ADB expects Libyan economy to grow by 7.9 percent.

The African Development Bank expects the Libyan economy to register growth in the range of 7.9 percent, indicating that the expected growth rate for the North African region is stable at 3.9 percent in 2024.

The bank also expected, in its latest report, that the Algerian economy would grow by 4.2 percent, Tunisia’s by 2.1 percent, Morocco’s by 3.5 percent, and Mauritania’s by 5.2 percent during 2024.

These regional data on growth and inflation are the latest issued by the African Development Bank yesterday, Saturday, as part of its report, which includes a package of recommendations directed to governments, related to treating ongoing inflation and using monetary policies.

The African Development Bank publishes its report every first and fourth trimester of the year, and it is considered a complement to the reference report on economic prospects in Africa.

The report allows political actors, international investors, researchers, and development partners to obtain an updated and reasoned assessment of macr
oeconomic data and medium-term prospects for the continent in light of the transformation of the global economy.

Source: Libyan News Agency