Report : Umm Hussein Between Cancer’s Hammer and Her Captive Husband’s Anvil

The impact of the aggressive ‘cancer’ disease and its siege on the mother of Hussein’s body did not differ from the aggression and siege of the US-Saudi evil coalition on the homeland since nine years ago.

The aggression on Yemen that resulted in the closure of airports, ports, and roads in the face of its people, so that everyone could experience the horrors of the aggression and siege, starting with pain, passing through captivity, and ending with waiting.

Umm Hussein ( Hussein’s mother) information:

Cancer seized Umm Hussein’s body since four years ago and began to tear her health until the pain exceeded her ability to endure. Her 60-year old husband Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Sabah, from Jawf province, who is educational supervisor, decided to try to stop spreadingcancer from growing up so that he deiced to travel abroad in 2019 for medical treatment.

Umm Hussein says ‘For a long time, my husband and I, 4 sons, and 3 daughters had been living in safety in the capital Sana’a until the aggression came. My husb
and was working as an educational supervisor and sought to do good and help those in need. Four years ago, God’s destiny and His will that I was diagnosed by oncology unit that “I am suffering from breast cancer,” that began to spread and weaken to my body. I went from hospital to hospital, and my condition deteriorated as services in the health sector in Yemen weak due to the stifling siege on Yemen. We became confused and my condition became bad.’

She added “In April 2019, my husband and me decided to travel abroad for medical treatment. We sold what we had owned and lent the rest of the treatment and travel costs. However, we could not travel through Sayun Airport or Aden Airport ( southern Yemen). At that time, Sana’a Airport was completely closed. We are afraid of forcibly imprisoning at one of the checkpoints on the roads, as happened with many people on charges of being Houthis, Hashemites, and others.’

Everyone is aware of the consequences of this decision that weigh heavily on the person and plunge
the citizen into a spiral of debt after selling property and other properties to cover the costs of an unknown travel, on a one-way trip surrounded by a lot of fear and anxiety.

One way trip

Umm Hussein recalls ‘After thinking and bewildering, my husband decided that we should travel to Oman via Marib road. We put our trust in Allah and booked at one of bus transport companies, including our daughter. We traveled, and thank Allah, no one stopped us despite the fear and anxiety. when we crossed the mercenary checkpoints until we reached the city of Muscat, the capital of Oman. From there we traveled by air to one of the countries to receive medical treatment. I underwent a mastectomy and took a chemotherapy dose there. We bought medicines that cost 2 million YER for 6 months, in addition continuing the chemotherapy doses in Yemen. We decided to return to Sana’a in the same route because it was safe and we did not know what was waiting for us.’

Return trip

We came back December 2019 in which fate sealed our
fate, specifically at al-Falaj checkpoint in Marib on the bus that was carrying all the passengers.

Umm Hussein speaks with pain ‘We returned from our medical trip by air to Oman and from there to Sana’a by land via bus until we reached (al-Falaj checkpoint in Marib province). The bus suddenly stopped and soldiers boarded the bus and began searching passports, and as soon as they reached us they arrested my husband on charges that he was a Houthi.’ “Iranian…that’s what they used to tell him.”

She angrily added ‘Moreover, they broke all of my medicines worth 2 million YER with their feet, stepping them on the asphalt. I told them, ‘You have arrested my husband. Do not break my medicines,’ but there is no life for whomever you call for. They are the hands of the Jews and Saudi Arabia. They have no mercy in their hearts, they are like stones.’

The scene of attacking the human being”The eyes of the mercenaries

ere seized, as usual, every day in search of a victim that satisfies their hungry soul and their s
ordid inspiration, to find their misfortune in hunting the husband of “Umm Hussein”, as a mature prey, which was led by its spontaneity, and it is certain that it i returning to her homeland, to its city, and the charge is ready as usual: “Iranian Houthi.”

