصول منصة OKX “نظيفةبنسبة 100%“.

وكما هو الحال مع جميع تقارير “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) لمنصة OKX، يمكن للمستخدمين عرض بيانات تقرير OKX بشأن “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) لشهر يناير على موقعها الإلكتروني، بما يشمل نسب الاحتياطي للبيانات الجديدة والتاريخية. كما يمكن التحقق من بيانات الاحتياطيات والالتزامات ذاتيًا باستخدام أدوات غير موثوقة على الموقع الإلكتروني لـ OKX.

من جانبه علَّق “حيدر رفيق”، مدير التسويق العالمي لدى OKX، قائلاً: “إن الأمن والشفافية والثقة تمثل المبادئ الأساسية لإجراءات العمل المتبعة في OKX وتجسد فلسفة خدمة العملاء. ولقد أصبحنا نحظى بمكانة رائدة في هذه الصناعة بنشر تقارير “إثبات الاحتياطيات” (PoR) بصفة شهرية. وفي إطار مواصلة العمل على استكمال وضع معايير “إثبات الاحتياطيات” في الصناعة، فإننا نتوقع أن تمثل جودة الأصول الاحتياطية أحد العوامل الرئيسية الكثيرة التي تتميز بها OKX في السوق”.

وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن OKX دائمًا ما احتفظت بحجم احتياطيات بنسبة 1 إلى 1. وتتمثل نسب الاحتياطيات الحالية لدى OKX فيما يلي:

  • BTC: 105%
  • ETH: 105%
  • USDT: 101%

كما نشرت OKX أكثر من 23000 عنوان لبرنامج Merkle Tree PoR الخاص بها لإثبات الاحتياطيات، وستواصل استخدام هذه العناوين للسماح للجمهور بعرض بيانات تدفقات الأصول. ويُعد بروتوكول OKX لإثبات الاحتياطيات بروتوكولاً مفتوح المصدر ومتاح للجمهور علىGithub. ويمكن عرض ممتلكات OKX الإضافية على لوحة OKX Nansen Dashboard.

وستواصل OKX نشر تقارير إثبات الاحتياطيات الخاصة بها بصفة شهرية في إطار التزامها بالشفافية.

لمزيد من المعلومات، يُرجى التواصل عبر:

ما هو تقرير إثبات الاحتياطيات؟

إثبات الاحتياطيات هو عبارة عن تقرير يعرض حجم الأصول من العملات المشفرة للمنصة والذي يضمن بأن مؤسسة الحفظ (وهي OKX هنا) تحتفظ بالأصول التي تدعي بأنها تحتفظ بها وتمتلكها بالنيابة عن مستخدميها. وتستخدم OKX برنامج شجرة Merkle (شجرة hash) لإثبات هذه الاحتياطيات بطريقتين. أولاً، يمكن للمستخدمين الاطلاع على رصيدهم في الشجرة والتأكد من أن أصولهم محتفظ بها ضمن إجمالي رصيد OKX من الأصول. ثانيًا، تتم مقارنة إجمالي رصيد OKX من الأصول برصيد محفظة OKX من الأصول المعلن عنه على السلسلة لإثبات الاحتياطيات.

نبذة عن OKX

OKX هي شركة تقنيات رائدة عالمًا في بناء مستقبل تقنية Web3.وتشتهرمنصةتداولالعملاتالمشفرة الخاصة بشركة OKX بأنها الأسرع والأكثر موثوقية بالنسبة إلى المستثمرين والمتداولين المحترفين في كل مكان، وهي ثاني أكبر منصة تداول على مستوى العالم من حيث حجم التداول.

وتشمل الحلول الرائدة من OKX للإدارة الذاتية للأصول محفظة OKX Wallet، المتوافقة مع تقنية Web3، والتي تتيح للمستخدمين تحكمًا أكبر في أصولهم مع توسيع إمكانية الوصول إلى منصات التداول اللامركزية (DEXs) وأسواق رموز NFT والتمويل اللامركزي (DeFi) ورموز GameFi والآلاف من التطبيقات اللامركزية (dApps).

كما تقيم OKX شراكات مع العديد من أفضل العلامات التجارية والرياضيين على مستوى العالم، بما يشمل: نادي مانشستر سيتي لكرة القدم بطل الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز، وفريق مكلارين للسباقات الفورمولا 1، مهرجان تريبيكا السينمائي،، ولاعب الجولف “إيان بولتر”، ولاعب الألعاب الأوليمبية “سكوتي جيمس”، والسائق “دانيال ريكاردو” في سباقات الفورمولا 1.

