WHO : More Than 10,000 Palestinians Need Medical Evacuation from Gaza

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Friday said that more than 10,000 Palestinians are in need of medical evacuation from the Gaza Strip to receive treatment.

WHO spokesperson Tariq Jasarevic said that more than 10,000 people need to be evacuated and receive medical care outside Gaza, adding that 6,000 of them suffer from shocks, and more than 2,000 suffer from chronic diseases.

He explained that since the closure of the Rafah crossing in the southern Gaza Strip, no medical evacuation operation had taken place until yesterday, when 21 children with cancer were evacuated.

He stressed the need to reopen the Rafah crossing and any other border crossing to remove patients so that their lives remain safe.

Israeli occupation forces had occupied the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, before burning and destroying it, following their ground invasion of the Rafah Governorate, south of the Gaza Strip, on May 7.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Armed Forces announce implementation of qualitative military operations in Mediterranean and Red Sea

Triumphing for the oppression of the Palestinian people and their mujahideen, and in response to the Zionist enemy’s massacres against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

Our Armed Forces carried out several specific military operations, including:

A joint military operation alongside the Islamic Resistance in Iraq targeted the “Waler” oil ship in the Mediterranean Sea with a number of drones, while it was on its way to the port of Haifa.

The ship was targeted owing to its violation of ban decision of access to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The missile and the naval forces carried out a military operation targeting the American ship Delonix in the Red Sea with a number of ballistic missiles. The operation caused a direct hit against the ship.

The missile force in our Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of Allah Almighty, carried out an operation targeting the ship (Johannes Maersk) in the Mediterranean sea using a cruise missile, and the operation has successfully achieved its objective.

This s
hip belongs to Maersk company, which is one of the most supportive companies for the Zionist entity and the most that violates ban decision of access to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The operation was simultaneously carried out with the naval forces carrying out another military operation in the Red Sea against the ship (Ioannis).

The ship was targeted by a number of uncrewed surface boats for violating the ban decision of entry to the ports of occupied Palestine, and it was directly hit.

The Yemeni Armed Forces salute all members of the jihadist Yemeni people for their constant and continuous response to our leader. Al Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, ‘may Allah protect him,’ in the massive mass demonstration in solidarity with the Palestinian cause and an the affirmation of the rejection of the American-British aggression against our country.

The Yemeni Armed Forces continue to carry out their religious, moral and humanitarian duties in the name of the great Yemeni people and in the name of
all the free people of the nation in support of Palestine and in trumphing for its struggling people and its valiant resistance.

Military operations will not stop unless the aggression is stopped and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.


Dhu al-Hijjah 22, 1445 AH

June 28, 2024 AD

Issued by the Yemeni Armed Forces

Source: Yemen News Agency

Algeria, Poland Foreign Ministers Discuss Latest Developments in Gaza

Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf met, in Warsaw on Friday, with his Polish counterpart Rados?aw Sikorski, to discuss the latest developments in Gaza and the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The two ministers affirmed their adherence to the United Nations charter and the UN-backed role in the face of the worsening challenges and crises imposed on the regional and global arenas.

Attaf discussed with Sikorski the latest security and political developments in their neighboring countries, in addition to the developments in the partnership between Algeria and the European Union.

The two sides agreed to hold the first session of the Algerian-Polish committee for economic cooperation, in addition to bolstering the legal framework of bilateral cooperation and partnership in energy, particularly the renewable energy sources.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Human Rights: America’s continued aggression against Yemen and supporting occupation’s massacres in Gaza requires international stance

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned the continued American-British aggression against Yemen and the violation of its sovereignty in an attempt to cover up the largest crime of genocide in the world against civilians in Gaza and Rafah, with American-British support.

The Ministry of Human Rights explained in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the continued American-British bombing of Yemen and its support for war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist entity in Gaza and Rafah represents the greatest transgression and violation of the charters and principles of the United Nations, leading to further escalation that America seeks. Drawing the region into more turmoil , instability and threatening international peace and security.

The crime of targeting civilian objects in a number of Yemeni provinces was considered an extension of the crimes of the American-Saudi aggression against the Yemeni people, and it confirms the unity of the crimes in Palestine , Yemen by the Zionist en
tity and its partners America , Britain and their tools from Arab countries, which have become completely subject to abroad.

The statement stated that America proves that it is the primary sponsor of terrorism in the world, violates international laws , regulations and human rights, commits massacres against humans, continues to practice orgies and crime, violates human rights , international treaties and conventions, silences people even within its territory, mocks the world, the United Nations and international courts, etc. It continues to support the enemy entity to commit more crimes of genocide , forced displacement, and it stands in the way of international efforts to stop it.

The statement pointed out that the poor performance of the United Nations, its dependence on the American decision, and the weakening of any humanitarian role, made America and the Zionist entity persist in losing , squandering rights , violating international humanitarian law and agreements that protect civilians.

Human Rights
Ministry reiterated the legitimacy of what the Yemeni leadership , people, the free people of the nation, and the peoples of the world are doing in supporting the Palestinian people, , seeking by all possible means to stop the crimes of genocide and the stifling siege against the women and children of Gaza.

It indicated that all international texts emphasize the right to self-defense and the protection of civilians, which is a right guaranteed to the Yemeni people in responding to the American-British aggression, calling on the peoples of the nation to take a decisive stance against the American aggression that violates the sovereignty of Arab countries, and to take practical measures to stop the Zionist aggression against Gaza continuing for more than 266 days.

The Ministry called on the Arab and Islamic media to play its role , bear its responsibility in exposing the crimes of the enemy entity , its Western supporters, urging the international community and humanitarian organizations to carry out their le
gal and humanitarian duty towards the crimes and violations to which Yemen and Palestine are exposed, and to demand that the perpetrators of these crimes be held accountable, and to stop the interventions of America and Britain in the region.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Palestinians Martyred, Injured Following Israeli Raids on Gaza Enclave

A Palestinian young man was martyred, and others injured on Friday following an Israeli offensive in Shujaiya neighborhood east of Gaza.

Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) quoted medical sources in Gaza as saying that medical and rescue personnel have succeeded in recovering bodies of seven martyrs since early Friday morning from Shujaiya neighborhood.

Additionally, rescue personnel retrieved decomposed bodies of four martyrs from Nabulsi area in Sheikh Ijlin neighborhood in the southern Gaza enclave, while a Palestinian was also martyred after the Israeli occupation army launched drone attacks near Gaza’s Al-Zaytoun clinic.

The Israeli occupation army continues to launch a series of airstrikes on the Palestinians’ homes in Shujaiya neighborhood, concurrently with intense artillery shelling and drone attacks in the area.

Source: Qatar News Agency