Ambassador Al-Saqr Receives SPA President, SBA Chief in Tunis

Tunis, The Saudi ambassador to Tunisia, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Ali Al-Saqr, received Saudi Press Agency (SPA) President Dr. Fahd bin Hassan Al Aqran, Saudi Broadcasting Authority (SBA) CEO Mohammed bin Fahd Al-Harthi, and the accompanying delegation in the Tunisian capital today.

The reception was held to mark their participation in the activities of the Arab Media Festival, which began in Tunis.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

HM the King Congratulates President of Madagascar on National Day

Rabat – His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a congratulatory message to the President of the Republic of Madagascar, Andry Nirina Rajoelina, on the occasion of his country’s national day.

In this message, HM the King expresses His sincere congratulations to President Andry Nirina Rajoelina and His best wishes of happiness and prosperity for the Malagasy people.

“Thanks to our joint action, I am convinced that our two countries will be able to consolidate their bilateral cooperation and further enrich their historic ties of fraternity and solidarity,’ the Sovereign underlines in His message.

In this regard, HM the King affirms His willingness to work with the President of the Republic of Madagascar to promote an “ever-stronger” Moroccan-Malagasy friendship and “an even more united and prosperous Africa.’

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

2024 Bac Exam245,881 Candidates Pass Ordinary Session

Rabat – 245,881 candidates in public and private schools passed the ordinary session of the national 2024 Baccalaureate exam, representing a pass rate of 67.8%, the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports announced on Wednesday.

The pass rate for the June session surged by 8%, with the number of graduates remaining stable compared to the 2023 session, which recorded a rate of 59.8% (245,295 students), according to the ordinary session’s results announced by the Ministry after completing deliberations in all regional academies.

The pass rate for girls reached 72% among all candidates, while boys achieved a pass rate of 62.6%.

In total, 362,848 candidates took this session’s exam, with an attendance rate of 97.4%, while 410,273 candidates took last year’s session, with an attendance rate of 96.3%. The number of free candidates was 74,556, with an attendance rate of 61.8%, of whom 29,440 passed the exam, with a success rate of 39.5%.

A total of 148,362 enrolled and free candidates (54% of all su
ccessful candidates) earned a distinction.

Pass rates for international Baccalaureate and professional Baccalaureate branches are 70.7% and 64.2% respectively.

As for candidates with disabilities, 1,024 passed, with a success rate of 75.7%.

This year’s Baccalaureate exams were marked by several new important approaches, notably the establishment of an integrated system for the secure transfer of examination subjects to academies, as well as the adoption of a phygital traceability solution for candidate copies, ensuring the security of copies correction relating operations before anonymity is lifted. The Ministry also continues to produce the secure digital version of Baccalaureate diploma “phygital bac,” along with academic transcripts.

All candidates will be receiving the digital version of their Baccalaureate diplomas on the same day and can obtain the physical version starting from June 27. They also received their results via SMS and via their electronic inbox on

Furthermore, 147,317 candi
dates will take re-take tests, on July 10, 11, 12 and 13, while the results will be announced on July 19.

Source:Agence Marocaine De Presse

Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen organises celebration for supporters

Manama, The Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen (RFFS) organised a ceremony to celebrate the Fund’s contributors and supporters at the Isa Cultural Center.

The Director of the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen, Shaikh Khalid bin Salman bin Khalid Al Khalifa, emphasised the significant role of individuals and companies that support the Fund. He added that this support emanates from their belief in community partnership, which contributes to achieving the noble goals for which the Fund was established. Shaikh Khalid bin Salman said that this aligns with the visions of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, and the directives of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Prime Minister and President of the Supreme Commission for the Royal Fund for Fallen Servicemen.

The director expressed his appreciation for the support, which serves as a foundation to continue providing care for the families of the fallen servicemen and their children. He thanked all contributors, supporters and
volunteers for their efforts in supporting the Royal Fund, wishing them continued success.

During the event, the contributors were honoured for their efforts and keenness to support the fund.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Minister of Interior Meets US Security Official

HE Minister of Interior and Commander of the Internal Security Force (Lekhwiya) Sheikh Khalifa bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani met in Washington on Wednesday with HE Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technologies in the United States Anne Neuberger.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance cooperation between the two countries in security areas of common interest.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Derasat board holds Q2 meeting

Manama, Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed Al Khalifa, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Centre for Strategic International and Energy Studies (Derasat), chaired the Derasat Board of Trustees’ second meeting of the year.

During the meeting, the Board of Trustees reviewed achievements during the last quarter and discussed the topics on its agenda.

The chairman said that Derasat is steadily working to achieve its research mission and build partnerships, in line with Bahrain’s Economic Vision 2030.

Derasat continues to make significant contributions to various external events and activities, in cooperation with prestigious regional and international institutions, he added.

The Board of Trustees welcomed the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) between Derasat and Arabian Gulf University (AGU).

The MoC aims to further enhance innovation and scientific research in various strategic, economic, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) fields to serve the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals (SD

Dr. Shaikh Abdullah emphasised Derasat’s interest in enhancing cooperation and partnership, and exchange of expertise with academic and scientific milieus, reflecting Bahrain’s approach of supporting security, peace, and sustainable development, as directed by His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister.

The Board welcomed Derasat’s cooperation with the King Hamad Global Center for Peaceful Coexistence, signing an agreement to implement the Green Houses of Worship programme to address environmental challenges and combat climate change, reflecting the integration of scientific research and religious institutions.

The Board commended the positive outcomes of Derasat’s “Think Talks” Series, which covers a variety of topics and hosts distinguished researchers to share their experiences.

The Board of Trustees also reviewed the outcomes of the Centre’s dialogue session, which brought together the UN and Bahraini civil society institutions to consult on the UN’
s 2025-2029 Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.

Furthermore, the Board was briefed by Derasat’s Executive Director on the Centre’s cooperation with the US Embassy in Bahrain to host seminars and workshops, benefiting from expertise in the energy sector to build sustainable practices in Bahrain’s national industries.

The Board discussed several strategic projects the centre plans to implement in the coming period, focused on enhancing cooperation and partnerships across various fields.

The content of the new issue of the Centre’s journal “Studies” was received by the board. It covered a key regional and international issues and highlighted intellectual and academic contributions of the Centre’s researchers during the past period.

Source: Bahrain News Agency