‘Visit Saudi’: Guide to Tourism and Entertainment in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh: ”Visit Saudi” platform, created by the Saudi Tourism Authority, includes a comprehensive guide about tourist and entertainment sites, restaurants, malls, traditional markets, hotels, beaches, museums and parks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Accompanied by images and links, the ‘Visit Saudi’ platform works interactively, offering many features of interest to tourists, including services such as hotel and flight reservations, an updated guide to cultural, recreational, social, and seasonal events in all cities, as well as interactive maps to tourist places. The guide also contains tips and instructions that make tourist destinations easily accessible. Foreign tourists may apply for and obtain tourist visas to enter the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia via the app. as well. The guide also shows the charming natural diversity, rich cultural distinction, and amazing monuments in the Kingdom. Moreover, the application presents an interactive map that displays all the events and internal tourist attractions.

platform may be accessed through the link: https://www.visitsaudi.com/ar/calendar.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Meets Abu Dhabi Deputy Ruler and UAE National Security Adviser

Doha: HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani met Saturday with HH Deputy Ruler of Abu Dhabi and National Security Adviser of the sisterly United Arab Emirates Sheikh Tahnoun bin Zayed Al Nahyan, currently visiting Qatar.

During the meeting, they discussed bilateral cooperation relations between the two countries, and a host of regional and international issues of common concern.

Source: Qatar News Agency

KSrelief Distributes 620 Food Baskets in Sudan

Blue Nile State, Sudan, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) distributed 620 food baskets yesterday to needy and displaced families in the Shelter Center in Ad-Damazin in Blue Nile State of the Republic of Sudan, benefiting 1,932 individuals , as part of the third phase of the Food Security Support Project in Sudan.

This comes within the framework of the relief and humanitarian efforts provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the KSrelief to help the Sudanese people due to the humanitarian crisis they are going through.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Qatar Extends Charitable Reach Out to Asia Through its Development, Humanitarian Initiatives, Programmes

Doha: Moving from its humanitarian and moral role, and in commitment to its responsibility as an active partner in the international community, the State of Qatar is always keen to play a leadership role in providing humanitarian and development assistance to those in need across the world.

The State of Qatar has become one of the most prominent global leaders in these fields, and has enjoyed effective strategic, development and humanitarian partnerships, especially in war and conflict zones, in addition to its initiatives supporting efforts aimed at reducing humanitarian needs worldwide, including Asian countries and societies, thanks to the sound directives of the wise leadership, and in line with the country’s National Vision 2030.

The development and humanitarian aid and initiatives provided by the State of Qatar cover various fields, especially education, health, and economic empowerment, in targeted countries and communities around the world including the Asian continent and countries included in the
tour of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani.

In this regard, the contributions of the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) and its positive impact are highlighted, as it was able to make change in fragile and marginalized communities around the world, by supporting basic resources, development programs and projects, this has had a significant and direct impact on people’s lives in dozens of countries around the world, including the countries of the Asian continent.

The QFFD’s contributions to Bangladesh, Nepal, and the Philippines, which are the countries included in the tour of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, amounted to 26 million and 852 thousand and 948 USD, during the period from 2019 until February 2024.

In the Republic of Bangladesh, the QFFD made notable contributions, including in the education sector, where the fourth program for developing primary education there was supported for the benefit of 650,000 children who are not enrolled in school, during the period between 2021-202

In the health sector, the first phase of the “Qatar Creating Vision” initiative was launched in 2016 in partnership with the Orbis Charitable Trust in Bangladesh, which continued until 2019, as the program aims to prevent childhood blindness and refractive error and provide high-quality eye care for children.

Through the Orbis programme, this project was launched and implemented in southeastern Bangladesh to improve eye care for Rohingya refugees in the region and for residents in Cox’s Bazar.

Also, among the QFFD’s projects in Bangladesh is a Inclusive and Integrated sanitation and Hygiene Project in 10 priority Towns in Bangladesh through the “Live and Livelihood Fund” initiative, which was launched by the Islamic Development Bank and development cooperation partners in 2016, the project was supported by the QFFD in 2018.