وتلتزم OKX بضمان الشفافية والأمان وتنشر تقارير إثباتالاحتياطيات بصفة شهرية.

لمعرفة المزيد عن OKX، قم بتنزيل تطبيقنا أو زيارة:

إخلاء المسئولية

يتم توفير هذا الإعلان لأغراض إعلامية فقط. ولا يُقصد به تقديم أي استشارات فيما يتعلق بالاستثمار أو الضرائب أو أي مشورة قانونية، وينبغي عدم اعتباره عرضًا لشراء الأصول من العملات الرقمية أو بيعها أو حيازتها. وتنطوي الأصول من العملات الرقمية، بما فيها العملات المستقرة، على درجة عالية من المخاطرة، ويمكن أن تشهد تقلّبًا كبيرًا في قيمتها صعودًا وهبوطًا، ويمكن أن تصبح بلا قيمة. لذا، ينبغي التفكير جيدًا فيما إذا كان تداول الأصول الرقمية أو امتلاكها مناسبًا لك حسب وضعك المالي. يُرجى استشارة خبير الشؤون القانونية / الضرائب / الاستثمار لديك بخصوص أي أسئلة متعلقة بظروفك الخاصة.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 3456407

New research reveals shifting identities of global fishing fleet to help bolster fisheries management

Scientific study fuses multiple data sources to advance global understanding of vessel identity and behavior

WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 18, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A new study published today in Science Advances combines a decade’s worth of satellite vessel tracking data with identification information from more than 40 public registries to determine where and when vessels responsible for most of the world’s industrial fishing change their country of registration, a practice known as “reflagging”, and identify hotspots of potential unauthorized fishing and activity of foreign-owned vessels.

Using big data processing and a compilation of global datasets, researchers from Global Fishing Watch, the Marine Geospatial Ecology Lab from Duke University, and Stockholm Resilience Centre were able to track and analyze 35,000 commercial fishing and support vessels to reveal their changing identities and enable the reconstruction of vessel histories to demonstrate reflagging patterns.

The study, “Tracking Elusive and Shifting Identities of the Global Fishing Fleet” found that close to 20 percent of high seas fishing is carried out by vessels that are either internationally unregulated or not publicly authorized, with large concentrations of these ships operating in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean and the western Indian Ocean.

The data used in the study is intended to complement the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ Global Record of Fishing Vessels, Refrigerated Transport Vessels and Supply Vessels, a flagship transparency initiative which serves as the official database of information on vessels used for fishing and fishing-related activities. Together with the International Maritime Organization’s ship identification number scheme, these resources can provide fisheries authorities with the information needed to adequately monitor vessel activity, implement flag State responsibilities, and inform responsible fisheries management.

“Until now, we’ve had limited information linking together the identity and activity of specific vessels,” said Jaeyoon Park, senior data scientist at Global Fishing Watch and lead author of the study. “When a vessel’s identity is changed, it makes tracking them all the more difficult, allowing bad actors the opportunity to take advantage of information gaps and avoid oversight. We need to close that loophole.”

Of the 116 States involved in reflagging, the study found that one-fifth of them were responsible for about 80 percent of this practice over the past decade, with most reflagging occurring in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. The study found that reflagging takes place in just a few ports—Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Busan, Zhoushan, and Kaohsiung have the highest activity. Vessels are often reflagged to States that are unrelated to the ports in which they are changing their registrations. This means that a vessel can change its flag from one country to another without ever having to enter port in either of those countries.

While there are legitimate reasons for a vessel to change its identity, abusive reflagging, or “flag hopping,” is one way that operators avoid oversight. The study found that fleets with prevalent reflagging are over five times more likely to be composed of vessels under foreign ownership which are often registered to “flags of convenience,” defined by the International Transport Workers’ Federation as countries that offer foreign shipowners the ability to register, or fly the flag, of their own State.

While reflagging and foreign ownership are lawful, when not properly regulated and monitored, they can indicate a risk of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. IUU fishing accounts for as much as 20 percent of the global seafood catch with annual losses valued at up to $23.5 billion.

“Knowing the identities of vessels fishing the high seas is critical for uncovering the connection between the potential IUU fishing behavior and vessels that repeatedly change their name, flag State or registered owner,” said co-author Gabrielle Carmine, a doctoral candidate at Duke University’s Nicholas School of the Environment. “This analysis could be used to help monitor fisheries more effectively and for accountability in the use and protection of marine biodiversity.”

