‫ منتجع وسبا إنتركونتيننتال رأس الخيمة ميناء العرب يفتح أبوابه

أول منتجع من فنادق ومنتجعات  IHG في الإمارة، وقد تم إطلاقه خلال اليوبيل الماسي لعلامة إنتركونتيننتال للفنادق والمنتجعات.

دبى، الامارات العربية المتحدة3 مارس / آذار 2022 /PRNewswire/ —  أعلنت فنادق ومنتجعات IHG، إحدى شركات الضيافة الرائدة في العالم، عن افتتاح منتجع وسبا إنتركونتيننتال® رأس الخيمة ميناء العرب، أول فندق للعلامة التجارية الفاخرة في إمارة رأس الخيمة.

يقع هذا المنتجع على الساحل المتلألئ لجزيرة الحياة، على بعد 45 دقيقة فقط من مطار دبي الدولي، ويوفر هذا المنتجع المصنف من فئة الخمس نجوم نمط حياة إنتركونتيننتال في شبه الجزيرة العربية، و يجمع بين أسلوب الحياة المثالي للجزيرة مع كرم الضيافة العربية الأصيلة .

قال سعادة عبدالعزيز عبدالله الزعابي، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة رأس الخيمة العقارية، نحن سعداء بهذه الإضافة النوعية لشركتنا التي تمتلك رصيداً كبيراً في عالم العقارات والفخامة، وجاء منتجع وسبا إنتركونتننتال رأس الخيمة من IHG ، ليضيف قيمة جديدة لعشاق الطبيعة والجمال والأصالة المعاصرة.

وأضاف:  نحرص دوماً على الارتقاء بأعمالنا ومشاريعنا وتحقيق أعلى درجات الرفاهية والخدمات المميزة ولا يخفى على الجميع المكانة التي وصلت إليها إمارة رأس الخيمة في عالم السياحة عموماً والفنادق والمنتجعات خصوصاً.”

InterContinental Ras Al Khaimah Mina Al Arab Resort & Spa opens its doorsوقال هيثم مطر ، ر ئيس منطقة الشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا و الهند، بمجموعة فنادق إ نتركونتيننتال : “لطالما كانت فنادق ومنتجعات إنتركونتيننتال رائدة في مجال السفر الفاخر في الوجهات الجديدة لأكثر من 75 عامًا ، وتعتبر هذه الوجهة الغير مكتشفة في رأس الخيمة أكثر مثالية وأفضل موقعا لمنتجع انتركونتيننتال. و لقد نمت سمعة رأس الخيمة دوليًا  و رسخ   مكانها  على خريطة السفر السياحية العالمية كأحد اسرع الوجهات السياحية نموا ، وذلك من خلال   التركيز على الأنشطة التراثية والثقافية وأنشطة المغامرات، مما أضاف جاذبية قوية للزوار المحليين والدوليين أيضًا. و نحن نتطلع إلى الترحيب بالضيوف و النزلاء في هذا الفندق الرائع وتقديم مستوى رفيع من الضيافة يليق بتفرد هذه المنطقة “.

تصميم المنتجع مستوحى من العناصر الأصلية الثلاث للإمارة، الصحراء والجبال والبحر، ويقدم 351 غرفة تطل على البحر و أجنحة وفيلات بحمامات سباحة خاصة وستة مطاعم و نادي إنتركونتيننتال الحصري ويتميز تصميمه بالأناقة و الحيوية  و يدمج وسائل الراحة الحديثة مع الجماليات العربية، من الأقمشة المنقوشة و الأعمال الفنية المستوحاة من المنطقة .

تطل جميع خيارات الغرف على البحر،  سواء الغرف الكلاسيكية أو الفيلات العائلية، وتكتمل جميعها بشرفاتها الخاصة ومناطق التراس، وتقدم مناظر بانورامية  لدرجات اللون الأزرق للبحر، والتي تقترن بشكل مثالي مع القهوة الصباحية  و الأمسيات المشتركة مع الأصدقاء أو العائلة أو الأحباء خلال أجمل أوقات الشفق الكهرماني.