The project aims to ensure good lives and livelihoods for 1.4 million citizens in ten cities, by providing a good and healthy life and significantly reducing the incidence of water
-borne diseases and protecting the environment, by providing sustainable sanitation and hygiene facilities and services, and to provide protection for soil and groundwater from microbiological contamination, through the construction of a standard containment designed on site targeting 77,000 families. The project, which began implementation in 2022, will also provide job opportunities and create businesses for more than 1,000 people.

The QFFD and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) also signed a five-year agreement for the period 2021-2025 by providing a contribution of USD10 million to support the alliance’s efforts for equitable and sustainable access of vaccines to low-income countries, ensuring the provision of vaccines and means of delivery to eligible countries and ensuring that unvaccinated children receive the first dose of the vaccine and immunization services.

Accordingly, and within the agreement, the Education Above All (EAA) foundation signed a framework agreement with the
GAVI in December 2023, an amount of USD2,500,000 has been allocated to support the immunization of out-of-school children in the Republic of Bangladesh.

Regarding the contributions of the QFFD in Nepal, the Fund is implementing educational projects to support 159,211 out-of-school children through the initiative to register children out of school and break the cycle of poverty, this is in several countries, including Nepal. The project is being implemented during the period 2021-2027 with a contribution from the Fund.

In the Republic of the Philippines, the QFFD, within the framework of the permanent support provided by the State of Qatar to the Republic of the Philippines, responded to the Hurricane Barbing disaster that struck the Republic of the Philippines in 2023, causing catastrophic floods to entire towns and villages in the southern region of the country, affecting more than 5.9 million people.

In this regard, the QFFD supported a relief project in cooperation with the Qatar Red Crescent Society (Q
RCS) and the Philippine Red Cross, to help thousands of people affected by the floods, and to aid them, by providing shelter, drinking water and food, as well as providing financial assistance to farmers and livestock owners whose farms were damaged.

In turn, the QRCS works to improve the lives of the poor and needy around the world, including the Asian continent, by mobilizing humanitarian forces for their benefit, under the umbrella of the basic principles of international humanitarian work, which are humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality.

During the past five years from 2019 to 2023, 23 Asian countries have benefited from the projects, initiatives, and programs of the QRCS, including the countries included in the tour of HH the Amir.

The volume of aid provided by the QRCS to those countries combined during the period amounted to QR 666 million 200 thousand and 868 from which 25 million 739 thousand and 896 people benefited.

During the past five yea
rs, QRCS has activated its Emergency Information Management Center 40 times to respond to disasters and humanitarian crises on the Asian continent.

The QRCS pointed out that it is targeting eight Asian countries during the current year: Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Bangladesh, to implement 100 projects in the sectors of health, food, shelter, water, sanitation, livelihood and education at a total cost of QR114 million, benefiting 855 thousand people.

Qatar Charity too has had extensive and significant efforts in the field of humanitarian interventions, development projects and social care in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Qatar Charity has been working in this region since the 1990s, in the fields of development, relief and social care through its field offices or partner agencies, whether international or local organizations, as millions of people there from Nepal, Bangladesh, the Philippines and others have benefited from its interventions.

In the field of developme
nt projects, Qatar Charity implemented 33,759 projects in the fields of health, economic empowerment, food security, water and sanitation, social housing, education and culture, in the period from 2020-2024, more than 8.7 million people have benefited from it in Bangladesh, Afghanistan, India, Nepal, the Philippines, Kyrgyzstan, Hong Kong, Pakistan, in addition to Afghanistan and Indonesia.

In the relief field, the number of beneficiaries during the period (2019-2024) reached more than 6.3 million people affected by crises and disasters in 8 countries: Afghanistan, the Philippines, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal.

Areas of relief intervention included food supply, comprehensive relief, social cohesion and livelihoods, education, shelter, health, and non-food items.

In the field of social care, the number of sponsored persons in Bangladesh, Nepal and the Philippines has now reached 18,704 sponsored persons, including orphans, families, students, and people with disabilities, as
they are provided with comprehensive care within the “Rufaqa” initiative in the educational, cultural and health fields.

