Arab League: Arab Summit Convenes Amid Unprecedented Gaza Crisis

Manama, Assistant Secretary-General for Social Affairs at the Arab League Haifa Abu Ghazaleh emphasized the crucial timing of the upcoming Arab Summit in Bahrain, given the ongoing crisis in Palestine.

Addressing the preparatory meeting, Abu Ghazaleh highlighted the dire humanitarian, social, and economic situation in Gaza caused by the Israeli aggression.

She praised the Arab countries for providing aid to Gaza, but stressed the need for continued support to alleviate the suffering in the strip.

Abu Ghazaleh announced that the Arab League has developed an emergency response plan to address the economic and social fallout of the aggression, and highlighted the importance of the private sector and social development institutions in supporting effective social policies.

She pointed to several key topics on the meeting’s agenda, including a proposal for a new social contract and the Arab Vision 2045, which aim to significantly improve the lives of Arab citizens.

Abu Ghazaleh expressed gratitude to Bahrain f
or organizing the summit in collaboration with the Arab League.

Source: Saudi Press Agency