Education Above All Foundation Concludes Annual Youth Conference “EMPOWER 24”

The Education Above All (EAA) Foundation’s Reach Out to Asia (ROTA) program has concluded its 15th annual EMPOWER Youth Conference. The two days of the conference took place in the Equestrian Club Halls in Al Rayyan.

This year’s conference theme, “The Role of Youth in Times of War and Conflict” has already sparked a significant dialogue among over 200 participating Qatar-based youth and abroad, and the opening ceremony set a compelling tone for a series of engagements designed to harness the energy and potential of young leaders in addressing global conflicts.

The opening ceremony started with a dialogue about the dire situation in Gaza. Another highlight was the panel discussion titled “Relief Efforts in Perspective: Qatar’s Role in Regional Conflicts,” featuring a lineup of experts and activists from Qatar and other countries. The conference also included powerful messages from conflict zones such as Palestine and Sudan, delivered through a short film titled ‘The Power of Youth in Times of War and Conflic

The speakers for EMPOWER 2024 were both diverse and dynamic, carefully selected to engage and inspire the youth audience with their unique perspectives on conflict and peacebuilding.

Participants have engaged in a series of workshops, panel discussions, and interactive sessions. These activities aimed to develop practical advocacy skills and insights. The discussions were culminated with crafting the EMPOWER 2024 Youth Declaration, which articulates youth’s commitments to addressing global conflict challenges.

The EMPOWER 2024 Exhibition, a key component of the conference, is a collaborative effort that offers a vibrant showcase of creative expressions themed around ‘The Role of Youth in Times of War and Conflict.’ This curated collection included a variety of mediums thoughtfully created by young local artists.

These artworks not only reflect the intense emotions and complex narratives associated with global conflicts but also serve as a powerful form of advocacy and awareness. The exhibition is a te
stament to the role of art in fostering dialogue and understanding, providing attendees with a deeper, more personal insight into the themes discussed at the conference.

EAA’s Executive Director for Reach Out to Asia (ROTA), Abdullah Al Abdulla, said: “At EMPOWER 2024, we are dedicated to harnessing youth’s vibrant energy and innovative spirit to address some of the most pressing global challenges. This conference is not just an event; it’s a platform for young voices to shape their future and influence the global discourse on peace and conflict resolution. We believe that empowering our youth is investing in a brighter, more resilient future.” The success of the EMPOWER 2024 conference is greatly bolstered by its collaboration with esteemed strategic and implementing partners, each contributing their unique resources and expertise to the event’s goals. Strategic partners include the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) -EAA strategic partner-, the Qatar Museums (EMPOWER 2024 Funder), which enriches the confere
nce by integrating cultural and artistic insights into the dialogue, the Ministry of Youth and Sports, which plays a crucial role in promoting youth development and engagement in Qatar, and several United Nations agencies like UNICEF, UNESCO, UNHCR and ILO, providing international perspectives and support. EMPOWER 2024 is further enhanced by working alongside key implementing partners such as Doha Debates and the Doha Institute of Graduate Studies, who both bring unique perspectives, resources, and expertise to engaging youth in meaningful and impactful ways.

Started in 2009 with the initiative of Vice-Chairperson of Education Above All Foundation HE Sheikha Al Mayassa bint Hamad Al-Thani, EMPOWER is the first youth-led conference in Qatar to focus on equipping young people to take active roles in building their communities and having a voice on global issues. It is a chance for youth between ages 16 and 30 to take part in experiential learning and cross-cultural exchange of ideas and discover a sense of bel
onging to a common humanity, shared values, and responsibilities.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Shura Council Speaker Highlights Qatar’s Interest in AI and Cyber Security -1-

In his speech, HE Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim touched on the suffering of the brothers in Palestine because of the brutal aggression that claimed the lives of tens of thousands of people, denouncing the crimes of genocide and forced displacement committed by the occupation forces in the Gaza Strip and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territories.

He denounced the international silence regarding the barbaric crimes committed by the occupation forces, and the inability of the United Nations agencies concerned with protecting international peace and security and their inability to stop the brutal aggression and hold the occupation accountable for its heinous crimes.

He stressed the need for parliamentarians to act by forming a parliamentary committee or creating a mechanism that brings together parliamentarians to stop this brutal aggression that disregards all international laws.

Pointing to what the world is witnessing these days in relation to student demonstrations in se
veral universities, which began in the United States of America and extended to a number of countries, he explained that the authorities handling of those demonstrations through repression and arrest reveals the false claim of some countries regarding the protection of freedoms and human rights.

His Excellency said that he feels pain and bitterness when he sees the failure of two billion Muslims to influence the UN resolution and the positions of the countries supporting the occupying entity.

HE the Speaker of the Shura Council pointed out that the brutal entity’s continuing violations and defiance of international norms and laws despite the efforts undertaken by the State of Qatar and a number of Arab and Islamic countries is due to the United Nations’ lack of mechanisms to implement its decisions, and the urgent need to reform the Security Council.

His Excellency reviewed the efforts of the State of Qatar in this file through its active participation in facilitating intergovernmental negotiations on Secu
rity Council reform and its hosting in 2017 of the high-level meeting on Council reform with the participation of 30 countries.

At the conclusion of the conference, the participants adopted the parliamentary document, with an “Arab parliamentary vision for the safe use of AI,” including the approval of an advanced legislative structure to set controls on the uses of artificial intelligence, the development of a national strategy and plans to regulate the uses of artificial intelligence, and the establishment of early warning systems for continuous assessment of the risks of artificial intelligence.