In addition, Qatar Charity implements seasonal projects for the benefit of the sponsored, including projects for Iftar, Zakat al-Fitr, Eid clothing, sacrificial animals, bags, and school uniforms, over the past five years, more than 79,000 people in Nepal, 604,841 people in Bangladesh, and more than 79,000 people in the Philippines have benefited from these seasonal projects.

Since the exodus of Rohingya refugees to Bangladesh until now, Qatar Charity continues to aid them in the areas of food, health, and shelter, as the total beneficiaries of these projects and assistance for 5 years (2019 – 2023) reached about 1.5 million refugees on the islands of Cox’s Bazar and Bhasan Char Island in Bangladesh.

These projects and assistance implemented by Qatar Charity were praised by the competent authorities in Bangladesh and international organizations working in the country.

Qatar Charity’s ai
d in Bangladesh is not limited to Rohingya refugees only. It has provided relief aid to needy families in Bangladesh, benefiting more than 23,000 people, while it has implemented more than 10,000 development projects, benefiting more than 4 million people.

As part of its concern for its sponsored orphans, Qatar Charity has been able to build more than 49 orphanages and centers until the year 2022, which include schools, boarding departments, and other facilities, benefiting about 13,000 students, it currently provides care for approximately 10,614 orphan children and seeks to secure a bright future for them.

Among these projects are the Social Welfare Center for Girls, the Khubaib Bin Adi, the Kubaisi Center, and the Sakha Center, in addition to the Godagari Center and the Pollachi Center, benefiting hundreds of thousands of orphan students.

In Nepal, Qatar Charity’s presence dates to 2016, to meet the urgent needs of local communities. It has dedicated its efforts to humanitarian and development initiativ
es that raise the standard of life and promote positive change. Qatar Charity’s office in Nepal is the cornerstone of humanitarian and development efforts in the region, and was ranked among the top 5 international NGOs in Nepal in 2021.

Since 2020 until now, Qatar Charity has been able to implement 3,371 projects that contributed to meeting the needs of more than 1.1 million people in the sectors of education, livelihoods, economic empowerment, water and sanitation, social housing, care, and health.

More than one million people also benefited from relief aid, which included the distribution of winter materials, food baskets, comprehensive relief, and health and medical supplies to confront the winter and the Corona epidemic.

In the Philippines, Qatar Charity implemented 947 development projects that benefited 56,520 people. It sponsors 1,423 orphans, needy families, and students.

Since its establishment in 2012, the Education Above All Foundation, as one of the leading global institutions in the field of
education and development, has also played a remarkable and very vital role in providing quality education, ensuring access to it in needy and poor communities and countries, including Asian countries, as well as in areas of dispute and strife, through a wide range of programs and initiatives.

Its educational and development initiatives and projects, which it has continuously launched for hundreds of millions of children and youth around the world through its various programs and organizations, and its effective strategic partnerships, have received wide international welcome and praise, because it responds to the needs and aspirations of the needy, the poorest, most vulnerable and fragile peoples, and in terms of strengthening development work efforts internationally and regionally, including the Asian continent, in order to achieve the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations.

It is clear the extent of the significant positive impact of the remarkable Qatari humanitarian and development eff
ort and work in Asian countries, on the basis of established human values, and within a strategic context for sustainable human development, and full conviction in Qatar’s vital role and what the relevant Qatari institutions are doing in building strategic partnerships to achieve the goals of charitable and development work, and building bridges of communication for all targeted countries and communities in Asia and the entire world so that they can live with pride and dignity.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Hadhramaut Prosthetics Center Aids 370 Yemeni Patients with KSrelief Support

Hadhramaut, The Prosthetics and Rehabilitation Center in the Seiyun district of Hadhramaut governorate has provided various medical services to 370 beneficiaries from the Yemeni people who lost limbs in February 2024, with the support of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief).

Throughout the project, a total of 1,802 services were rendered, with males constituting 57% and females 43% of the beneficiaries. Additionally, 18% of the recipients were displaced individuals, while 82% were residents.

The center offered comprehensive services including the measurement, manufacturing, fitting, delivery, and maintenance of artificial limbs and prosthetics for patients. Furthermore, rehabilitation and physiotherapy services, along with specialized consultations, were provided.

