Aoun discusses with the Secretary-General of the APO Organization a study of establishing a gas pipeline from Nigeria to Europe passing through Libya.

The Minister of Oil and Gas in the National Unity Government, ‘Mohamed Aoun,’ discussed with the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Petroleum Producing “APO” Countries, Omar Al-Farouq, the work of an economic study to establish a gas pipeline from Nigeria to Europe, passing through Niger and Libya.

This came during Aoun’s reception yesterday, Wednesday, at the ministry’s office in Tripoli, with ‘Al-Farouk,’ accompanied by the organization’s director of studies and research and the director of his office, on the sidelines of his participation in the 2024 Energy and Economy Summit, which Libya is hosting on January 13 and 14.

According to the official page of the Ministry of Oil and Gas on Thursday, the two parties also discussed ways to establish the African Energy Bank to support oil industry projects in Africa.

During the meeting, he stressed the importance of joint cooperation between member states to benefit from the expertise, technology, lessons and experience gained in the oil and gas
industry and the field of contracts.

Source:Libyan News Agency