تعد الفيلات ذات المسبح الخاص، المكونة من غرفة نوم واحدة، ملاذًا فاخرًا من الرفاهية و الخصوصية. و تبلغ مساحتها 150 مترًا مربعًا و توفر تجربة رائعة للنوم والمعيشة وتناول الطعام و الإستمتاع بالمسبح في أجواء مبهجة. و يخلق الديكور والتصميم الداخلي وأحدث التقنيات بيئة مريحة للمسافرين وتجربة المنزل بعيدًا عن المنزل .

الجناح الرئاسي هو الأكبر من بين جميع  فئات الغرف ، و يوفر وصولاً فوريًا إلى مياه البحر و أمواجه خارج الباب مباشرةً. و تلتقي الأناقة بالطبيعة فى هذا الجناح الفاخر، الذي تبلغ مساحته 200 مترًا مربعًا ويجسد بشكل مثالي جمالا لجزيرة المنتجع .

يحصل ضيوف كلوب إنتركونتيننتال على امتيازات رفيعة ويستفيدون من تجربة شاملة مع منطقة تسجيل وصول مخصصة وإمكانية الدخول إلى صالة إنتركونتيننتال الحصرية والمسبح خاص بها، فضلاً عن وجبات إفطار انتقائية و شاي بعد الظهيرة  ومجموعة متنوعة من الكوكتيلات المسائية المُعدّة من قِبل متخصصين .

و يعد المنتجع وجهة مميزة للمطاعم،  حيث يضم ستة  مطاعم جديدة و متنوعة تمامًا، لكل منها قصة فريدة من نوعها .

يقدم  ليڤانت أند نار  أطايب شرقية بلمسة عصرية، ويتميز بمطبخ مفتوح ينبثق منه أطيب التوابل العطرية، و التى تمثل جزء جوهري فى هذه المنطقة من العالم، ويُعد تراس المطعم مكانا مثالياً للاستمتاع بتناول الطعام على مهل في الهواء الطلق جنبًا إلى الدفئ المنبعث من المنطقة المخصصة للنار، وإطلالات 360 درجة على البحر ، والليالي العثمانية ذات الطابع الخاص في نهاية كل أسبوع .

يوفر “نوهو” المستوحى من الشوارع الفنية في شمال هيوستن في نيويورك، مكانًا عصريًا ومثاليًا للإسترخاء  و مشاركة الأطباق، والاستمتاع بأحدث المشروبات و الكوكتيلات، والترفيه في وقت متأخر من الليل .

يقدم “شاشا” بجانب المسبح الوجبات في الهواء الطلق والكوكتيلات المجمدة وإطلالات شاملة على المحيط، وهو مكان محبب للاسترخاء ومشاهدة غروب الشمس الرائع ، ويتميز موقع “شاشا”بأنه   مكانًا متععد الأغراض، منها عروض السينما تحت النجوم، ويوغا مع شروق الشمس، مما يجعله مركزًا حيوياً وجاذباً للترفيه .

سواءً اخترت قضاء ساعات على الشاطئ الرملي الأبيض الذي يطل على اللون الأزرق الملكي للخليج العربي، أو قضاء أيام دافئة مشمسة بجانب المسبح اللامتناهي، أو الاستمتاع بمجموعة متنوعة من الرياضات المائية أو الاستفادة من برنامج الأنشطة المنسق في المنتجع – فهناك شيء يسعد الجميع، بما في ذلك الأحباء الصغار .

يمكن للضيوف الصغار الاستمتاع بمرافق “بلانت تراكرز” و”تينز كلوب” المجهزة بمساحات داخلية وخارجية.  و يوفر”بلانت تراكرز”، المتوفر فقط في منتجعات إنتركونتيننتال محددة،   برنامجًا منظمًا لإشراك الأطفال بفعالية وتعزيز رؤيتهم للعالم .