This initiative reflects the continuous efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through its humanitarian arm KSrelief, to enhance the capabilities of the health sector and alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.

ource: Saudi Press Agency

Speaker of Shura Council to QNA: HH the Amirs Visit to Bangladesh, Nepal and the Philippines a New Milestone in Developing Relations with Asia

Doha: HE Speaker of the Shura Council Hassan bin Abdullah Al Ghanim affirmed that the visit of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to Bangladesh, Nepal and the Philippines constitutes a new milestone in developing relations with Asia, praising His Highnesss keenness on consolidating cooperation between Qatar and various countries of the world.

In an exclusive statement to Qatar News Agency , His Excellency said the visit would strengthen the bonds of friendship, coordination, cooperation, and common interests with these countries in various fields. It would also push parliamentary relations to broader horizons and consolidate parliamentary efforts aimed at bringing the Qatari people and the peoples of those friendly countries closer together, considering the growing relations between Qatar and Asian countries.

His Excellency noted the great importance of parliamentary relations between the Shura Council and Asian parliaments in view of the distinguished regional, geographical, and economic status of
the State of Qatar, which enabled it to become a strategic partner for Asian countries, in addition to Qatars important regional political role at the international level that allowed it to build strong and established bilateral relations with Asian countries.

He pointed out that the State of Qatar supported the key goals upon which the Asian Cooperation Dialogue Initiative was based, most notably strengthening intra-relations between member states, coordinating political positions, consolidating aspects of cooperation in various fields, and achieving common interests.

His Excellency said that the Shura Council has built solid parliamentary relations with the parliaments of Asian countries, especially since the Council has a prominent presence in the Asian Parliamentary Assembly.

He explained that the parliamentary friendship group with Asian countries had an important role in consolidating and strengthening relations through bilateral meetings and mutual visits, pointing out that the Shura Council will wo
rk to reinforce and develop these relations, in a way that contributes to supporting and strengthening the countrys orientation towards developing relations with Asian countries.

His Excellency added that the relations between the peoples of the Gulf region – of which the Qatari people are a part – and the Asian peoples in their various cultural, civilizational, political, and economic dimensions are well-established and rooted, pointing to the historical relationship that links Qatar with these countries in both commercial and cultural aspects since the pre-oil era.

He added that Arab and Gulf literature is full of rich cultural heritage that dealt with Asian cultures through study and analysis, and this had a great impact on our culture and heritage, and a positive impact on the social relationship between the two sides, which contributed to consolidating relations between the Gulf countries and Asian countries, in addition to the prominent contributions of Asian workers in the economic growth that the Ar
ab Gulf countries have witnessed over the past years, which has led to significant social impacts on the people of Asian countries.

His Excellency said that the Shura Council works to support, strengthen, and develop these historical relations in various fields, stressing the active role of the Council in the field of diplomacy and parliamentary relations, and openness to the world culturally and socially in keeping with the states role on the regional and international arenas, and the aspirations of the Qatari people to convey their view on various issues and files.

He stressed that the strategy of the State of Qatar, led by HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani, works to enhance regional cooperation to achieve sustainable development. It also pursues balance, respect, and credibility as the basis of its work, and adopts good neighborliness, friendship, and cooperation in common development, in addition to taking mediation efforts and calling for dialogue as a basis for resolving all disputes, and th
is gave the State of Qatar a regional and global position regarded with respect and admiration.

At the conclusion of his statement to QNA, HE the Speaker of the Shura Council said the Qatari people are following in the footsteps of their wise leadership, which spared no effort in strengthening their position and realizing their hopes and aspirations, and the Qatari people enjoy a distinguished position among all the peoples of the region and the world due to their authenticity, generosity, and adherence to Islamic values and teachings. This reflects the wise leaderships approach, which pursues a balanced policy based on brotherhood and cooperation, he said, stressing that the Shura Council is pushing to consolidate this positive image and is doing everything in its power to achieve more development and prosperity for the Qatari people, in accordance with the directives of the wise leadership.

Source: Qatar News Agency