Security Committee in Al-Dhale’ discusses security situation, ways to enhance security & stability

In Security Committee meeting, headed by Acting Governor Abdul Latif Al-Shaghdari, the Security Committee in Al-Dhale’ province discussed the security conditions and ways to enhance the security services’ role in maintaining security and stability.

The meeting touched on the tasks and duties of the security committee in the province center and the directorates in combating crime, controlling it before it occurs, establishing security pillars, enhancing tranquility, protecting public , private facilities, and the efforts of the security services in addressing various issues, including conflict issues.

In the meeting, Al-Shaghdari noted the role and tasks of the security services in implementing the tasks assigned to them during the past period.

He urged to redouble efforts and raise the level of security vigilance, especially in light of the current conditions, stressing that citizen awareness of the difficulty of the current stage that the country is going through will contribute to addressing and resolvi
ng many security issues.

Source: Yemen News Agency