أما النادى الصحى بالمنتجع ، فيتمتع بإضاءة طبيعية و قد تم تزويده بأحدث المعدات، وهو المكان المثالي لممارسة التمارين، مع استوديو منفصل لللياقة البدنية، وملعب تنس خارجي، بالإضافة إلى غرف ساونا منفصلة للرجال والنساء معده على أحدث مستوى لتوفير أجواء للاسترخاء و التجدد .

سيتم افتتاح إنتركونتيننتال سبا في شهر إبريل، وسيزود بمجموعة من العلاجات المتخصصة لمكافحة الشيخوخة والمساعدة على الإستشفاء، إلى جانب العلاجات الحديثة للتخلص من التوتر وتنشيط الحواس ، بما في ذلك الحمام التركي التقليدي. .

من الرمال الساحلية الرائعة إلى التضاريس الصحراوية البعيدة المدى، فإن برنامج الكونسيرج بالمنتجع – سمة مميزة للعلامة التجارية إنتركونتيننتال –  متواجد على مدار الساعة و يمتلك ثروة من المعرفة  و المعلومات حول كنوز رأس الخيمة الفريدة وكيفية استكشافها على أفضل وجه، و يقدم البرنامج تجارب فردية لكل ضيف .

يوفر المنتجع أيضًا ما يقرب من 1000 متر مربع من أماكن الاجتماعات الرائعة، بما في ذلك قاعة حفلات واسعة تبلغ مساحتها 360 مترًا مربعًا وغرفتي اجتماعات كبيرتين، مع خيارات مخصصة لتقديم الطعام .

-انتهى- رابط تحميل الصور

ملاحظات للمحررين: نبذة عن فنادق ومنتجعات إنتركونتيننتال®  

تجعل علامة فنادق ومنتجعات إنتركونتيننتال® السفر تجربة غنية بالمتعة والشغف مع خبرة 75 عام في قطاع الضيافة. ويوفر كل من فنادقنا الرائدة ملاذاً رائعاً يعكس تفرّد أسلوب حياة إنتركونتيننتال العصرية. نسعى كعلامة تجارية رائدة إلى تجسيد مفهوم الفخامة العالمي من خلال خدماتنا الممتازة وتجاربنا الاستثنائية ومرافقنا المتميزة. وما يميزنا عن سوانا هو مستوى العناية والاهتمام الذي نقدمه لضيوفنا من خلال الخدمات والمزايا الفريدة المصممة حسب الطلب. نوفر لضيوفنا الكرام خدمات كبار الشخصيات ( VIP ) الراقية من خلال مزايا سفير إنتركونتيننتال® وكلوب إنتركونتيننتال® الحصرية والمخصوصة. كما نبرع في إسعاد ضيوفنا الأكثر شغفاً بكل ما تقدمه الوجهات والمدن من مميزات حتى يستكشفوا معالم وثقافة المكان ويستمتعوا بتجارب سفر لا مثيل لها، تلهم حواسهم وتثري حياتهم. لمزيد من المعلومات وللحجز، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.intercontinental.com   أو التواصل معنا عبر فيسبوك www.facebook.com/intercontinental أو إنستغرام  www.instagram.com/intercontinental  

نبذة عن فنادق ومنتجعات  IHG  

فنادق ومنتجعات IHG   [ LON:IHG, NYSE:IHG (ADRs) ] هي شركة ضيافة عالمية تسعى إلى توفير ضيافة حقيقية وهادفة.  

مع عائلة مكونة من 17 علامة تجارية فندقية وبرنامج المكافآت IHG Rewards ، أحد أكبر برامج الولاء الفندقية في العالم، توفّر IHG حوالي 6,000 فندق في أكثر من 100 دولة، و 1,800 فندق آخر من المقرر افتتاحها خلال السنوات الخمس المقبلة.  

