Alba surpasses 20 million safe working hours without LTI

Manama, Aluminium Bahrain B.S.C. (Alba), one of the world’s largest aluminium smelters, achieved a safety milestone — 20 million working hours without a Lost Time Injury (LTI) on Saturday 22 June 2024.

This achievement underscores Alba’s unwavering dedication to prioritising the safety and well-being of its workforce.

Ali Al Baqali, the Chief Executive Officer of Alba, expressed his pride in reaching this safety milestone and said: “Alba’s commitment to safety extends far beyond simply achieving impressive numbers. This milestone reflects a deep-rooted safety culture in every facet of our operations. This culture prioritises risk mitigation, ongoing training, and fostering a collaborative environment where safety is everyone’s responsibility”.

He added, “We are confident that the unwavering commitment of our entire team – employees and contractors alike – will continue to propel us forward to reach greater safety milestones”.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Morocco, US launch Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development

New York, Morocco’s Ambassador to the United Nations,

Omar Hilale, Ambassador of Morocco to the United Nations (UN), launched with his US counterpart Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the Group of Friends on Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development.

According to the Maghreb Arabe Press (MAP), the launch of this Group follows the adoption by the UN General Assembly of the first UN resolution on AI, as well as by 123 member states.

The group will rely on the institutional support of UNESCO and the International Communications Union (ITU) which together ensure the co-presidency of the working group of the United Nations system on artificial intelligence.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

8 missing after landslide in rain-drenched central China county

Changsha, Eight people are missing after a landslide in central China’s Hunan Province early Sunday, local authorities said.

The landslide happened in Douxi Village, Xinhuang Dong Autonomous County of Huaihua City, and was reported to the county’s emergency response centre at around 4:00 am Sunday. It led to the collapse of four houses, Xinhua News Agency reported.

All other people at the site have been relocated to safe areas, and rescue work is underway. The county has been hit by heavy rain.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

China, France launch new astronomical satellite

Xichang, China launched an astronomical satellite, the result of nearly 20 years of hard work between Chinese and French scientists, to capture gamma-ray bursts which flicker like fireworks in the farthest reaches of the universe.

The satellite, the Space-based Multi-band Variable Object Monitor (SVOM), was launched by a Long March-2C rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA).

The satellite has been sent into an orbit over 600 kilometers above Earth and has a designed life of five years, though scientists expect it could be operational for as long as 20 years, Xinhua News Agency reported.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

JAF conducts 2 more airdrops of aid into southern Gaza

Amman, The Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) on Sunday carried out two additional airdrops of humanitarian and food aid, targeting a number of sites in the southern Gaza Strip.

The two operations carried relief and humanitarian aid to support people in the Gaza Strip, due to the ongoing war on the coastal enclave.

The JAF affirmed continued efforts to dispatch humanitarian and medical aid via an air bridge from Marka Airport to El Arish International Airport, or through airdrops into Gaza, or ground aid convoys, aimed to help Gaza people overcome the difficult conditions, the Jordanian News Agency (Petra) reported.

To date, the JAF has conducted 108 airdrops since the beginning of the war on Gaza and participated in 262 joint airdrops, in cooperation with Arab and foreign countries.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Interior Minister holds committee meeting to review citizenship cases since 2010

Manama, General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa, the Interior Minister held a meeting on Sunday with the committee assigned to review all cases that received the Bahraini citizenship to follow up on the progress of its work.

The Interior Minister thanked the Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA) for its efforts which to identifying cases of individuals who have violated the law in the process of obtaining the Bahraini citizenship.

He emphasised that the committee was formed after discovering that some individuals had provided inaccurate or forged documents to obtain citizenship, misused citizenship, or harmed the Kingdom’s interests and community security, in addition to those who violated the conditions of the continuity of holding citizenship.

In response to inquiries in the media and social media in recent days, including the timeframe of the committee’s work, the minister said that the committee started reviewing cases from 2010 within the framework of a general revision of naturali
sation cases.

Regarding withdrawing government benefits received by naturalised individuals, the minister said that they would be dealt with an according to the laws regulating this matter.

General Shaikh Rashid bin Abdullah emphasised that the Bahraini citizenship is earned by loyalty and appreciation for obtaining it, respecting the laws, protecting Bahrain’s security and social cohesion, contributing to the development process, and for those the country needs based on their specialities and skills.

A hotline number under the Office of the Minister of Interior will be announced soon to report any information, complaint, or observation, with full confidentiality guaranteed.

Source: Bahrain News Agency