‫إطلاق أول برنامج لكرة القدم للمدارس تابع للفيفا في العالم في معهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)

بوبانسوار، الهند، 29 أكتوبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ – أطلق معهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)، في بوبانسوار، أول برنامج “فيفا” لكرة القدم للمدارس في معهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)، في مبادرة هو الأولى من نوعها. وقد أطلق نافين باتنايك، رئيس وزراء أوديشا، البرنامج فعليًا في السابع والعشرين من أكتوبر 2021.

Mr. Youri Djorkaeff, CEO - FIFA Foundation and Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder, KIIT & KISS amidst the football trainees during the lunch of FIFA Football for School Programme at KISS

يُعد برنامج كرة القدم للمدارس (F4S) برنامجًا عالميًا وطموحًا، ويتولى إدارته الاتحاد الدولي لكرة القدم “فيفا”، حيث يهدف إلى المساهمة في تعليم حوالي 700 مليون طفلاً وتنميتهم وتمكينهم.

صرح شري باتنايك، خلال تدشين البرنامج، والذي يأتي نتيجة شراكة بين فيفا ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)، قائلاً “يُعد الاستثمار في الرياضة هو استثمار في الشباب والمستقبل”. كمّا وجه شري باتنايك، الذي يتمتع بسجلٍ حافلٍ في الترويج للرياضة في أوديشا وعلى الصعيد الوطني، التهنئة لكلٍ من KIIT ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS) على إنشاء نظام بيئي ملائم ومستدام في توجيه الشغف بالرياضة على مدار العقدين الماضيين.

كان الدكتور أشيوتا سامانتا، مؤسس معهد كالينجا للتكنولوجيا الصناعية (KIIT) ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)، على اتصال برئيس الفيفا على مدار العام ونصف الماضي بشأن برنامج الفيفا لكرة القدم بالمدارس، والذي انطلق في معهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS) لأول مرة في العالم.

كمّا تشرف حفل الإطلاق بحضور كل من الدكتور: نيك غوغر، النائب المحترم، من سويسرا والسيد جياني إنفانتينو، رئيس الفيفا افتراضيًا، بينما حضر كلٍ من الدكتور: سامانتا؛ والسيد: كوشال داس، الأمين العام لاتحاد كرة القدم لعموم الهند؛ والسيد: يوري دجوركاييف، الرئيس التنفيذي للفيفا، إلى جانب شخصيات مرموقة أخرى.

وفي معرض الإشادة بإسهامات الدكتورة سامانتا في مجال الرياضة، صرّح الدكتور نيك غوغر قائلاً: “هذه المبادرة الأولى من نوعها لبرنامج كرة القدم للمدارس التي تطلقها الفيفا في العالم، كمّا إنها تأتي نتيجة لمساهمة الدكتورة سامانتا الحثيثة في مجال الرياضة”.

كمّا هنأ السيد: جياني إنفانتينو، رئيس وزراء أوديشا، على مبادراته الحثيثة في مجال الترويج للرياضة، قائلاً: “يسعدنا أن نرى انطلاق كرة القدم للمدارس في الهند اليوم، حيث إنها واحدة من أولى الدول في العالم التي بدأت فيها هذه اللعبة”. قام معهد كالينجا للتكنولوجيا الصناعية (KIIT) ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS)، تحت إشراف من الدكتورة: سامانتا، بإنشاء بنية تحتية رياضية ورياضيين أقوياء منذ عام 2005.

صرحت الدكتورة سامانتا قائلة: “تحت القيادة الحكيمة لشري نافين باتنايك، أضحت أوديشا مركزًا رياضيًا وبوبانيسوار عاصمة رياضية. حيث إنه لم ينس الاهتمام بالرياضة على مستوى القاعدة الشعبية”. كمّا وعد بتقديم كل الدعم من جانب معهد كالينجا للتكنولوجيا الصناعية (KIIT) ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS) لتنفيذ البرنامج.