– الرفاهية ونمط الحياة: فنادق ومنتجعات وسبا Six Senses ، فنادق ومنتجعات ريجنت ، فنادق ومنتجعات إنتركونتيننتال ، فنادق ومطاعم كيمبتون ، فندق إنديغو  
– بريميوم: فنادق ومنتجعات هوالوكس ، فنادق ومنتجعات كراون بلازا ، فنادق إيفن ، فنادق فوكو  
– الخدمات الأساسية: فنادق ومنتجعات هوليداي إن ، هوليداي إن إكسبريس ، فنادق أفيد  
– الأجنحة: أتويل سويتس ، ستايبريدج سويتس ، هوليداي إن كلوب فاكيشنز ، كاندلوود سويتس  

مجموعة فنادق إنتركونتيننتال “ InterContinental Hotels Group PLCl ” هي الشركة القابضة للمجموعة وهي مسجلة في بريطانيا العظمى، وإنجلترا، وويلز. يعمل حوالي 350,000 شخص في فنادق ومكاتب الشركات التابعة لـ IHG حول العالم.  

تفضل بزيارتنا موقعنا عبر الإنترنت لمعرفة المزيد عن فنادقنا وحجوزاتنا وبرنامج المكافآت IHG Rewards . لمعرفة آخر أخبارنا، تفضل بزيارة غرفة الأخبار لدينا ومتابعتنا على لينكد إن، وفيسبوك، وتويتر.  

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الصورة –  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1758885/InterContinental_Ras_Al_Khaimah_Mina_Al_Arab_Resort_Pool_Villa_Terrace.jpg

Libya crisis escalates as rival govt prepares to take oath

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A standoff between two rival governments inLibya looked set to worsen on Thursday as the administration newly chosen by parliament accused the incumbent prime minister of using force to try to stop it from being sworn in. Fathi Bashagha was due to take the oath of office in Tobruk, but the current Tripoli administration of Abdulhamid al-Dbeibah has vowed not to cede power, amid a growing risk of fighting or a return to territorial division. Bashagha complained late on Wednesday that Dbeibah had cut off Libyan airspace to prevent ministers in the new government from reaching Tobruk and early on… Continue reading “Libya crisis escalates as rival govt prepares to take oath”

InterContinental Ras Al Khaimah Mina Al Arab Resort & Spa opens its doors

The island getaway marks the first IHG Hotels & Resorts in the emirate, and is launched during the Diamond Jubilee of the InterContinental Hotel & Resorts brand.

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, March 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — IHG Hotels & Resorts, one of the world’s leading hospitality companies, has announced the opening of InterContinental® Ras Al Khaimah Mina Al Arab Resort & Spa, the first property for the luxury brand in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah.

Located on the sparkling shoreline of Hayat Island, just a 45-minute drive from Dubai International Airport, the five-star haven brings the InterContinental life to the Arabian Peninsula, combining idyllic island style living with the warm hospitality of authentic Arabia.

His Excellency Abdul Aziz Abdullah Al Zaabi, Chairman of RAK Properties , said : “We are pleased with this qualitative addition to our company, which owns great assets in the world of real estate and luxury. The InterContinental Ras Al Khaimah Resort & Spa from IHG, added a new value for lovers of nature, beauty and contemporary authenticity. He added: “We are always keen to improve our business and projects and achieve the highest levels of luxury and distinguished services, and it is no secret to everyone the position that the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah has reached in the world of tourism in general, and hotels and resorts in particular.”

InterContinental Ras Al Khaimah Mina Al Arab Resort & Spa opens its doors

Haitham Mattar, Managing Director India, Middle East and Africa said:  “InterContinental Hotels & Resorts have been pioneering luxury travel in new destinations for over 75 years and the undiscovered destination of Ras Al Khaimah couldn’t be more perfect for a new, best-in-class InterContinental resort. Ras Al Khaimah’s reputation has grown internationally and has put the Emirate on the world travel map. Its focus on heritage, cultural and adventure activities has a strong appeal to domestic and also international visitors. We look forward to welcoming guests to this exquisite property and offer a level of bespoke hospitality that is befitting of the region”.

The resort’s design is inspired by the three original tribes of the emirate, the Desert, Mountains and Sea, and offers 351 sea facing rooms, suites, and private pool villas, six dining outlets, and an exclusive Club InterContinental offering. The resort is elegant yet lively with its design fusing modern conveniences with Arabian aesthetics, from patterned fabrics to artworks inspired by the wider region.

