الأعمال الفنية الأصلية تقربك من الصين في الحقبة الجديدة

بكين، 29 آب/أغسطس، 2022 / PRNewswire / — هل تريد أن تفهم تطور الصين خلال العقد الماضي؟ ستوفر سي جي تي أن ومركز سي أم جي للغات الأوروبية والأميركية اللاتينية للجمهور العالمي قائمة من العروض الفنية التي تركز على “الصين في الحقبة الجديدة” عبر منصات متعددة اللغات في آب/أغسطس 2022.

تكشف هذه العروض عن صورة واضحة للصين الحقيقية، إذ تقود المشاهدين عبر عقد من التنمية والتغيير، ومسار التنمية في البلاد، وثقافتها المتنوعة والشاملة.

وهذه نظرة على بعض النقاط البارزة.

الجميع مهمون: الصين خلال عقد

لفهم التغييرات التي مر بها الشعب الصيني على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية، يستكشف فيلم “الصين في عقد” تحول الصين في مجالات متعددة – من التنمية عالية الجودة إلى الحكم، ومن بناء أساس ثقافي إلى الازدهار المشترك عالميًا.

من خلال 36 قصة يرويها أفراد عاديون، يكشف الفيلم حقيقة أن الجميع في الصين مهمون، ومن خلال مساهماتهم، يمكن أن تحدث المعجزات.

الصين عبر عدسة عالمية

كيف تبدو الصين من منظور عالمي؟ تقدم سي جي تي أن مجموعة متنوعة من العروض المصممة لمنح المشاهدين من جميع أنحاء العالم فكرة أعمق عن واقع الحياة في البلاد.A host of programs focusing on "China in the New Era" are announced in Beijing. /CGTN

يقدم عرضا “روايتي عن الصين” و “في الطريق” للمشاهدين في الخارج قصصًا حقيقية لفهم التغييرات التي تشهدها الصين وتطورها.

يسجل عرض “الشباب اللاتيني في المناطق الريفية بالصين” رحلة ميدانية لثلاثة شبان من أميركا اللاتينية إلى مقاطعة سيشوان بجنوب غرب الصين للتحقيق في نموذج التنمية الريفية في البلاد. كما انضم السفير الأرجنتيني لدى الصين إلى الرحلة وشارك بأفكاره حول تنشيط الريف الصيني من خلال دفتر يومياته.

يقدم فيلم “مسار الصين: تحليل بانورامي” للمشاهدين صورة شاملة للصين من خلال رؤى قادة العالم والمفكرين العالميين حول حوكمة البلاد.

يجلب فيلم “مقتبسات كلاسيكية لـشي جنبنغ” طريقًا جديدًا تمامًا بخمس لغات لاكتشاف القصص وراء الكلاسيكيات ومناقشة الأساس الثقافي للشعب الصيني، من أجل مساعدة المشاهدين على فهم كيف تساعد الحكمة الصينية في دعم حكم الأمة المتطورة .

من الفقر إلى الازدهار: الطريق الصيني إلى التحديث

من خلال مجموعة من البرامج، تسعى سي جي تي أن إلى شرح كيف قضت الصين على الفقر المدقع وواصلت طريقها نحو التحديث.

 من المدن الكبرى الصاخبة إلى القرى النائية، لم يتوقف التقدم والتحديات على مسار التحديث في الصين أبدًا. يناقش فيلم “التحديث لـ 1.4 مليار” عملية وخصائص طريق الصين الفريد إلى التحديث ويجمع خبراء عالميين لمناقشة أهميته الدولية.

يعرض الفيلم الوثائقي “الطريق إلى الرخاء المشترك” للدكتور روبرت لورانس كون التحولات في الصين من زوايا مختلفة.

تعتمد سلسلة “الصين بالأرقام” المكونة من 12 حلقة على الإحصاءات وتستخدم الأرقام لعرض التحولات في الصين في مجموعة واسعة من الجوانب بما في ذلك الاقتصاد والتخفيف من حدة الفقر والبنية التحتية والتعليم والعلوم والتكنولوجيا والثقافة والرياضة.

متنوعة وشاملة: جمال الثقافة الصينية: جمال الثقافة الصينية

سيلقي عدد من العروض الجديدة نظرة عميقة على ثقافة الصين وتاريخها. وهي تناقش الدور الحيوي للتبادلات الثقافية في التعلم والاحترام المتبادل بين الأمم.

يقدم فيلم “المزاج العاطفي” منظورًا منعشًا للتبادلات الثقافية بين الصين وبقية العالم.

فيما يبرز فيلما “فودوايز” و”لماذا نحب دونهوانغ” النسيج الثقافي النابض بالحياة للصين، ويأخذان المشاهدين في رحلة إلى جوهر الثقافة الصينية.

يحلل فيلم “الأغنية المرسومة” الجماليات الصينية التقليدية من خلال أنماط الحياة الظاهرة في لوحات أسرة سونغ باستخدام تقنية الفن الافتراضي، بينما يسلط فيلم “الوراثة” الضوء على التراث الثقافي الصيني غير المادي الغني والحكايات التي تكمن وراءه.