The study also identified concentrations of fishing activity by foreign-owned vessels, which are focused in parts of the high seas and certain national waters, including the southwest Pacific, the northwest Indian Ocean, Argentina and the Falkland Islands (Malvinas), and West Africa where vessels are typically owned by China, Chinese Taipei, and Spain. The hotspots in this study correspond to the areas in which multiple nongovernmental organizations have called for better governance systems.

“By synthesizing more than 100 billion GPS positions with consolidated identity information from 200,000 vessels, we were able to reveal patterns about vessel activity from the past decade,” added Park. “This study represents a major step forward in our ability to enhance monitoring efforts and help authorities direct enforcement resources.”

The data used in this study will be periodically updated and shared publicly to help enable better understanding of vessel behavior and bolster international fisheries management.

Notes to the editor:

  • Download data visualizations, video, and figures from the paper here:
  • Data visualization caption: Data analysis in this study’s assessment of fishing compliance revealed hotspots of fishing activity by foreign-owned vessels in the southwest Pacific, the west Indian oceans, and certain national waters.
  • About vessel identity data: The data used to determine vessel identities in this study were based on public registries. A lack of vessel identity information exists at the national level, while the high seas are predominantly covered by registries published by regional fisheries management organizations. The identity data used in this study has more extensive coverage for vessels that are 24 meters and longer, as these vessels are more likely to be registered to national or international public registries than smaller ones.
  • About AIS data: First developed as a collision-avoidance system, AIS is essential to vessel and crew safety. But AIS is easily manipulated, as it can simply be switched off or allow the transmission of false information, such as a vessel’s name, type or location. Currently there is no global mandate for all fishing vessels to broadcast on AIS. And due to the varying quality of satellite reception by region, there is also unequal coverage of AIS data throughout the world. Most vessels larger than 24 meters are equipped with AIS while only a small fraction of vessels smaller than 24 meters use AIS, resulting in limitations in AIS data.
  • Paper citation: J. Park, J. Van Osdel, J. Turner, C. M. Farthing, N. A. Miller, H. L. Linder, G. Ortuño Crespo, G. Carmine, D. A. Kroodsma, Tracking elusive and shifting identities of the global fishing fleet. Sci. Adv. 9, eabp8200 (2023).
  • Download the data at: 

Global Fishing Watch is an international nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing ocean governance through increased transparency of human activity at sea. By creating and publicly sharing map visualizations, data and analysis tools, we aim to enable scientific research and transform the way our ocean is managed. We believe human activity at sea should be public knowledge in order to safeguard the global ocean for the common good of all.


Lisa Tossey
Global Fishing Watch

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8732331

Corre Energy Expands Project Operations to North America

NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Incentives for Energy Storage Projects in the US and Canada Offer a Unique Opportunity to Accelerate Decarbonization of North American Power Generation.

Corre Energy B.V. has expanded its energy storage project development operations into the United States and Canada. Corre Energy US Development Company LLC, a subsidiary of Corre Energy B.V., has been formally launched to source and develop utility-scale compressed air energy storage (CAES) projects across North America.

CAES is a commercially proven technology that can use renewable energy to compress air into underground salt caverns when power demand and prices are low. This energy is later released to the grid to increase supply when demand and prices are higher, enhancing the stability, reliability, and security of the network. When combustion of green hydrogen is included as part of the CAES plant’s technical design, the electricity it supplies has a zero-carbon footprint.

The US Department of Energy ranks CAES1 as the lowest cost long duration energy storage technology. The relatively inexpensive nature of the physical hedge provided to Corre Energy’s customers allows them to ‘time shift’ the variable energy they produce and enhance the profitability of their renewable assets. In this way, CAES facilities can support the more rapid deployment of renewable generation assets across North America, accelerating the decarbonization of the generation fleet.

In return for allowing renewable generators to store energy in its CAES plants and discharge that energy when its value is highest, Corre Energy will typically charge a set fee and share in the upside revenue earned by its customers, under what is termed an “offtake agreement.”

Keith McGrane, Chief Executive Officer of Corre Energy, commented: “Last month we signed binding commercial terms for a 15-year offtake agreement with Eneco, a leading renewable energy supplier in the Netherlands, for the entire multi-day storage capacity of ZW1, our 320-megawatt project. That agreement confirms the attractiveness of our business model and will support development of a project portfolio in North America.” McGrane added: “As the market leader for long duration energy storage projects in Europe, we look forward to transferring our knowhow into the US and Canada. Our North American operations will also provide opportunities for investors mainly focused on the North American market to participate in financing the debt and equity requirements of our North American subsidiary and its CAES projects.”