From Classic Seaview Rooms to Family Villas, all abodes face the sea, complete with discreet private balcony and terrace areas, offering breezy panoramas of blue hues, that are perfectly paired with morning coffees or evenings shared with friends, family or loved ones during the amber twilight.

The One-Bedroom Private Pool Villas are a luxurious sanctuary, equipped with their very own private pool. The 150sqm villas offer a sublime sleeping, living, dining and pool experience in a blissful ambiance where the décor, furniture, and the latest technology create a relaxing environment for travellers and a home-away-from-home experience.

The Presidential Suite is the largest of all accommodations, providing immediate access to the lapping waters just outside your door. Where elegance meets style, the 200sqm suite perfectly captures the island aesthetic of the wider resort.

Club InterContinental guests receive elevated privileges and avail an end-to-end guest experience with a dedicated check-in area and access to the exclusive Club InterContinental Lounge with its own pool, as well as lavish à la carte breakfasts, afternoon teas and a range of evening cocktails crafted by the on-site mixologist.

A dining destination in itself, the resort is also home to six all-new culinary outlets, offering an assortment of venues each with their own unique story.

Levant & Nar delivers Levant influenced delicacies with a modern twist, featuring an open kitchen that emanates aromatic seasonings and spices, quintessential to this part of the world. The restaurant’s terrace is the perfect place to enjoy leisurely al fresco dining alongside a fire pit, with 360-degree sea views, and themed Ottoman nights every weekend.

NoHo, inspired by the artistic streets of North Houston in New York offers a trendy hangout, perfect for sharing platters, enjoying the latest in mixology, and late-night entertainment.

The poolside ShaSha serves alfresco bites, frozen cocktails and sweeping ocean views, and is the perfect place to relax with shisha and take a front seat to nature’s spectacular sunset show. The location for cinema under the stars, sunrise yoga and salsa, ShaSha is a buzzing hub of entertainment.

Whether you choose to while away the hours on the white sandy beach which overlooks the royal blue of the Arabian Gulf, spend warm, sunny days by the infinity pool, enjoy a variety of water sports or take advantage of the resort’s curated activity programme – there’s something for everyone, including little ones.

Younger guests can revel in the Planet Trekkers and Teens Club facilities, equipped with indoor and outdoor spaces. Only available at select InterContinental resorts, Planet Trekkers provides a curated program to actively engage children and enhance their view on the world.

Complete with state-of-the-art equipment, the resort’s light flooded health club is the perfect place to get a workout in, complete with a separate fitness studio, outdoor tennis court, as well as segregated male and female saunas to relax in after.

Spa InterContinental, scheduled to open in April, is replete with a range of soothing anti-ageing and wellness treatments, along with modern remedies to melt away stress and enliven the senses, including a traditional Turkish Hammam.

From the dazzling coastal sands to the far-reaching desert-cloaked topography, the resort’s Concierge Programme – a dedicated hallmark of the InterContinental brand – is on hand with a wealth of knowledge about Ras Al Khaimah’s unique treasures and how to best explore them, curating individual experiences for every guest.

The resort also offers almost 1,000sqm of impressive meeting venues, including a spacious 360sqm ballroom and two large meeting rooms, with bespoke catering options.

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Zoho Takes on Current Low-Code Market Gaps with New Creator Platform to Empower Businesses to Easily Build, Deploy, Manage, and Analyze Custom Solutions

Bringing in the company’s 15 years of expertise in low code, the new unified development platform empowers both IT teams and business users to build sophisticated, modern, and compliant solutions, for a low-code experience that is secure, easy to use, and custom-fit to solve business challenges

Austin, Texas, March 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Today, Zoho Corporation, a leading global technology company, announced the latest version of its low-code offering, Zoho Creator Platform, an all-in-one solution that bridges the gap between business users and IT teams by providing a low-code solution-building experience regardless of technical know-how. Organizations currently face soaring demand for new business software, but existing low-code platforms for business users only facilitate basic app building, lacking the sophistication needed to develop scalable, enterprise-ready end-to-end tools. Existing solutions in the market designed specifically for business users facilitate only basic app building, lacking the complexity needed to develop end-to-end tools, which allow organizations to scale and ensure centralized governance.