كما كشفت سي جي تي أن النقاب عن “صندوق الصين”، وهو منتج فيديو تفاعلي سيُعرض في تشرين الأول/أكتوبر. يوفر صندوق الصين تجربة مشاهدة فيديو جديدة من خلال إنشاء عالم افتراضي، حيث يمكن للمستخدمين اختيار الصور الرمزية التي يحبونها والاستمتاع بآلاف مقاطع الفيديو.

مهرجان الصين للأفلام الوثائقية في إفريقيا 2022

أطلقت سي جي تي أن العرض العالمي لمهرجان الصين للأفلام الوثائقية 2022 في إفريقيا، وهي المرة الأولى التي يقدم فيها المهرجان حدثًا خاصًا لمنطقة معينة، بحضور سفراء الصين في بنين والكاميرون والغابون والسنغال وتنزانيا وزيمبابوي.

سينضم إلى المهرجان ثلاثون مذيعا ومؤسسة من 20 دولة أفريقية لعرض قصص للجمهور الأفريقي.

منذ انطلاق مهرجان الصين للأفلام الوثائقية 2022 في حزيران/يونيو، تم عرض أو بث أكثر من 50 فيلمًا وثائقيًا أنتجتها شبكة سي جي تي أن للجماهير العالمية. وهي تشمل أفلاما حائزة على جوائز باللغات الإنجليزية والفرنسية والإسبانية والعربية والروسية.


رابط الفيديو- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xduh8eD71Qk

الصورة  – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1886518/A_host_programs_focusing_China_New_Era_announced_Beijing_CGTN.jpg  


Al Sunni discusses with the African Group in the Security Council latest developments in Libya, unifying positions, and coordination on appointment of a UN envoy to Libya

New York- Libya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Al Taher Al-Sunni, met on Wednesday with his counterparts from Kenya, Martin Kimani, Gabon Michel Piang, and Ghana, Harold Aguiman, in the presence of the representative of Mozambique, Pedro Afonso, whose country will join the Council in 2023. They discussed the latest developments in Libya and the challenges of the political track.

Al-Sunni said in a tweet “the meeting comes within the framework of a follow-up to the recent events in the capital Tripoli, and consultation and coordination with the African Group in the Security Council A3 before the upcoming session of the Council on Libya on Tuesday.

The Permanent Representative of Libya to the United Nations added that the meeting stressed Libya’s permanent support for the efforts of the African Group and the importance of unifying positions and joint coordination within the Council, and commitment to the appointment of a UN envoy with support from the Group as soon as possible.

Source: Libyan News Agency

2 Egyptian migrants dead, 19 missing after capsizing

Cairo: A boat carrying Egyptian migrants capsized off Libya’s coast, leaving two people dead and 19 more missing and presumed dead.

The boat was carrying 27 migrants and was found over the weekend of the northeastern town of Tolmeitha, around 110 kilometers (68 miles) east of Benghazi, the Department for Combating Illegal Migration said.

At least six migrants survived the shipwreck.

Two bodies were retrieved while 19 others remained missing and presumed dead, it said.

A video posted on the agency’s Facebook page showed rescuers providing drinking water to an exhausted survivor, the Associated Press (AP) reported.

The agency said the boat embarked from Egypt and capsized off Libya.

The migrants were apparently sailing to Europe, a destination for thousands fleeing conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa.

Tens of thousands attempt to cross the Mediterranean Sea every year in an effort to reach European shores.

Libya has in recent years emerged as the dominant transit point for migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East.

Human traffickers in recent years have benefited from the chaos in Libya, smuggling in migrants across the country’s lengthy borders with six nations.

The migrants are then packed into ill-equipped rubber boats and other vessels and set off on risky sea voyages.

Officials didn’t say what kind of vessel was found over the weekend.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Libya: Political stalemate and lack of progress on elections

Leaders in Libya must take immediate steps to resolve their political impasse, which is spilling over into increasing violence, UN political affairs chief Rosemary DiCarlo told the Security Council on Tuesday.

The North African country became divided between two rival administrations in the years after the overthrow of former leader Muammar Gaddafi a decade ago. The Government of National Accord (GNA) is based in the capital, Tripoli, located in the west, while the Libyan National Army (LNA) is in the east.

Despite relative calm in recent years, tensions have been simmering following the failure to hold long-awaited elections last December, and the refusal of incumbent Prime Minister, Abdul Hamid Dbeibah, to step down.

Rival Fathi Bashagha, who was appointed Prime Minister by the parliament in the east, has been attempting to enter Tripoli.

Ms. DiCarlo said she is deeply concerned that the ongoing stalemate and continued delays in implementing the electoral process pose a growing threat to security in and around Tripoli, and potentially to all Libyans.

‘Theatre of violent clashes’

“That threat materialized just a few days ago, when Tripoli was again the theatre of violent clashes between armed groups supporting Mr. Dbeibah and Mr. Bashaga respectively,” she told ambassadors.

The violence broke out on 27 August, leaving at least 42 people dead, including four civilians, and nearly 160 injured, according to the Libyan authorities. Some 50 families were reportedly displaced, while five health centres and two migrant detention centres were damaged.