خلال الفترة السابقة، نظم الفيفا “ورشة عمل لبناء القدرات- تدريب المدرب” لمدة ثلاثة أيام في معهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS) بداية من 25 أكتوبر، حيث شارك فيها 100 معلم تربية بدنية من أوديشا وأكثر من 100 لاعب كرة قدم من معهد كالينجا للتكنولوجيا الصناعية (KIIT) ومعهد كالينجا للعلوم الاجتماعية (KISS).

للتواصل الإعلامي:

الدكتور: شرادانجالي ناياك


صورة: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1672873/FIFA_KISS_KIIT.jpg

Green Technology for Sustainable Development, Hisense Contributes to Achieving Carbon Neutrality

QINGDAO, China, Oct. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The COP26 Summit is set to begin on Oct 31st, around 200 countries will gather and discuss the actions to protect and restore ecosystems. Driven by green technology, Hisense continues to integrate environmental protection initiatives in all aspects of manufacturing, supply chain, and developing energy-saving products.

Greener Technology

Since 2018, Hisense reduced HFC-245fa through technology innovation, reformed its refrigerator production using foaming technology and lowered greenhouse emissions. As a result, it decreased approximately 5847.3 tons of CO2 emissions. Furthermore, in 2021, United Nations Development Program(UNDP) publicly appraised the technology as an eco-leader in the fridge industry.

Hisense Greener Technology

More Energy Saving

Hisense has now lowered the power consumption of a 100-inch Laser TV to around 250 watts, while the LCD TV of the same size has a power consumption of more than 800 watts. In the future, Hisense will reduce the energy consumption of 100-inch Laser TV to under 200 watts.

Hisense Energy Saving

Sustainable Manufacturing

Hisense strictly follows the principles of energy conservation and environmental protection at all stages, from raw material selection to production and processing. For example, when Hisense manufactures a new series of TVs, it optimizes the overall heat dissipation system of the TV, reduces the thickness of the back cover of the TV, and saves 4,626 tons of plastic each year, which is equivalent to reducing the use of 514 million plastic bags.

Hisense Sustainable Manufacturing

Along with the COP26 conference, CNBC launched the CNBC ESG Council, a roundtable summit attended and discussed by the CEOs of the world’s most prominent companies. Speaking beforehand, Hisense President Jia Shaoqian, a member of the CNBC ESG Council, shared his insights and actions on technological innovation and sustainable development with global audiences.

President Jia also stated that, as a company with social influence and fulfillment of social responsibility, we should always focus on ESG, achieve the goal of being green, healthy, low energy consumption and environmental protection, meanwhile, without sacrificing the environment, achieving sustainable development with greener, healthier, lower energy consumption and better environmental protection. Sustainable development is a long-term endeavor for Hisense. Internally, Hisense adheres to a long-term initiative of building a better environment for enterprises and employees. Externally, we fulfill environmental protection and social responsibility to ensure that consumer rights and the world environment are protected.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1673596/Hisense_Greener_Technology.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1673595/Hisense_Energy_Saving.jpg
Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1673597/Hisense_Sustainable_Manufacturing.jpg

Baylor and Harvard Researchers Partner in Long-Term, Global Study of Human Flourishing

Researchers at Harvard University and Baylor University launch the largest initiative of its kind to investigate the determinants of human flourishing.

“The Global Flourishing Study” is a $43.4 million, five-year annual study of 240,000 individuals in 22 countries across a broad range of well-being outcomes.

WACO, Texas, Oct. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Social and biomedical scientists at Harvard University and Baylor University have joined forces to launch the largest initiative of its kind to investigate the factors that influence human flourishing. This $43.4 million initiative – “The Global Flourishing Study” (GFS) – will involve a five-year study of 240,000 individuals, representing 22 countries globally, with annual data collection across a broad range of well-being outcomes. This effort includes the data collection and management expertise of Gallup and the stakeholder coordination and open science leadership of the Center for Open Science.

Researchers at Harvard University and Baylor University, in partnership with Gallup and the Center for Open Science, have launched the Global Flourishing Study, the largest initiative of its kind to investigate the factors that influence human flourishing throughout the world.

