BlockBank Brings AI Advisory to Crypto Industry

LONDON, May 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — BlockBank leverages Artificial Intelligence, adding it to the traditional banking and DeFi system making the entire ecosystem more secure, private, and decentralized. The platform will be AI-powered, which means it will monitor and understand social intelligence, risk mitigation, analytics, batched transactions, and smart contracts.

BlockBank has over 40,000 app users

BlockBank aims to expand the user’s knowledge base and positively their decision-making power. The cryptocurrency space, while full of opportunities for significant gains in terms of profit, is without its own drawbacks. Investing in it will mean big risks, considering the volatile nature of its market and the complexity of the industry.  As a user-oriented platform, BlockBank aims to offer the users with the right set of information powered by AI-enabled analytics and risk management practices.

BlockBank is currently working to provide a built-in fiat gateway along with giving access to a non-custodial and cross-chain wallet for the users to hold their cryptocurrency. To name a few services and possibilities that will be offered by BlockBank include, real-time market analysis, robo-advisory, trade execution, price prediction, earning strategies recommendations, and finance tracking.

Smart Tools for the Cryptocurrency Space

BlockBank  is on a mission to make the everyday user a smart trader. The application works on the premise that everyday users have lesser knowledge about the nuances of the DeFi platforms and its features, including smart contracts, etc. In addition to this, the lack of customer support and unfair tokenomics also make trading decisions difficult for the simple users.

BlockBank has signed an exclusive partnership with SKAEL to bring in artificial intelligence to the crypto ecosystem. SKAEL has worked with many top companies to bring about hyper-automation. Its goal is to help organisations save time and produce efficient results within a short timeframe. At the moment, Google, Oracle, Asurion and many other significant enterprises utilise the services of SKAEL.

The collaboration between BlockBank and SKAEL intends to bring in a unique Artificial Intelligence model to the blockchain space. BlockBank wants to provide an outstanding AI product capable of solving some problems in the blockchain space.

The company recently launched their record breaking IDO, releasing BBANK token as the native cryptocurrency of the BlockBank platform. Furthermore, depending on the Tier Level, the users can earn additional tier-wise APY.

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Nolvia Serrano
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شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية: إذ هي مترسخة في تقاليد البلاد، طرق الصين الخضراء إلى مستقبل منخفض الكربون

بكين، 6 أيار/مايو 2021 / PRNewswire / — منذ فجر العصر الصناعي، أنتجت البشرية ثروة مادية غير مسبوقة.  ولكن هذا الازدهار لم يأت بدون ثمن باهظ على حساب الطبيعة.

يستخدم البشر اليوم قدرًا كبيرًا من الموارد البيئية كما لو كانوا يعيشون على 1.6 من الأرض التي نعيش عليها الآن، وفقًا لشبكة  البصمة العالمية.  وهذا يعني أن الأرض تستغرق الآن عامًا وثمانية أشهر لتجديد ما يستخدمه البشر في السنة من مواردها.

وإذ طرح فكرة أن “المياه النقية والجبال الخصبة أصول لا تقدر بثمن”، كرر الرئيس الصيني شي جنبينغ مرارًا فكرة أن “حماية البيئة الطبيعية ودفع التنمية المستدامة قدما هي التزاماتنا المشتركة.”   وبعد كل شيء، على حد تعبيره، قال “لدينا أرض واحدة فقط.”

“الاستخدام المتزن للموارد الطبيعية”

الاستخدام المتزن للموارد الطبيعية هو مفتاح الحفاظ على البيئة.  نحن بحاجة إلى تعزيز أسلوب حياة أبسط وأكثر اخضرارًا ومنخفض الكربون، أسلوب يعارض الإفراط والهدر، وتعزيز ثقافة العيش الأخضر والصحي.

 –  الرئيس الصيني شي جنبينغ في 28 نيسان/أبريل 2019

خلال حفل افتتاح المعرض الدولي للبستنة في العام 2019، أوضح الرئيس شي الطريق إلى الحفاظ على البيئة من خلال الاستشهاد بالمقتطف السابق ذكره من جيجي تونغيان أو “المرآة الشاملة لمساعدة الحوكمة”، وهو عمل مرجعي رائد في التاريخ الصيني من تأليف سيما غوانغ (1019-1086) من أسرة سونغ الشمالية (960-1127).

اتخذت فكرة الاستخدام المقيد للموارد معاني جديدة في الصين اليوم.  كما أشار شي في خطابه، فإن “نموذج التنمية المتمثل في” قتل الدجاج من أجل البيض”، و”تجفيف البحيرة من أجل الأسماك” هو طريق وصل إلى طريق مسدود.  ستتم إضاءة المستقبل من خلال التنمية الصديقة للبيئة التي تتوافق مع قواعد الطبيعة.”