Chet Lyons, a pioneer in the energy storage industry, has been named president of Corre Energy US Development Company LLC. Lyons played an instrumental role in developing and commercializing merchant-based energy storage projects to perform frequency regulation ancillary services in the United States, Canada, and globally.

Lyons commented: “The success of Corre Energy B.V. in Europe and new once-in-a-generation government incentives for long duration energy storage projects in both the US and Canada make this the perfect time to build our North American project portfolio.” Lyons added: “Investment Tax Credits of 30 to 40 percent of total project costs and Production Tax Credits for the use of hydrogen will have a beneficial impact on project economics and can make our projects carbon free, enabling us to play a key role in the decarbonization of North American power generation.”

1 R. Baxter, et. al., “2022 Grid Energy Storage Technology Cost and Performance Assessment,” US Department of Energy, Technical Report Publication No. PNNL 33283, August 2022.

About Corre Energy
Corre Energy B.V. is headquartered in the Netherlands and listed on the Euronext Growth Exchange in Dublin (CORRE). Corre Energy designs, develops, constructs, and operates utility-scale Long Duration Energy Storage (LDES) projects in Europe and is developing a project pipeline in North America. Through our project development activities, Corre Energy is working to accelerate the global transition to net zero, while enhancing the security and flexibility of large-scale energy systems.

In North America, project development is done by Corre Energy US Development Company LLC, headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

For further information please contact:

European operations:

North American operations:
Chet Lyons, President
Corre Energy US Development Company LLC
M: 978-930-0760

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000777656

Disposable Vaping Devices Wreak Havoc On Our Global Ecosystem

Pure Labs Urges Government Entities to Put an End to This Major Source of Environmental Pollution & Youth Vaping

Disposable Vape Waste

Heavy metals, toxic chemicals, and residual nicotine from littered disposable vape devices leach into our soil and pollute our ecosystem and wildlife.

TAMPA, Fla., Jan. 17, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Not only are disposable vaping devices fueling the world’s ongoing youth vaping epidemic, these single-use plastic e-cigarettes are responsible for the growing, exorbitant amount of toxic waste plaguing our earth. As if it isn’t harmful enough that disposable vape products are purposely targeting our youth with brightly colored packaging, eye-catching branding, and appealing fruit & dessert flavors; the plastics, heavy metals, and lithium batteries that these devices are comprised of are now a leading source of environmental pollution.

Similar to what we’ve seen with combustible cigarette butts, littered disposable vaping devices are now a major source of contamination to our ecosystem, on a worldwide scale. The issue is not just the non-decomposable plastic casings we see scattered in the streets, on beaches, and in parks far too often. Disposable vaping devices also leach hazardous waste from their lithium batteries and heavy metals from their circuitry systems. The moment these toxic materials penetrate our environment, the corruption of our ecosystem and our wildlife begins. In addition to the harmful and toxic chemicals found in lithium batteries, these types of batteries are known to explode or start fires if disposed of improperly. Not to mention the illegal child labor associated with up to 30% of cobalt mining facilities responsible for sourcing the material used in lithium-ion batteries.

With disposable devices being the preferred method of vaping among our youth, it is no mystery why we are seeing as much e-cigarette pollution as we are today. A standard disposable vape pen only holds enough E-liquid to last a few days, causing the average user to cycle through approximately 2 to 3 devices per week. That’s a lot of waste! Every day, respective Customs entities are seeing thousands of palettes of these disposable vape devices enter from China. If we want to take action and do our part to mitigate the global environmental pollution crisis and the undeniable youth vaping epidemic, we need to stop the infection at its root – put an end to Chinese disposable vaping devices.

About Pure Laboratories

Operating since 2009, Pure Laboratories (Pure Labs) is a Veteran-Owned state-of-the-art 110,000-sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility located in Gainesville, Florida. Nicopure Labs, a subsidiary of Pure Labs, is an industry leading manufacturer of American-Made tobacco and menthol E-liquid products. Nicopure Labs is best known for its award-winning E-liquid and hardware brand, Halo. With a 10,000-sq. ft. cleanroom, Pure Labs is synonymous with quality manufacturing. Pure Labs’ corporate headquarters are based in Tampa Florida, with additional operations located in Europe.

For additional information about carrying Halo’s premium American-made e-liquid and innovative line of vaporizer devices, please email Halo’s principal distribution partner, Syndicate Distribution at

For additional information on Pure Laboratories’ full capabilities visit

For media inquiries, please email

Samantha Knight
Pure Labs

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8729729