Bahrain joins ICSE database to protect children in cyberspace

Manama: The Children’s Cyberspace Protection Unit of the General Directorate of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security has joined the International Child Sexual Exploitation (ICSE) database of the International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol).

Brigadier General Bassam Mohammed Al Marraj, Director General of Anti-Corruption and Economic and Electronic Security at the Ministry of Interior, said that joining the Interpol database comes in efforts to combat online child exploitation, in line with the directives of General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, Minister of Interior, to leverage regional and international expertise and protect children in cyberspace. He also commended the ongoing follow up of Lieutenant General Tariq Al Hassan, Chief of Public Security.

Brig. Gen. Al Marraj highlighted that joining the database comes as part of the recently launched national strategy to protect children in cyberspace and enhance awareness about all relevant risks.

The director general said
that several unit employees passed a 14 day training course on the database held at the Interpol headquarters in France. This included uploading data and analysing results methods.

The database is designed to support experts working on cases involving the sexual and online exploitation of children. It enables member states to share information and experiences related to these types of issues among themselves. The database also provides access to the best expertise to help member states combat child sexual and electronic exploitation effectively.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Under the patronage of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim, RUW holds graduation ceremony

Manama: Her Royal Highness Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Consort of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW), the Royal University for Women (RUW) held its graduation ceremony for bachelor’s and master’s degree students.

Her Highness Shaikha Nayla bint Hamad bin Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Highness Shaikh Khalifa bin Hamad Al Khalifa, President of the Royal Rescue and Safety Foundation of Bahrain, and Dr. Diana Abdulkarim Al Jahrami, Secretary General of the Higher Education Council (HEC), were present.

During the ceremony, Shaikha Nayla bint Hamad presented the certificates to 112 students, including 66 graduates from the Bachelor’s programme at the College of Business and Law, 4 graduates from Master’s programmes, 28 female graduates from the Bachelor’s programme at the College of Arts and Design, 3 female graduates from postgraduate Master’s programmes, and 11 graduates from the Bachelor’s programme at the College of Engineering and Technology.

Bahrain News Agency

Family Code: Royal Referral to Higher Council of Ulema Stands Out as ‘Inclusive, Moderate, Consensual’

The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema, to contribute to the collective reflection on the Family Code review, stands out for its inclusive, moderate and consensual nature, with a view to follow societal development.

Driven above all by the will to protect the well-being and stability of the family, the approach of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, leads the way to constructive Ijtihad so as to bring forward legislation that will meet the expectations and needs of all family components.

Scholars, through their Higher Council, the institution exclusively empowered by the Constitution to issue Fatwas, are thus invited to examine and deliver their opinion on the proposals with a religious nature put forward by the body in charge of revising the Family Code and submitted to the High Appreciation of the Sovereign.

“The Family Law was a major step forward. However, it is no longer sufficient”, the Sovereign stated in the 2022 Throne Speech.

In this respect, HM the King has called for al
l the players and institutions concerned to be involved in the reform process, including the National Council for Human Rights, the Government Authority in charge of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family and the Higher Council of Ulema, while opening up to civil society, researchers and specialists in family issues.

In other words, the Kingdom is preparing not only to take a new step in the overhaul of the Family Code, but also to redefine the outlines of a society in harmony with societal developments and changes.


There is no doubt that the referral of this matter to the Higher Council of Ulema is in line with the Royal ambition to meet the demands of society and keep pace with new social circumstances, within a renewal-oriented consensual framework that focuses on the stability of marital relations and enduring affection between all components of the family, the basic unit of society.

The Council is invited to issue a collective Fatwa to stop the various
individual interpretations that are out of step with the reality of Moroccan society, while respecting the values of religion and taking account of the virtues of Ijtihad in the interests of the Moroccan family.

The future Family Code shall therefore be in line with the development of Moroccan society, and the Royal Referral is perfectly in keeping with this spirit, to support the proposals and social demands expressed, taking into consideration the interests of the Family and the stability of marital relations.

This bold approach shapes a resolutely forward-looking path, not only to build a dynamic society driven by the vigor and diversity of all its components, but also to make this new reform a catalyst for development.

Women’s rights and family issues in general are at the top of HM the King’s priorities, as demonstrated by the letter sent by the Sovereign to the Head of Government concerning the Family Code review.

In line with the High Royal Directives, consultations on this subject have embodied th
e innovative participatory approach that the Sovereign has called for, so as to respond eloquently to the expectations expressed by various social sensitivities, without exception.

Enshrining this dynamic, inclusive, open and forward-looking approach, the Royal Referral is governed by well-defined limits reminding the Higher Council of Ulema of Fatwa foundations based on the principles and rules of Islam and its purposes, as well as the content of the Royal Letter to the Head of Government, in which the Sovereign advocates the use of moderation and open and constructive Ijtihad to successfully revise the Family Code.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse

Family Code Review: Royal Referral Reinforces Morocco’s Role as Beacon of Moderate Sunni Thought

The Royal Referral to the Higher Council of Ulema regarding some proposals of a religious nature, submitted to the High Appreciation of His Majesty King Mohammed VI by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code, reinforces Morocco’s role as a beacon of moderate Sunni thought based on Ijtihad and openness.

This Royal Initiative, which aims to check and strengthen the legal basis of these proposals reflects the Kingdom’s position as a leading country in this area.

It is a dynamic, open, inclusive and forward-looking approach to issues relating to religion, which reinforces Morocco’s position as a unique country that has always advocated a moderate interpretation of Islam, taking into account the virtues of Ijtihad to serve the interest of the family.

The Royal Referral, which draws its essence from the prerogatives of the Commandership of the Faithful Institution, stems from the Sovereign’s concern to broaden the institutional consultation process relating to the revision of the Family Code, to meet the
expectations of Moroccan citizens.

It is meant to highlight the importance of Ijtihad in understanding situations arising from the evolution of society and to underline the ability of legal prescriptions of a religious nature to adapt to new realities.

The Sovereign’s Initiative also refers to the central role of Moroccan scholars, renowned for their competence and moderation, in respecting religious precepts and supporting societal developments.


By referring the matter to the Higher Council of Ulema, His Majesty the King enshrines the choice of open and constructive Ijtihad, illustrating once again the High Royal solicitude towards the family, this pillar of the national community.

Indeed, through the far-sighted Royal Initiative, which is part of the constitutional prerogatives of the Sovereign, in His capacity as Commander of the Faithful and Chairman of the Higher Council of Ulema, this Institution is called upon to issue a collec
tive Fatwa, which will strengthen the proposals submitted by the Body in charge of revising the Family Code and consolidate the use of Ijtihad to improve the fate of all members of the family.

Moroccan scholars are thus called upon to issue an opinion in accordance with the values of Islam while respecting the purposes of religion and their change over time.

His Majesty the King ensures, through this Referral, to involve scholars and their constitutional institution in the collective reflection on the revision of the Family Code, which stands out from other legal texts since some of its provisions have a religious reference. The aim is to check and strengthen the legal basis of some proposals of the Body in charge of revising the Family Code with regard to religion through Ijtihad.

Through this reform, Morocco, under the far-sighted leadership of His Majesty the King, intends to successfully complete this major societal project, which will meet the aspirations of the whole society and enshrine the full rig
hts of Moroccan family components.

The Royal Referral also supports the social proposals and demands expressed, in a renewal-oriented consensual framework, taking into consideration the interest of the family, the stability of marital relations and the sustainability of tranquility and affection between all family components.

Source: Agence Marocaine De Presse