What does it mean to live well? To be truly healthy? To thrive? Researchers and clinicians have typically answered these questions by focusing on the presence or absence of various pathologies: disease, family dysfunction, mental illness, or criminal behavior. But such a “deficits” approach tells only so much about what makes for a life well-lived – about what it means to flourish.

“The Global Flourishing Study is exactly the type of work needed to deeply understand the interplay of key elements in human experience that help us live well, be happy, and experience a sense of meaning and purpose,” said project co-director Dr. Tyler VanderWeele, the John L. Loeb and Frances Lehman Loeb Professor of Epidemiology and Director of the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard, who has published important articles on the assessment of human flourishing in leading scientific journals such as JAMA and the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. “The longitudinal research design will allow us to substantially advance scientific knowledge on the determinants of human flourishing.”

Project director Dr. Byron Johnson, Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences and Director of the Institute for Studies of Religion at Baylor, also commented on the data’s significance for better understanding the role of religion in a global context: “It’s an extraordinary opportunity for the Baylor-Harvard team to lead a panel study like this. Because our sample size is so large, we will be able to examine all of the world’s great religions and the role, if any, that they play in human flourishing.”

The panel will include individuals from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, Spain, Tanzania, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

Over the next five-plus years, the team will analyze longitudinal data on the patterns, determinants, and social, psychological, spiritual, political, economic, and health-related constituents and causes of human flourishing. “There are several examples of probability-based, nationally representative studies that track the same respondents over time in a single country,” explained Dr. Rajesh Srinivasan, Global Research Director of the Gallup World Poll, “but few have attempted to cover multiple countries. The scope of this project is unprecedented and likely to yield valuable insights for global survey research using this type of methodology.”

Questionnaire design underwent extensive development and feedback, including months of work on question refinement, translation, cognitive testing, and piloting. That work is summarized in a detailed report from Gallup.

The research team will partner with the Center for Open Science to make the data from the Global Flourishing Study an open-access resource so researchers, journalists, policymakers, and educators worldwide can probe detailed information about what makes for a flourishing life. Dr. David Mellor, Director of Policy from the Center for Open Science, commented, “The rigor and transparency applied to its analysis will increase trust in the research that comes from this work, and will lower barriers to worldwide, equitable access to this information. We couldn’t be more pleased to partner with these teams to support this process.”

Overall, the goal is to build a mature field of study around the science of human flourishing, producing research findings that will influence the direction of social and health policy. As Gallup’s CEO Jim Clifton remarked, “The Global Flourishing Study is a methodological innovation that can truly change the world – truly change how the world is led.” VanderWeele echoed these sentiments: “This is a tremendous opportunity. We are so excited to see what we, and other researchers around the globe, will learn.”

Given its scope, joint support from a consortium of funders was needed to make the Global Flourishing Study financially viable, including support from the John Templeton Foundation, the Templeton Religion Trust, the Templeton World Charity Foundation, the Fetzer Institute, the Paul Foster Family Foundation, the Wellbeing for Planet Earth Foundation, Well Being Trust, and the David & Carol Myers Foundation.

Along with Johnson and VanderWeele, members of the Baylor-Harvard team include Drs. Matt Bradshaw, Merve Balkaya-Ince, Brendan Case, Ying Chen, Alex Fogleman, Sung Joon Jang, Philip Jenkins, Thomas Kidd, Matthew T. Lee, Jeff Levin, Tim Lomas, Katelyn Long, Van Pham, Sarah Schnitker, John Ssozi, Robert Woodberry, and George Yancey.

About Baylor’s Institute for Studies of Religion

Launched in 2004, Baylor’s Institute for Studies of Religion (ISR) initiates, supports, and conducts research on religion, involving scholars and projects spanning the intellectual spectrum: history, psychology, sociology, economics, anthropology, political science, philosophy, epidemiology, theology, and religious studies. Our mandate extends to all religions, everywhere, and throughout history, and embraces the study of religious effects on prosocial behavior, family life, population health, economic development, and social conflict. While always striving for appropriate scientific objectivity, our scholars treat religion with the respect sacred matters require and deserve.

