ISESCO International Forum By Youth for Youth Launches in Azerbaijan

Baku, The International Forum By Youth for Youth, organized by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO), launched in Azerbaijan city of Shusha .

The four-day Forum , with the participation of 90 young men and women representing 43 countries from the Islamic world and beyond, features organizing a number of discussions sessions, intellectual dialogues, and cultural and artistic activities.

The Forum is part of the program to celebrate Shusha city as the Capital of Culture in the Islamic World 2024 and the activities of the ISESCO Year of Youth.

It aims to provide the opportunity for young people to express their opinions and provide them with the opportunity to share experiences and best practices in the fields of peacebuilding, humanitarian work and sustainable development, and to present concrete proposals that contribute to young people leading positive change in their societies.

The Forum’s working sessions will witness discussions and dialogues between young people
and inspiring leaders from different countries, to exchange expertise and ideas.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Qatar Museums Announces Permanent Changes to Operational Hours

Doha: Qatar Museums (QM) has announced permanent changes to the opening hours of its key cultural institutions starting from Jul.1, 2024.

The changes include the extension of its working hours every Thursday, and a one-day closure per week. The changes aim to enhance public access, promote evening programming, and ensure the optimal care and maintenance of the collections.

The museums new changes to the working hours include the National Museum of Qatar (NMoQ), 3-2-1 Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum (QOSM), which will be closed every Tuesday of the week, while the Museum of Islamic Art (MIA) will remain closed every Wednesday and Mathaf: Arab Museum of Modern Art, it will remain closed every Monday of the week.

The working hours in those museums will be during the business days from 9am until 7pm, except Thursday, during which the working hours will be until 9am only. The museums will operate every Friday from 1:30pm until 7pm.

The novel changes to the opening hours will allow more opportunities for citize
ns, residents, and visitors to explore Qatar Museums diverse arts and cultural offering, including permanent collections, temporary exhibitions, and public programming.

In addition to the extended hours, a one-day closure per week will be implemented to conduct essential maintenance work, staff training, and the installation of new exhibits, ensuring that the highest standards are maintained without disrupting the visitor experience. These rest days are crucial for preserving the quality and integrity of our collections and for preparing new, engaging experiences for the public.

Moreover, QMs usual holiday closures will remain unchanged, and all relevant institutions will be closed to the public on two days each year the first day of Eid Al Fitr and the first day of Eid Al Adha allowing staff to celebrate these important holidays with their families.

Following the first day of Eid Al Fitr and the first day of Eid Al Adha, the museums will remain open for the duration of the holiday period, as announced by
the Amiri Diwan.

If a museums regular closure day coincides with an Eid holiday, the museum will stay open to align with the public holiday period.

Source: Qatar News Agency

QSC Summer Camp to Commence on Sunday

Doha: The Qatar Scientific Club (QSC)’s Summer Camp 2024 will commence at the QSC premises on Sunday, supported and supervised by the Youth Affairs Department at the Ministry of Sports and Youth.

The QSC’s activities and workshops reflect its goal of promoting science and innovation as being fun, with 30 activities, workshops, competitions, and specialized scientific programs in place for this year’s camp.

Deputy Executive Director and head of the events and activities committee at QSC Abdulrahman Saleh Khamis said that all preparations are set for the start of the summer camp.

Khamis underlined QSC’s commitment to holding a wide range of diverse and complementary activities to meet the youth’s needs and aspirations, for which QSC surveyed participants and set a committee to consider and implement their suggestions.

This year’s activities will include those related to STEM Education (focusing on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), along with Artificial Intelligence, software development, p
rogramming, robotics, Virtual Reality design and programming, Mastercam, 3D printing and many more.

The Ministry of Sports and Youth provides QSC with special support to attract members of society by offering useful and high-quality workshops and programs relevant to a knowledge-based economy.

Source: Qatar News Agency

QNL Receives Books Selection on Latin America’s History, Culture

Doha: Qatar National Library (QNL) received a selection of books on Latin American countries’ culture and history that will enrich the library with additional resources about the cultures of those countries.

In the presence of HE Minister of State and President of Qatar National Library Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari, HE Ambassador of Peru to the State of Qatar Jose Benzaquen Perea, and a number of senior officials, QNL held a special ceremony on Tuesday to highlight the progress witnessed in the process of cultural exchange and the close relations between the State of Qatar and Latin American countries.

The event was the latest in a series of initiatives undertaken by QNL to promote knowledge exchange and strengthen cultural relations with diplomatic missions.

Marking the occasion, HE Dr. Hamad bin Abdulaziz Al Kuwari emphasized that the donation comes within QNL’s efforts in the field of cultural diplomacy, saying that the donation reflected Qatar’s diplomatic and cultural collaborative spirit with fr
iendly countries and its policy of openness to the world.

“We are grateful to the countries that contributed today to further advance our mission of fostering knowledge exchange and promoting a better understanding of various cultures including South Americas rich heritage,” His Excellency added.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Omani, Dutch Foreign Ministers Discuss Bilateral Relations, Situation in Gaza

Muscat, Omani Minister of Foreign Affairs Badr bin Hamad Al Busaidi discussed with his Dutch counterpart, Hanke Bruins Slot, relations of cooperation between the two countries in various fields, besides developments in Gaza, in a phone call on Monday.

During the call, the two sides stressed identical views on the necessity of immediately halting the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip and the escalation by reaching the two-state solution, which is the only solution to achieve peace.

The Omani Minister also emphasized the importance of respecting international law and holding the Israeli occupation accountable for grave violations, its practice of the ugliest forms of siege, and its policy of genocide, including starving the population of Gaza.

He also noted the importance and inevitability of recognizing the Palestinian state to achieve justice and alleviate human suffering.

Source: Qatar News Agency

UNESCO Launches Publication on Arabic’s Legacy on Silk Road in Collaboration with ICESCO

Rabat, The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched its publication titled “Underlining the Role and Legacy of the Arabic Language in Cultural, Scientific, and Commercial Exchanges along the Silk Roads” in a launching ceremony hosted by the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) headquarters in Rabat, Morocco on Monday.

In his speech at the ceremony, ICESCO Director General Dr. Salim M. AlMalik said that the Arabic language sprung out of the Arabian Peninsula, the cradle of the message of Islam, reaching China, Central Asia, Turkiye and the borders of Europe, with translation from and into the Arabic language becoming an asset yielding rewarding returns as a result.

Two discussion sessions were held on the occasion on the legacy of the Arabic language on the Silk Road, with the participation of Arab and Chinese researchers.

Source: Qatar News Agency