Addressing the needs of both business users and IT teams, Zoho Creator Platform supports all levels to build, manage, integrate, and analyze for a complete low-code experience, enabling 10X faster deployment than any other solution on the market. Democratizing access to low-code development tools allows IT and business users to work in tandem to create and deploy apps that are highly customized, while minimizing common interoperability, permissions, and governance challenges.

“Currently there isn’t a low-code solution on the market that allows both business users and IT to truly build end-to-end business solutions,” said Raju Vegesna, Chief Evangelist, Zoho Corporation. “With this update, Zoho’s Creator Platform combines application development, integrations, process automation, business intelligence and analytics into a single platform while simultaneously enabling IT teams to effortlessly manage security, compliance, and governance challenges. Organizations can now leverage a unified solution for all of their low-code needs, extending the ability to innovate to every employee.”

The Zoho Creator Platform integrates digital data and processes to facilitate the creation of truly agile solutions for business users and IT teams alike. Business developers can now easily build scalable low-code solutions which include apps, integrations, analytics, and process automation without heavy dependency on IT teams or time-consuming training. For IT stakeholders, the Platform now provides deeper controls around governance and management, without compromising automation, data-driven insights, customization, and the ability to affect revenue and growth. Together, business users and IT can quickly deploy secure, dynamic solutions built to auto-scale, so that organizations can focus on solving business problems and pursue new opportunities.

“We needed a complete solution to resolve specific operational difficulties, including a lack of streamlined communication and an inability to oversee employees effectively. The Zoho Creator Platform allowed us to build new contextual tools that unify disjointed communication channels, automate processes, and seamlessly integrate into our existing system,” said Gaurav Kakkar, System Process Manager at Emirates Logistics. “Additionally, the new Platform has given specific administrators greater flexibility in implementing new processes through the sandbox and demo user options to keep our data secure while providing important business insights. Together, we’re able to better support employees to be more productive, enabling them to collaborate and spot opportunities to better serve themselves and customers.”

“With this version of Creator, Zoho is shifting its low-code emphasis from applications to business solutions,” said Jason Bloomberg, President of Intellyx, an industry research firm. “Creator helps business stakeholders and IT personnel collaborate to combine applications, business intelligence and analytics, and process automation into end-to-end business solutions. Creator is simple enough for nontechnical staff while also powerful enough to address complex workflow scenarios in a secure, scalable environment.”

Key areas of innovation in the new Creator Platform include:

Expand App Building to Solution Building

Unified Solution Builder – Create, integrate, analyze, and manage custom business solutions at scale from a single dashboard. Seamlessly switch between different elements, with deep interoperability between capabilities, and in-built guardrails for IT teams to drive enterprise-wide citizen development programs.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) – Zoho’s intelligent AI assistant (Zia) now enables developers to import data from anywhere, cleanse and transform with one click, build data models, and automatically detect data relationships via Smart Import. AI tasks such as predictive analytics, keyword extraction, sentiment analysis, OCR, and object detection are built into the drag-and-drop user interface for easy deployment.

Process Blueprinting – This intuitive drag-and-drop builder graphically constructs an online replica of a business process by specifying each step, assigning responsibilities across stakeholders, and automating actions based on pre-set conditions. Users can now identify bottlenecks and have clarity to facilitate scalability for evolving business needs.

Enhanced Serverless Functions – Developers can now write, store, and execute reusable code blocks in Zoho Creator Platform using Deluge, Java, or Node.js. These functions encourage IT and business teams to work together to build scalable and easily maintainable enterprise-ready apps faster.

Build a Connected Ecosystem of Solutions for a Seamless Experience

Unified Data Modeling (UDM) – Unchecked data points, varied data formats, and evolving app landscapes add layers of difficult-to-solve complexities to data integration, resulting in sub-optimal business results. Universal cloud modeling is now included to help developers establish secure data transfer by automating data integration protocols with unified data architecture and over 600 plug-and-play connectors to make data integration easier for users.