إن السعي وراء التنمية الخضراء منخفضة الكربون المستندة إلى الابتكار هي العمود الفقري للجهود التي تدفع الصين نحو هدفها المتمثل في أن تصبح دولة اشتراكية حديثة.

في العام 2018، أدرجت الصين فكرة الحضارة البيئية في دستورها لأول مرة.  كما تمهد الخطة الخمسية الأخيرة الطريق للبلاد لوعدها برفع انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون إلى ذروتها بحلول العام 2030 وتحقيق الحياد الكربوني بحلول العام 2060.

تتعهد الخطة الخمسية الرابعة عشرة (2021-2025) بتخفيض استهلاك الطاقة لكل وحدة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي وانبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون لكل وحدة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بنسبة 13.5 في المئة و 18 في المئة على التوالي خلال الفترة 2021-2025.

كما تعهدت الصين بزيادة حجم مخزون الغابات بمقدار ستة مليارات متر مكعب بحلول العام 2030 من مستوى 2005 ورفع إجمالي قدرتها المركبة من طاقة الرياح والطاقة الشمسية إلى أكثر من 1.2 مليار كيلوواط.

الوفاء بالوعد

صرح الرئيس شي في مناسبات عديدة بالتزام الصين بضمان التعايش المتناغم بين البشر والطبيعة، وهو هدف تسعى إليه الصين بالأفعال.

في السنوات العشر الماضية، احتلت الصين المرتبة الأولى عالميًا من حيث زيادة موارد الغابات، حيث تجاوزت مساحة التشجير فيها 70 مليون هكتار.  وفي الوقت نفسه، يخضع 90 في المئة من أنواع النظم الإيكولوجية الأرضية المختلفة و 85 في المئة من مجموعات الحيوانات البرية الرئيسية للحماية الفعالة من الدولة.

إن الدولة التي كان تقدمها الاقتصادي على مدى العقود الماضية مدعومًا إلى حد كبير بالفحم هي الآن من بين أكبر المستثمرين في العالم في مجال الطاقة المتجددة، حيث تمتلك 30 بالمئة من القدرة العالمية المركبة للطاقة المتجددة.

علاوة على ذلك، انخفضت حصة استهلاك طاقة الفحم في البلاد من 60.4٪ في العام 2017 إلى 56.8٪ في العام 2020، وارتفع استهلاك الطاقة النظيفة من 19.1٪ في العام 2016 إلى 24.3٪ في العام 2020، وفقًا لبيانات المكتب الوطني للإحصاء.

بحلول العام 2019، انخفضت انبعاثات الكربون في البلاد بنسبة 48.1 في المئة مقارنة بذلك الرقم في العام 2005، مما عكس اتجاه الزيادة السريعة في انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون، وفقًا لكتاب أبيض حول تطوير الطاقة صدر في 21 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2020، من قبل المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الدولة .

وقال الرئيس شي “المهمة صعبة للغاية”، في إشارة إلى وعود الصين بشأن معالجة قضية التغير المناخي، في قمة الفيديو الأخيرة بين الصين وفرنسا وألمانيا.  لكن الصين ستفي بوعودها.”  



Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech this Friday marking the International Quds Day, wherein he praised “the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their land, their clinging to their rights, and their constant struggle, which gives legitimacy to all the Axis of Resistance, and further invalidates the lie of those who rushed towards normalization.”

“The Palestinian people neither abandoned Al-Quds, nor gave up on its refugees and their right of return, or turned its back on the liberation of its land,” he asserted. “What we are witnessing of battles waged with bare hands in Jerusalem and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and Gaza’s entering on the front line next to Jerusalem, are all indicators that do not require any reading. Given the Israeli response, we can see that it regards such occurrences as dangerous developments in the interest of the Palestinian people, because the enemy has always strived to separate Gaza from any development in Jerusalem.”

In this context, Nasrallah called upon “the people of Palestine to continue to follow this approach because it will change part of the equation,” stressing “the permanence of the Axis of Resistance, the most powerful of which being the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, for forty years, has not once deviated from its path.”

He pointed to “the fall of the bets of the US administration with the fall of Trump, who was threatening war. With Biden’s different approaches, Netanyahu’s bets also fell short.”

“If sanctions against Iran are not lifted, Iran will continue to contest,” he said, alluding to certain countries in the region having dismissed the possibility of war on Iran.

