Polish Expert on Middle East Affairs to QNA: HH the Amir’s Visit Highlights Opportunity to Strengthen Qatari-Polish Partnership, Cooperation

Polish expert on the Middle East affairs Krzysztof Plominski affirmed that the visit of HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to Poland is an opportunity to strengthen the strategic partnership and mutual cooperation in several important aspects between the two countries.

Plominski said in an interview with the Qatar News Agency that there is no doubt that the visit of HH the Amir is very important for Qatari-Polish relations, with communications continuing at the highest levels between the two countries, in addition to the strategic partnership in the fields of energy clearly emerging, as Poland relies heavily on Qatar for its supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG), with Qatar providing half of Poland’s annual gas consumption.

He added that there are great opportunities to enhance cooperation, especially in the field of energy, affirming the importance of the presence of Polish companies in the Qatari market and increasing exports to Qatar.

The Polish expert emphasized the importance of expanding co
operation in new fields, including cultural fields, indicating the great opportunities for cooperation between centers of social and political studies and research, highlighting the great prospects for cooperation in the field of tourism, especially since Poland is a destination for Qatar Airways, which can benefit from encouraging Poles to visit Qatar, as well as increasing visits by Qataris to Poland.

Regarding Qatar’s efforts to mediate in resolving regional and international conflicts through diplomatic means, Plominski said that they highly appreciate the role of Qatari diplomacy in mediation and solving global problems through peaceful means and recall Qatar’s significant role in reaching the agreement between the US and the Taliban in Afghanistan, as well as its current diplomatic efforts to achieve a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and the release of hostages and prisoners.

He affirmed the need for a deeper exchange of views on common issues between the two countries, and for a strategic dialogue betwee
n Qatar and Poland, similar to the existing dialogues between Qatar and other countries, to discuss all matters and exchange ideas about joint cooperation to find solutions to various issues of common interest between Doha and Warsaw.

Regarding the shared interests between Qatar and Poland, particularly in areas where future cooperation can be strengthened, the Polish expert in Middle East affairs Krzysztof Plominski explained at the conclusion of his interview with QNA that there are opportunities for investment and cooperation in the security and defense field which can be strengthened through some important initiatives in Poland, such as the Warsaw Security Forum, one of the largest security forums in Europe and the world, where Qatari officials can participate in this forum.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Parliamentary Delegation participates in eighth GCC-European Parliamentary Committee meeting

Bahrain’s parliamentary delegation, represented by Sabeeka Khalifa Al-Fadhala, Chairperson of the Youth Affairs Committee at the Shura Council, participated in the eighth meeting of the GCC-European Parliamentary Committee.

The meeting, organised by the General Secretariat of the GCC, took place today, Thursday, via video conference, with the attendance of Yahya Ali Al Mulla, Assistant Secretary-General for Committees, Sessions and Parliamentary Support

The meeting discussed the outcomes of the first session of the GCC-European Parliamentary Committee team, aimed at identifying updates on topics to be discussed with the European Parliament. Discussions included the exchange of visits and meetings between the Shura, Representatives, National, and Ummah Councils of the GCC countries and the European Parliament.

The committee also discussed the timing of the meeting with the European Parliament later this year and reviewed the agenda in light of recent developments.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Arab Group in New York Assigned to Study Steps to Freeze Israels Participation in UN

The Arab League Council has commissioned the Arab Group in New York to study steps to freeze Israels participation in the United Nations General Assembly, due to its failure to adhere to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, its threat to international peace and security, and its failure to fulfill its obligations that were a condition for accepting its membership in United nations.

In its decision following the conclusion of the extraordinary session held on Thursday in the General Secretariat at the level of delegates headed by Yemen, the Arab League Council denounced Britains obstruction of the course of international justice and slowing down justice for the victims, by requesting the International Criminal Court (ICC) to allow it to submit written observations on what If the International Criminal Court (ICC) may exercise jurisdiction over holders of Israeli citizenship, and hold Britain internationally legal and morally responsible for this approach based on obstruction and double s
tandards to enable perpetrators to escape punishment.

The Arab League Council also warned that Israel (the occupying power) would continue to commit the crime of genocide against the Palestinian people, and its refusal to abide by the Security Council resolutions related to the ceasefire and the binding orders from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to stop killing civilians and harming them physically and mentally, and to provide for their humanitarian needs, which It represents an attack on the international system in general and tampering with international law and human values, and calls on the international community, and the Security Council to implement a real and decisive intervention that will enable the crime of genocide to be stopped immediately and to prosecute Israel for its crimes.

The Arab League Council condemned the aggressive policies and measures taken by the Israeli occupation government against the State of Palestine with the aim of preventing the embodiment of its independence on
the ground, and the intensification of plans to annex the territories of the occupied West Bank, and settlement colonial expansion, including the legalization of five settlement outposts in strategic areas of the occupied West Bank and the initiation of licensing Building thousands of new colonial settlement units, undermining the civil and economic powers of the Palestinian government in about 80 percent of the occupied West Bank, pirating the funds of the government and people of the State of Palestine, and imposing sanctions on Palestinian officials.

The Arab League Council affirmed that the Israeli occupation governments attempt to implement its plans to annex any part of the Palestinian territory occupied in 1967, actually or through invalid legislation, constitutes a new Israeli war crime, and called on the international community to exert deterrent pressure and punitive measures on Israel, the occupying power, to force it to stop the plans, and illegal colonial annexation and settlement practices that
eliminate the chances of achieving peace and a two-state solution.