Umm Hussein says ‘For a long time, my husband and I, 4 sons, and 3 daughters had been living in safety in the capital Sana’a until the aggression came. My husband was working as an educational supervisor and sought to do good and help those in need. Four years ago, God’s destiny and His will that I was diagnosed by oncology unit that “I am suffering from breast cancer,” that began to spread and weaken to my body. I went from hospital to hospital, and my condition deteriorated as services in the health sector in Yemen weak due to the stifling siege on Yemen. We became confused and my condition became bad.’

Oh what the ugliness … despite their certainty that my husband is not from Iran, he is indeed from Jawf province and he is not Houthi in the form they
want and call it everyone who violated their ideas. They pulled my husband, who supports of the needy. They beat and insulted him. The mercenaries destroyed the medicines that brought from outside the country, hoping to assist me in a health recovery, which amounted to two million YER. My begging and tears were failed to recover my husband and to continue our trip to the capital Sana’a, [who has become a prisoner in their grip until the moment and where? in the darkness of the mercenary prisons of the aggression in Marib].

This is if they did not sell him to Riyadh or Abu Dhabi as they did for other people of this country.

Her soul is almost bleeding, “Umm Hussein”, as she regains the scene of the pirates of employment and mercenaries, they insulted us in a dirty way. My daughter and were catching husband’s hands and I appealed to them, addressing them ” if you are Yemeni and Arab blood and brothers, just leave my husband” Where is the tribe and the sanctity of the road? I am sick with cancer and my husband
is my companion. Leave my husband, he is a Yemeni citizen.”

Her cries and pleas did not mean nothing to them [the mercenaries]. She painfully adds ‘The mercenaries pulledmy husband and took him in front of our eyes to an unknown destination. They destroyed our passports and cards, and they returned me and my daughter to the bus, and we were crying to continue in our way to Sana’a without recovering my husband, without our Man, and tears were flowing like blood from oppression.”

What for Now?

Umm Hussein says ‘It has been nearly four years since my husband was kidnapped. He has only contacted me once or twice. He is old and sick in prison, and I am still waiting for my husband to come out in every prisoner exchange deal, just like thousands of women forcibly kidnapped prisoners.’ On the streets of Marib, they wait for their husbands and children. Some of them walked for Hajj or Umrah, some of them walked to obtain a passport, some of them went to work in Saudi Arabia, some of them went for medical treatment
, and mercenaries picked them up, and even women were not spared from kidnapping, like the captive Nadia al-Junaid, the freed captive Samira March, and the Egyptian Sahar Abdul Mohsen and others, according to the words of those who emerged from captivity and who were forcibly taken from the road to the prisons of Marib and are subjected to beatings and torture on a daily basis in great hatred against the people of Yemen, its men and women, and under external directives and the hands of Yemeni mercenaries.’

She continues her speech with the burning of the oppressed and the brokenhearted, the sinking of loss as saying:

‘My illness came back to me again and began to spread throughout my body, and I was unable to return abroad on time. My husband, who was supporting us and charged to support me is a prisoner in Marib. He is indeed sick in a prison, and we are suffering in rented houses, moving from house to house because of the high rent and the costs of my ongoing medical treatment in Sana’a.’


After a
painful conversation filled with what is said and what is not said, and with the heart-breaking groaning she hides, Umm Hussein gathers her strength, trying to hide the pain of her body, which has been ravaged by ‘cancer,’ and the groans of her soul, which has been exhausted and tormented by the pain of loss. She and her children appeal to human rights and humanitarian organizations, the government in the capital Sana’a, and the Prisoners’ Affairs Committee, requested that her husband must be released in the first upcoming prisoner exchange deal, hoping that she would meet him and see him among his family before Allah’s destiny would happen to her, in which the opponents would meet before Him.

After ‘cancer’ tightened its grip on Umm Hussein’s body, and the pain was able to surround every detail of her life, she no longer pinned her hopes on recovery from her illness, as much as she begged her Creator to grant her ‘a short period of time’ that would not go beyond looking at her husband’s face. Her absent pri
soner who did not return yet.

Source: Yemen News Agency