While the fighting subsided the following day, a fragile calm prevails but it is unclear how long it will last.

“In light of the deterioration of the political and security climate in Tripoli, the United Nations must continue to provide and enhance good offices and mediation to help Libyan actors resolve the ongoing impasse and seek a consensual pathway to elections,” she said.

“I urge everyone to support the Secretary-General’s efforts to help Libyans forge a path to peace.”

Ms. DiCarlo was also concerned about the limited political progress towards the elections, which the UN sees as the only way to break the current impasse.

No progress

“Despite our continued efforts, no progress has been made on forging a consensus on a constitutional framework for the elections,” she said. “It is critical that an agreement is reached on a constitutional framework and timeline for elections that will enable the Libyan people to choose their leaders.”

The UN political affairs chief did highlight some positive developments, such as the ongoing efforts by the 5+5 Joint Military Commission (JMC) to preserve and strengthen the implementation of the ceasefire agreement.

The JMC brings together five military representatives each from both sides.

“Of note, on 27 August the eastern delegation to the JMC called their counterparts in the west to reassure them that the Libyan National Army would not be involved in the fighting,” she reported.

Earlier this month, the JMC also met with the UN Mission in the country, UNSMIL, to enhance the readiness of the Libyan Ceasefire Monitoring Mechanism. They also finalized modalities for the withdrawal of foreign forces, foreign fighters and mercenaries from the territory.

Oil flowing again

Turning to economic developments, Ms. DiCarlo reported that oil production resumed in July, following a nearly three-month shutdown. Production had reached pre-shutdown levels of 1.2 million barrels a day by the end of that month, with plans for further increase.

However, she was worried that oil fields could again close due to growing public discontent in the south over lack of basic services and poor living conditions.

“Libya’s natural resources belong to all Libyans, and revenues from oil exports should be distributed equitably and fairly,” she said.

Smear campaigns, and hate speech

Meanwhile the human rights situation in the country continues to be a concern.

Last week, armed groups affiliated with the Libyan National Army, one of the rival government structures, encircled the town of Qasr Bouhadi. Although these “military actors” have since withdrawn, they continue to control movement there.

Ms. DiCarlo called for restrictions on the population to be immediately lifted, warning that the situation could escalate.

She reported on other violations, including against people exercising their right to freedom of expression, migrants and refugees, and women activists.

“Smear campaigns targeting civil society actors, particularly women, consisting of hate speech and incitements to violence, are deeply concerning and must cease,” she said.

Source: United Nations

Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union calls for de-escalation in Libya

Beirut, Aug. 30 (BNA): The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union, chaired by the Speaker of Bahrain’s Council of Representatives, Fawzia bint Abdulla Zainal, has stated that it is following with deep concern all the security developments in the Libyan Capital, Tripoli, especially the dangerous and regretful clashes that erupted on Saturday, August 27, and resulted in many deaths and injuries among brotherly Libyan citizens.

In a statement, the Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union called on all Libyan parties to stop the escalation and adhere to dialogue as a way to settle differences, prevent bloodshed, and spare the brotherly Libyan people more pain and suffering.

It stressed the urgent need to complete the peaceful political process and conduct fair elections that would preserve Libya’s unity, stability and sovereignty, in a manner that would meet the aspirations of its brotherly people for security, stability, development and prosperity.

The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union said that while it believes in the effectiveness of dialogue and diplomacy, and is confident in the will of the brotherly Libyan people, it affirms the urgent need for all Libyans to come together and defuse the crisis to quickly reach a comprehensive political settlement that advances the country and puts it on the path of progress and prosperity.

The Arab Inter-Parliamentary Union expressed its solidarity with the brotherly Libyan state, reiterating its constant keenness on preserving the unity of the Libyan social fabric, by calling for putting an end to the existing crisis, and resuming sincere national efforts to build strong state institutions capable of achieving the desired security, peace and stability there.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

GNU Minister of Justice after visiting the Real Estate Registration Authority reassures citizens and public and private entities that damage caused to the headquarters of the branch did not affect documents and real estate files

Tripoli- GNU Minister of Justice paid a visit to the Tripoli Real Estate Registration Authority branch to get a firsthand account of the extent of the damage suffered by the building of the branch of the Authority on Jumhuriya Street, following events in the area in the past two days.

Following the visit, the Minister of Justice reassured all citizens and public and private entities that the damage caused to the headquarters of the branch did not affect documents and real estate files as they are in safe places.

The Minister of Justice also paid an inspection visit to the court complex on Al Sayeidi Street in Tripoli to determine the damage sustained as a result of these events. During the visit, the Minister confirmed that there was some material damage to some vehicles and some window glass and minor damage to the building of the Judicial Police Point, and that maintenance work was underway, and work in courts and prosecutions is proceeding in normally.

The court complex includes the Tripoli Court of Appeals, the Office of the Attorney General, , the Department of Judicial Inspection, Tripoli Branch, the Department of Cases and a number of district prosecutions offices.

Source: Libyan News Agency