Integration Status Dashboard – Users have complete visibility on how well each integration operates with the new Integration Status Dashboard. Status Dashboard provides key findings on recent executions, success and failure stats, and top connections facilitating early error detection and resolution to enable organizations to discover errors and resolve them quicker.

Embedded BI and Analytics Engine – An industry-first, full-fledged business intelligence and analytics engine is now included in the Zoho Creator Platform, enabling users to derive business insights from the data residing in their applications without worrying about bringing another subscription into the fold. High-end BI functionalities like predictive analytics, data alerts, what-if analysis, data blending, and conversational analytics are all now supported on the low-code platform.

Increased Control for IT with End-to-End ADLM

Environments – Developers can now launch solutions in different environments of choice—development, staging (testing), or production—with a single click based on the readiness of the solution. This allows users to add features continuously or make changes without disturbing the existing app in production. The environments also support role-based access to help business developers simulate user-specific experience validation.

Centralized Governance – To help IT manage low-code development, features such as granular role-based access controls, comprehensive audit trails and backup options, application IDE, dashboards to view and manage users, billing dashboard, personalization options such as localization, branding customization, and more, are now available in the low-code platform.

Integrated Communication and Collaboration Aid – Often, business developers get stuck in the build phase with minor obstacles, especially when new to the platform. In order to enhance communication and collaboration, integrated communication enables messaging, sending files, sharing screens, and the ability to make audio and video calls.

Zoho Creator Platform Pricing 

Pricing starts at $25 USD per employee, with a 15-day trial available. For comprehensive pricing information, please visit: https://www.zoho.com/creator/pricing.html

Zoho Privacy Pledge

Zoho respects user privacy and does not have an ad-revenue model in any part of its business, including its free products. More than 75 million users around the world, across hundreds of thousands of companies, rely on Zoho every day to run their businesses, including Zoho itself. For more information, please visit: https://www.zoho.com/privacy-commitment.html

About Zoho

With 50+ apps in nearly every major business category, including sales, marketing, customer support, accounting and back-office operations, and an array of productivity and collaboration tools, Zoho Corporation is one of the world’s most prolific technology companies.

Zoho is privately held and profitable with more than 10,000 employees. Zoho is headquartered in Austin, Texas, with international headquarters in Chennai, India. Additional offices are in the United States, India, Japan, China, Canada, Singapore, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. For more information, please visit: www.zoho.com/


Sandra Lo
Zoho Corporation 

Carol Tong
PR for Zoho

Huawei and Flexxible IT Unveil Industry O&M Hi-Ops 3.0 Service Solution

BARCELONA, Spain, March 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — During Mobile World Congress 2022, Huawei and Flexxible IT partner unveiled the industry O&M Hi-Ops 3.0 service solution to build digital industry O&M services.

With the deepening of digital transformation, the traditional O&M mode has changed. The O&M platform collects, organizes, and analyzes O&M data to gradually define O&M value baselines, thereby making O&M values more visible. Second, widely used advanced technologies, such as massive log analysis, improve O&M efficiency and reduce costs.https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1758720/Mr_Kilian_Arjona_CTO_Flexxible_IT.jpg

Huawei officially unveiled the industry O&M Hi-Ops 3.0, which is simply “1+2+3=N”. It enables operational O&M value, situation awareness, and risk prediction. In the industry O&M Hi-Ops 3.0 solution, “1” refers to the unified O&M platform IMOC(Intelligent Maintenance and Operation Center) developed by Huawei. “2” refers to two types of O&M services: basic O&M services and digital O&M services. Basic O&M services include O&M coordination, routine O&M, O&M management, and continuous improvement. Digital O&M services include O&M digital transformation consulting, O&M digital construction, and O&M digital operation. “3” refers to three types of partners: platform component partners, adaptation development partners, and solution joint partners. “N” refers to different O&M scenarios, such as smart city, smart transportation, smart finance, and smart government.

O&M value operationalization: It means establishing an O&M value model and system driven by business objectives. Step by step, sort out the O&M objective from the service objective, establish the indicator system based on the O&M objective, perform system modeling, then solidify the platform, then verify the service result, and finally perform continuous operation of O&M.