The Hezbollah secretary general uttered his belief that “the massive peaceful nuclear development in Iran is a source of terror for Israel.” He also pointed at “the Saudi-Iranian dialogue in Baghdad,” and the statements of the Saudi crown prince, “which are in line with the Iranian position.”

Nasrallah assured his audience that “Iran will not change its stance regarding its allies, (…) neither will it bargain on them, nor will it negotiate on their behalf.”

He thus declared that he favored “every Arab, regional, or international dialogue that leads to the strengthening of our axis,” hinting at “those who should be concerned about these dialogues as they will eventually lead mercenaries to their end.”

Moving on to Syria, Nasrallah commented on the circulating talks about Syrian-Saudi dialogue, noting that he was “not authorized to confirm or deny this,” but “saw in it a logical step, in light of what is happening in the region.”

“Saudi Arabia cannot go to dialogue with Iran in Baghdad and at the same time place conditions on Syria,” he asserted in this context.

Nasrallah also praised the steadfastness of Yemen and welcomed its inclusion to the Axis of Resistance, “especially given its young, honest and wise leadership. The Resistance has emerged stronger in the region.”

Moving on to talk about the Israeli situation, the Hezbollah leader shed light on the political cracks it suffers, explaining that “the Israeli entity is now at the service of one person: Netanyahu. The absence of leading figures is usually an indicator of weakness.”

He did not fail to mention the Syrian aerial missile that fell near the Dimona factory, and which the Iron Dome could not shoot down, and asked: “Will the Israeli air defenses have the ability to repel thousands of missiles if those start to rain on Israel from several directions?”

“There is also the reality of the Israeli army and the weakness of the soldiers’ incentives both in morale and measures,” he went on to said, linking between the repetition of the semi-monthly Israeli military maneuvers and the clear cracks in the enemy’s structure.

Nasrallah accordingly stressed that “indications of the decline of the Israeli entity began to appear, in contrast with the increase in strength, confidence, certainty and enthusiasm of the youth of the Resistance Axis.”

Shifting to the maritime border demarcation, he commented on what is being said about Hezbollah’s position, stressing “the clarity of the party’s position over strategic issues,” recalling what he said in a speech he gave in 2000 and affirming that “the party will not interfere with the issue of border demarcation.”

“This demarcation is the duty of the state and the Lebanese. National interest must prevail.”

Source: National News Agency


Secretary-General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech this Friday marking the International Quds Day, wherein he praised “the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in their land, their clinging to their rights, and their constant struggle, which gives legitimacy to all the Axis of Resistance, and further invalidates the lie of those who rushed towards normalization.”

“The Palestinian people neither abandoned Al-Quds, nor gave up on its refugees and their right of return, or turned its back on the liberation of its land,” he asserted. “What we are witnessing of battles waged with bare hands in Jerusalem and the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, and Gaza’s entering on the front line next to Jerusalem, are all indicators that do not require any reading. Given the Israeli response, we can see that it regards such occurrences as dangerous developments in the interest of the Palestinian people, because the enemy has always strived to separate Gaza from any development in Jerusalem.”

In this context, Nasrallah called upon “the people of Palestine to continue to follow this approach because it will change part of the equation,” stressing “the permanence of the Axis of Resistance, the most powerful of which being the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, for forty years, has not once deviated from its path.”

He pointed to “the fall of the bets of the US administration with the fall of Trump, who was threatening war. With Biden’s different approaches, Netanyahu’s bets also fell short.”

“If sanctions against Iran are not lifted, Iran will continue to contest,” he said, alluding to certain countries in the region having dismissed the possibility of war on Iran.

The Hezbollah secretary general uttered his belief that “the massive peaceful nuclear development in Iran is a source of terror for Israel.” He also pointed at “the Saudi-Iranian dialogue in Baghdad,” and the statements of the Saudi crown prince, “which are in line with the Iranian position.”

Nasrallah assured his audience that “Iran will not change its stance regarding its allies, (…) neither will it bargain on them, nor will it negotiate on their behalf.”

He thus declared that he favored “every Arab, regional, or international dialogue that leads to the strengthening of our axis,” hinting at “those who should be concerned about these dialogues as they will eventually lead mercenaries to their end.”

Source: National News Agency


President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, met MP, Assad Dergham today at Baabda Palace, and deliberated with him social and developmental needs of Akkar.

The meeting also addressed the conditions of displaced Syrians in Akkar and other remote areas, in addition to the need to intensify efforts to limit the repercussions of this displacement on various Lebanese sectors.

Source: National News Agency