About Harvard’s Human Flourishing Program

Founded in 2016, the Human Flourishing Program at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science aims to study and promote human flourishing, and to develop systematic approaches to the synthesis of knowledge across disciplines. The program’s research contributes to the broad question of how knowledge from the quantitative social sciences can be integrated with that of the humanities on questions of human flourishing and how best to carry out this synthesis of knowledge across disciplines. The program hopes to bring greater unity to the empirical social sciences and the humanities. The program produces research publications and sponsors educational activities, such as courses, seminars, and conferences, for the Harvard University community all aimed at bringing knowledge together across disciplines and reflecting upon how knowledge from different disciplines might form a coherent whole.

About Gallup

Gallup is a global analytics and advice firm with more than 80 years of experience measuring public opinion and human development. In the organization’s own research and in working partnerships with government, nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, Gallup develops indicators to measure key global development and social responsibility indicators over time.

About the Center for Open Science

Founded in 2013, COS is a nonprofit culture change organization with a mission to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research. COS pursues this mission by building communities around open science practices, supporting metascience research, and developing and maintaining free, open source software tools, including the Open Science Framework (OSF). Learn more at cos.io.

Contact: Alex Fogleman, Ph.D., GFS Project Manager, Institute for Studies of Religion, Baylor University, Alex_Fogleman@baylor.edu

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1672165/GFS_baylor_University.jpg

TCL Mini LED TV Disrupts Gaming Experience with AMD FreeSync™ Premium Technology

New TCL Mini LED 4K TV C825 Delivers Smoother More Immersive Gameplay

HONG KONG, Oct. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — TCL Electronics (1070.HK), one of the leading players in the global TV industry and a leading consumer electronics company today announces that it is including AMD FreeSync™ Premium Technology in the TCL Mini LED 4K TV C825 to ensure gamers enjoy superior visual gaming experiences with no tearing, low flicker and low lantecy.

“We set out to create the best gaming experience for our customers by identifying the issues that frustrate gamers – input latency, screen tearing, and stuttering during gaming and video playback – then we found solutions. Through continuous innovation, we created the ultimate immersive experience – the new TCL Mini LED 4K TV C825 TV delivers incredibly smooth gameplay and has AMD FreeSync™ Premium certification.” said Shaoyong Zhang, CEO of TCL Electronics.

AMD FreeSync™ Premium caters to serious gamers looking for a premium, high refresh rate gaming experience. The certification enables gamers to easily identify and select the right products and reffirms that the TCL Mini LED 4K TV C825 delivers fluid, artifact-free imagery performance.

C825 features a high-performance Mini LED display that delivers incredible brightness, for dramatic highlights and richer, more lifelike HDR performance, while Quantum Dot technology ensures 100% colour volume comprising over a billion colours and shades. Combined with Variable Refresh Rate, Auto Low Latency Mode and eARC. C825 now delivers an excellent audiovisual experience for gaming, and makes TV shows and movies even more entertaining.

A long-time supporter of the gaming community TCL is the Official TV Partner of Call of Duty: Vanguard. With its advanced display technology and award-winning TVs, TCL is propelling gaming displays to ensure unrivalled immersive experiences with the highest benchmark possible. Now with AMD FreeSync™ Premium certification, gamers can choose TCL Mini LED 4K TV C825 and expect premium gaming experiences.

*Product appearances and fuctionalities vary in countries/regions.

About TCL Electronics

TCL Electronics (1070.HK) is a fast-growing consumer electronics company and a leading player in the global TV industry. Founded in 1981, it now operates in over 160 markets globally. According to OMDIA, TCL ranked global No.2 in TCL brand LCD TV market share in 2020. TCL specializes in the research, development and manufacturing of consumer electronics products ranging from TVs, audio and smart home appliances.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1673482/image_5005564_10213738.jpg

GAC MOTOR Meets Market Demand as Consumers Focus on Lasting Value

GUANGZHOU, China, Oct. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — As competition in the automobile market intensifies, consumers are taking a more rational than ever approach to buying cars. More and more consumers are beginning to take the value retention capacity of their new vehicles into account as an important reference index, and GAC MOTOR’s award-winning lasting quality designs are well suited to these changed market demands.