Situation awareness: All links of the service chain, data chain, and deployment chain are streamlined to draw a service awareness map to realize real-time service situation awareness. Visualize data and architecture association to quickly demarcate and locate service faults, including locating and tracing service/service problems, locating and tracing system resource problems, locating and tracing hardware faults, and analyzing event correlation and impact.

Risk prediction: It starts from full-stack monitoring, and creates more than 5000 fault trees by capturing data from the platform layer, data layer, service layer, and application layer, by means of status acquisition and threshold management, model algorithm management, data relationship analysis, active detection, and user behavior simulation. Intelligent predictive monitoring.

Huawei industry O&M Hi-Ops 3.0 includes three types of capability partners: platform component partners, which can quickly meet customer requirements by introducing mature components, including IT infrastructure monitoring, IP address management, APM, 3D visualization, and network performance management. Adaptation development partner, which provides personalized adaptation services for customers, including visualized design development, portal adaptation development, adapter development, process interconnection, and tool integration. Solution partners jointly provide O&M service solutions, including data visualization solution, remote O&M solution, and application monitoring solution.

Flexxible IT is a Huawei-certified CSP. It is headquartered in Spain and has branches in Europe and the United States. Flexxible IT has a 7 x 24 x 365 support team to help customers handle emergencies and maintenance. It also has a 7*24-hour proactive monitoring system to help customers prevent and identify hardware problems. Mr. Kilian Arjona(CTO, Flexxible IT) said:” Huawei has cooperated with Flexxible IT since last year. Currently, Huawei has cooperated with multiple NAs”.

In the future, Huawei will work with more partners to tailor your digital transformation and inspire more transformation value.

Mobile World Congress 2022 takes place from February 28 to March 3 in Barcelona, Spain. Located in the 1H50 area of Hall 1 of Fira Gran Via. For more details, see: Huawei Enterprise Business Booth


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1758720/Mr_Kilian_Arjona_CTO_Flexxible_IT.jpg

CGTN: Beijing Winter Paralympic Games reflect more than just sports

BEIJING, March 3, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Promoting sports for persons with disabilities has become an integral part of China’s drive to help the country’s disabled. Hosting the 2022 Winter Paralympic Games will create more opportunities for persons with disabilities and enable them to realize their dreams, says Zhang Haidi, chairwoman of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation and head of the Beijing Winter Paralympics Chinese delegation, in her exclusive article for Decision Makers. Decision Makers is CGTN’s global platform for influential leaders to share their insights on events shaping today’s world.https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1758912/Beijing_Winter_Paralympic_Games_reflect_more_than_just_sports.jpg

Zhang was an important member of Beijing’s Bid Delegation for the 2022 Olympics and Paralympics Games. According to her, the Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games greatly helped promote the development of the work on disability in China. Since 2016 we have witnessed the continuous progress of China’s winter parasports, with the number of athletes increasing from less than 50 to over 1,000, covering all major events of the Winter Games.

To embrace the Beijing 2022 Paralympic Games, Zhang says that China has made full preparations, ranging from setting up a competitive winter Paralympic team to building the National Ice Sports Arena for People with Disabilities and many other new accessibility facilities.

As the host country for the 2022 Paralympic Games, China is determined to promote the development of the work on disability, improve the overall level of parasports, and encourage more people with disabilities to engage in sports. It’s worth mentioning that China was amongst the earliest countries that called for developing a UN convention to safeguard the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, and was among the first groups of countries to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Meanwhile, active efforts have been made in promoting the inclusion of disability issues into the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

In short, Zhang says that the Paralympic Games play an important role in protecting the rights and interests of people with disabilities, improving their living conditions and raising social awareness. The success of the 2008 Beijing Paralympic Games paved the way for the host of the 2022 Winter Paralympic Games to provide a stage for all people with disabilities to realize their dreams and present their perseverance, determination, and possibilities to the whole world.


Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1758912/Beijing_Winter_Paralympic_Games_reflect_more_than_just_sports.jpg