Launching field activities for development teams in Dhamar districts

Field activities were launched in Dhamar province for development AND cooperative teams in districts.

During the workshop on activating leadership priorities and activating the development work of multi-purpose cooperative societies, which was held in Ma’bar city with the participation of development teams in the districts of (Doran, Al-Hada’, Jahran, and Al-Manar), the governor’s agent, Ali Atef, explained that inaugurating the field work and holding the workshop is an introduction to a series of activities , events at the level of Directorates , isolates to form development and cooperative teams, leading to the establishment of multi-purpose cooperative societies

He pointed out the importance of joining efforts to translate the vision of activating development and cooperative work at the district level through forming associations, training development teams and giving them the necessary skills to activate their developmental and cooperative role.

While the Director General of the Agriculture Office, Dr
. Adel Omar, explained that the development team in the province consists of the offices of agriculture, planning, social affairs , labor, humanitarian affairs, industry , trade, zakat, and other relevant bodies.

He stated that one of the most prominent goals of the development teams in the districts is to focus on establishing cooperative societies, as they are an essential and effective partner alongside the state in delivering projects , services to the districts, districts, and villages, in addition to focusing on activating community initiatives in the agricultural, economic, and cultural fields.

For his part, the Director General of Community Initiatives Support in the procince, Muhammad Al-Khatri, said that the workshop comes within the efforts aimed at reviving cooperative development work in the districts and seeking to motivate the community to produce and adopt community initiatives in various sectors , achieve development and self-sufficiency.

In turn, Deputy Director of Planning, Osama Al-Mugh
rabi, pointed out that one of the tasks of the development teams in the districts is to manage and stimulate development processes, starting with the consolidation of the districts , the establishment of cooperative societies in each of them, development teams at the isolation , village levels, training development knights and conducting a survey to determine the competitive advantages of each district, isolation and village leading to identifying needs and framing them within the tasks of cooperative societies

For his part, the representative of the Social Affairs and Labor Office, Ziad Al-Marami, reviewed the Ministry’s vision for developing and activating cooperative work in accordance with the Law of Associations and Federations, the proposed amendments, and the steps that were taken to prepare for this aspect in accordance with the requirements of the stage.

Bonyan Foundation’s representative , Engineer Muhammad Al-Barbari, stated that the participants in the workshop will receive knowledge and informa
tion about the basics of cooperative work , how to mobilize the community, motivate , educate it to subscribe to cooperative societies ‘agricultural, production, investment,’ and train development knights at the level of each village.

Source: Yemen News Agency