It requested the General Secretariat to coordinate with member states to implement the decision of the Arab Summit held in the Kingdom of Bahrain on May 16, 2024 to include the list of extremist Israeli organizations and groups that storm the Blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque and are linked to Israeli colonial settlement, and contained in the report of the Permanent Delegates Committee dated Jan. 30, 2024, on the Arab national terrorist lists and announcing the list of shame contained in the aforementioned committees report of Israeli figures who broadcast genocidal rhetoric and incitement against the Palestinian people in preparation for taking legal measures against them and holding them accountable at the level of national and international courts, and boycotting all companies operating in colonial settlements.

The Arab League Council also condemned the continuing and dangerous Israeli military attacks on southern Lebanon, which caused the killing o
f civilians, including children, women, the elderly, journalists, and paramedics, and reached deep into Lebanese territory, in addition to targeting Lebanese army centers, and the destruction of villages and agricultural lands using internationally prohibited white phosphorus, and the necessity of exerting international pressure, to curb the declared aggressive Israeli intentions to wage a wide-scale war on Lebanon.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Bahrain participates in developing strategy to protect youth from drugs

MP Hassan Eid BuKhammas, representing Bahrain on the Advisory Board of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), took part in the fifth meeting of the Committee for the study of a strategy to protect youth from the dangers of drug use and addiction in the GCC (via video conference).

The meeting discussed the necessity of strengthening Gulf cooperation, keeping up with regional and global developments in the field of drug crime, enhancing the GCC strategy to combat the illicit use of drugs and psychotropic substances, and exploring ways to bolster the Council’s efforts in drug prevention and control. It also emphasised the importance of immediate information exchange regarding drugs and psychotropic substances.

This participation underscores the support of Bahrain’s legislative authority, both the Shura Council and the Council of Representatives, for all efforts by relevant entities in GCC and Arab countries. It highlights the importance of integrated cooperation, unifying deterrent laws, and formulating effective
strategies and programmes to combat the spread of drugs, aiming to ensure safe and healthy communities.

MP Hassan Bukhammas had been appointed by Royal Order No. 40 of 2023 as one of Bahrain’s representatives on the Advisory Board of the Supreme Council of the GCC for a three-year term.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

In SCO Summit Speech, Kyrgyzstan President Calls for Establishing Center for Combating International Organized Crime

Kyrgyzstan President Sadyr Japarov on Thursday called for further close attention and joint work to combat existing global problems, such as terrorism, cyber threats and international crime.

Addressing the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit in Astana, Japarov noted the importance of the presented initiative of the Kyrgyz Republic to create a Center for Countering International Organized Crime in Bishkek.

Japarov called for further work to reduce trade barriers throughout the SCO to create an open economy and strengthen the multilateral trade system, noting the need to create a special institution for financing projects, such as the SCO Development Bank and the SCO Development Fund.

He added that the adoption of the SCO decision on mechanisms of financial support of the SCO projects will allow the Council of Heads of Government to carry out appropriate work on implementation of one of the main issues of the economic agenda of the SCO.

He added that digital technologies would play a significant
role in the promotion of trade relations to simplify trade procedures in the future.

For his part, Pakistani Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif affirmed his country’s support for the proposal to establish an SCO development fund to advance development initiatives. He also affirmed his country’s commitment to achieving the organization’s goals of peace and prosperity, and urged member states to exert collective efforts to combat terrorism, alleviate poverty and resolve conflicts, especially the ongoing Israeli attacks in Palestine.

In his speech during the summit, Shahbaz Sharif highlighted various current regional and international issues, including terrorism, extremism, Islamophobia, poverty and climate change.

Regarding the Afghan file, the Pakistani Prime Minister urged the international community to work constructively with the Afghan caretaker government to help meet its economic needs.

On the situation in the Gaza Strip, Shahbaz Sharif asked the SCO to condemn the ongoing Israeli aggression against innoc
ent Palestinians, and to demand an immediate ceasefire and the implementation of the two-state solution that guarantees the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital.

In turn, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko thanked the SCO for his country accession as a full member, stressing Minsk’s readiness to cooperate with China (the new chairman of the SCO) to implement a number of important projects.

Lukashenko called on the SCO members to take the initiative to build a truly indivisible global security, and stressed that the projects reached by the SCO partners in the fields of energy, transport, logistics, finance and industrial cooperation will bring great benefits to the SCO member states and beyond.

President Emomali Rahmon of the Republic of Tajikistan praised the SCO’s growing role as an influential international bloc that plays a clear role in the international arena and plays an influential role in maintaining security and stab
ility in the region.

He said that the organization is responsible for developing its economies and expanding the circle of cultural and civilizational dialogue.

He also presented his country’s vision for promoting multilateral cooperation within the organization, which is represented in strengthening political dialogue, joint cooperation in the field of business and trade, and increasing investments, especially in the fields of innovations and artificial intelligence.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Speaker congratulates Algeria on Independence Day

Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives, sent cables of congratulations to Ibrahim Boughali, Speaker of the National People’s Assembly of Algeria, and Salah Goudjil, Speaker of the Council of the Nation of Algeria, on Algeria’s Independence Day.

The Speaker sent a similar cable to Dr. Mahmoud Braham, Ambassador of Algeria to Bahrain.

Source: Bahrain News Agency