The document, scheduled to be presented to Their Majesties, Highnesses and Excellencies leaders of Arab countries during the upcoming Arab Summit, also includes raising societal awareness regarding the challenges and risks of artificial intelligence, taking into account the specificity of Arab societies in the uses of artificial intelligence, localizing its industry, and using it in parliamentary work, and partic
ipating in international efforts to reach a binding international agreement to regulate the uses of artificial intelligence.

The conference also issued a statement regarding the continued aggression of the occupying entity against the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories, in which the parliamentarians called on the UN Security Council to adopt a binding resolution to immediately stop the aggression of the occupying entity and implement the temporary measures contained in the order of the International Court of Justice.

The statement stressed the need to break the siege of the occupying entity on the Gaza Strip and bring in aid convoys. Through the statement, the parliamentarians affirmed their rejection of the plans and intentions of the occupying entity to forcibly displace more than one and a half million Palestinian citizens.

The statement also stressed the need to provide support to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and urged the International Crim
inal Court to criminally investigate war crimes committed by the occupation forces, provide support for the State of Palestine to obtain full membership in the United Nations, and call on the Security Council to accept this membership.

The Shura Council delegation participating in the conference comprises Members HE Abdulrahman bin Yousef Al Khulaifi, HE Yousef bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, HE Dr. Ahmed bin Hamad Al Mohannadi, and HE Abdullah bin Ali Al Sulaiti along with HE Secretary General of the Shura Council Nayef bin Mohammed Al Mahmoud.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Earthquake of Magnitude 6.5 Strikes Japan’s Bonin Islands

An earthquake of magnitude 6.5 struck Japan’s Bonin Islands, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) said on Saturday.

The quake was at a depth of 503.2 km (312.7 miles), USGS added.

The U.S. National Tsunami Warning Center said there was no tsunami warning from the quake, based on available data.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Minister of State at Ministry of Foreign Affairs Participates in Ministerial Coordination Meeting

HE Minister of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulaziz bin Saleh Al Khulaifi participated in Riyadh today in a ministerial coordination meeting, which brought together the State of Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the State of Palestine.

The meeting discussed the latest developments in the Gaza Strip and the occupied Palestinian territories and ways to strengthen regional and international efforts for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid without obstacles into the Strip.

Source: Qatar News Agency

HMC Concludes Services at Its Sealine Medical Clinic

Doha: Hamad Medical Corporation’s (HMC) Sealine Medical Clinic has concluded its services for the camping season from November last year until April. The clinic has been operating for the past 14 years and provided treatment for around 1260 patients.

In a statement on Saturday, Hassan Mohammed Al Hail, Chief Communications Officer at HMC and Project Manager of the Sealine Hamad Medical Clinic, said that HMC continuously strives to provide its services to the public through its annual commitment to open Sealine Medical Clinic for during the camping season and to fully provide its medical services as the main provider of healthcare services in Qatar.

Al Hail also thanked the medical teams which participated in securing the camping season including doctors, nurses, ambulance service and administrators. He also valued the efforts of the Ministry of Municipality and Environment for their continued support particularly in allocating a place for the clinic close to the individuals at the beachfront as has been in
the past years.

Prof. Aftab Mohammad Omar, Chief of Emergency Departments at HMC and the Medical Director of Sealine Medical Clinic praised the clinic’s services provided to beachgoers and campers in the Sealine area. The clinic ensured necessary healthcare services within the designated operational plan. He added that the Emergency Department at Al Wakra Hospital and Hamad Medical Corporation were also fully prepared to receive patients and treat urgent and critical cases.

Prof. Aftab also emphasized the importance of exercising caution regarding sudden weather changes and remaining vigilant when using all-terrain vehicles during camping seasons in the future., Saleh Al Meqareh Al Marri, Assistant Executive Director for Ambulance Services for Emergency and Events Planning at HMC, said that ambulance services were permanently present during the camping season. This was ensured by providing two regular ambulances in addition to two off-road ambulances.

Al Marri added that the clinic treated 816 cases of inj
uries, including accidents, falls, wounds, and fractures, alongside 444 medical cases related to respiratory and cardiac problems, as well as minor sunburns. Additionally, 629 emergency cases were transferred to hospitals via ambulances or Life Flight.

Ambulance personnel were deployed according to predefined work plans and daily operations outlined in advance by the Emergency and Events Planning Department of the Ambulance Services Management. This was in line with the objectives and medical coverage plans for the Sealine area.

Ambulance services allocated a fixed site for their vehicles and personnel at the level of the chalets roundabout, in addition to mobile units along the main road.

Al Marri expressed pride in the ambulance service at HMC for the medical services provided to visitors of the Sealine area during the camping season over the course of 6 months. He also extended gratitude to all participating and supporting entities during the camping season.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Speaker of Shura Council Meets Bahraini Counterpart

HE Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim met in Cairo today with HE Chairman of the Shura Council of the Kingdom of Bahrain Ali bin Saleh Al Saleh, on the sidelines of His Excellency’s participation in the sixth conference of the Arab Parliament.

The meeting tackled a number of topics related to parliamentary cooperation between Qatar and Bahrain as well as ways to enhance them and reviewed the most prominent topics discussed during the Arab parliament conference.

Source: Qatar News Agency