J.D. Power Awards | Recognizing Quality

GAC MOTOR is the only Chinese brand to have won 8 consecutive brand awards with China’s J.D. Power IQS (2013-2020).

This year, GAC MOTOR also placed highly in the J.D. Power China rankings for retention value. Amongst domestic brands, models GN8 and GS8 took 1st place in the MPV and Mid-Size SUV segments respectively for three-year retention rates. Model GS3 outperformed many other compact-SUVs to place second for retention value in its segment within domestic brands. GAC MOTOR’s multiple features on the important reference index demonstrate the attention to quality that runs through GAC engineering.

Built to Last | The Power of Craftsmanship

At the heart of the GAC MOTOR production process is the concept of the “spirit of craftsmanship”.

Every GAC MOTOR model is built with quality materials that are durable enough to create many years of memories and drive many, many thousands of kilometers.

In fact, every GAC MOTOR model is subject to over 4 million miles of road testing, to ensure that it can handle the wear and tear of daily travel. Craftsmen continually refine and perfect their product to ensure that it is wholly suited to its purpose.

There is no corner cutting – simply meticulous design, world-class technology and continuous innovation. GAC’s global R&D Centers ensure that there is a continuous flow of cutting edge technology, which optimizes every GAC vehicle into a more durable, more comfortable, and more efficient version than it was the year before.

This is what gives GAC MOTOR its competitive edge, and the reason why GAC Group wins so many awards.

The brand slogan of GO AND CHANGE! encapsulates the company’s constant striving for improvement. In the future, GAC MOTOR will continue to invest in value-adding technologies, and continue to improve the value retention index of its vehicles, striving to build cars that provide long-lasting utility to consumers across the globe.

Reliable, intelligent, efficient: this is GAC MOTOR.

Launchpad offers localization mentoring for Korean content startups aiming at overseas expansion

Going Global: Tips from Launchpad Overseas Partners

SEOUL, South Korea, Oct. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Six international accelerators from the United States, Japan, Singapore, France, the Middle East, and Finland have been participating in Launchpad, a global accelerating program operated by the Korea Creative Content Agency, since June. Launchpad was first started in 2017 as a project to support Korean content startups’ overseas expansion step by step. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, it has switched to an online program since last year and has focused on 1:1 consulting and business matching through its own platform. This year, in particular, the startups that were evaluated and selected directly by local accelerators will get funds and close mentoring for localization.

LAUNCHPAD is a global program designed to help Korean content startups' overseas expansion in 6 countries, including US, Japan, Singapore, France, Finland and UAE

Accelerators will help the startups enter each regional market: Mind The Bridge for U.S. and Europe, Creative Valley for France, Maria01 for Finland, Shorooq Partners for the Middle East, Awesome Ventures for Singapore, and 01Booster for Japan.

“The strength of Korean startups is their technical prowess.”

Choi Seong-an, head of Mind The Bridge, and Yann Gozlan, CEO of Creative Valley, who has a lot of experience in supporting Korean startups’ overseas expansion, remarked that Korean content startups are now technologically competitive in the global market, citing their qualitative growth as well. Compared to the past, technology-based companies such as AI and machine learning have increased.

“The metaverse market is currently growing in Japan,” said Takeru Kawashima, the director of 01Booster. “Korea has a history of MMORPG games, an early version of the metaverse, and thus has technical expertise in this field. It will be able to attract the attention of Japanese companies.”

Ville Simola, CEO of Maria 01, also explained, “Gaming and entertainment industry is very promising in Finland.” He said, “When considering the environmental factors, Korean content companies will be able to settle down well with their technological strengths.”

These accelerators emphasized the importance of product/market fit and language skills in overseas expansion. They didn’t forget to mention that it is necessary to understand cultural differences.

Meanwhile, the final teams for the Launchpad program are in the process of business matching through regional accelerating and customized support for each company. After the demo day in mid-November, they will focus on securing commercialization funds for localization and overseas expansion in early December.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1667080/LAUNCHPAD_KOCCA.jpg