Transport Authority Launches Advanced Version of ‘Insiyab’ Initiative to Monitor Pilgrim Bus Traffic

Mina: Minister of Transport and Logistics Services, Eng. Saleh bin Nasser Al-Jasser launched the advanced version of the “Insiyab” initiative.

This initiative aims to measure the smooth flow of transporting pilgrims by bus to the holy sites by measuring real-time movement through drones relying on artificial intelligence (AI).

The Roads General Authority (RGA) Spokesperson Abdulaziz Al-Otaibi indicated that the authority’s “Insiyab” initiative measures the smooth flow of bus transportation to Makkah and the holy sites.

The initiative aims to measure more than 25 indicators, including the average journey time for buses, the average waiting time at stations, the average carbon emissions, the average level of service, and the average traffic density on the roads, the spokesperson said.

He stated that these modern experiments contribute to continuous technical improvement and collaboration with partners, enabling the pilgrims to receive exceptional and seamless services.

He also highlighted the virtual reali
ty glasses technology that assists field inspectors in ensuring the compliance of buses with regulations, such as vehicle cleanliness, operational license cards, and obtaining a bus driver’s card legally.

Moreover, Al-Otaibi pointed out that the authority is committed to this technology to provide innovative modern techniques to serve the pilgrims, facilitate their transportation, and enhance their bus travel experience.

This initiative is part of the authority’s role in providing safe transportation, adopting modern technologies and AI to assess their suitability and contribution to delivering an exceptional travel experience for pilgrims, ensuring they perform their rituals with comfort and peace of mind.

Source: Saudi Press Agency