Higher Education: Sunday, June 30, is start of proficiency exams for free seats in Yemeni universities

The Presidential Committee for Free Seats at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has set Sunday, June 30, as the date for the start of proficiency exams for students applying to compete for free seats in public and private universities for the academic year 1446 AH/2024-2025 AD at the College of Dentistry at Sana’a University.

The committee explained in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that students applying to compete for free seats in medical and health sciences colleges will take the proficiency exam in the subjects of chemistry , biology, and the English language subject, on Sunday, June 30th.

The committee called on male and female applicants to be present half an hour before the examination times indicated on the campus of the College of Dentistry at Sana’a University, and the committee will not bear responsibility for depriving any student who is late for the appointment.

The committee invited students applying for proficiency exams to enter the website and
click on the ‘proficiency exam dates’ icon and search by seat number, to find out the following data (exam entry number – coordination number – exam materials – place – day – date – exam time – period – committee number) via the link https://mohesr.gov.ye/index/examdetails

It urged male and female students to bring documents: ‘the original high school certificate, the original seat number, or the original ID card, as well as the original receipt for payment of the free seat swap fees.’

The committee stated that payment of fees is still open until Thursday, Dhu al-Hijjah 21, 1445 AH, corresponding to June 27, 2024 AD, as the deadline for payment.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Activities in Hajjah on Guardianship of Imam Ali, peace be upon him

Activities were held today, Friday, in the districts of Al-Shaghadara, Al-Mahabshah, Bani Al-Awam and Al-Jumaimah in Hajjah province on the Day of the Guardianship of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

At the events attended by leaders and members of local councils, mobilization officials, and directors of executive office branches, speeches were given that emphasized the importance of drawing inspiration from the biography of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, and reflecting them on reality.

It pointed out that declaring the guardianship of Imam Ali was one of the most important and greatest decisions taken by the Noble Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, under the guidance of God Almighty. The guardianship of the nation’s leaders was considered a sign of guidance, and it is an extension of the guardianship of God, His Messenger, and Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

It touched on the significance of the anniversary of Wilayah Day, the greatness of Imam Ali, peace be upon him, his role in I
slamic history, and the relationship that he, peace be upon him, has with the people of Yemen.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Capital’s parks receive over three million visitors within five days

Public gardens and parks in the capital secretariat received three million and 242 visitors from different age groups during the five days of the blessed Eid al-Adha holiday.

The Director General of Parks and Parks in the secretariat, Samir Hamza, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that Al-Sabeen Park witnessed a large turnout of visitors, at 43 percent, followed by Al-Thawra Park, at 35 percent, and the Zoo, at 10 percent.

He stressed that public and private gardens and parks witnessed cleaning work and awareness campaigns not to break or tamper with trees, remove waste, put it in plastic bags and hand it over to cleaners to ensure the preservation of the aesthetic and cultural appearance of those gardens and parks.

He reported that more than 570 cubic meters of visitor waste from all parks and sectors were removed and delivered to the transfer station in the afternoon.

Hamza praised the efforts of more than 400 employees, including administrators, technicians, cleaners, agricultural workers, an
d security workers, who work during the days of Eid to provide care , security services and organize traffic for visitors according to the approved plan.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Eid convoy of Sana’a Sanitation Fund employees Almoravids on West Coast Front in Sana’a

Employees of the Cleaning and Improvement Fund in Sana’a Province, and its branches in the districts, conducted an Eid convoy for Almoravids on the West Coast Front, under the slogan ‘Our Holidays, Our Fronts.’

In conducting the convoy, which included Eid gifts, clothes, juices and biscuits, the Fund’s Executive Director, Fahd Attia, praised the initiative of the Fund’s employees and their keenness to share the joy of Eid with Almoravids, stressing the importance of continuing to supply the fronts and its role in strengthening steadfastness and achieving victories.

For their part, the participants in preparing the convoy affirmed their continued steadfastness and support of the fronts until victory is achieved, considering the Eid convoys the least duty towards the army heroes Almoravids on the fronts of pride and dignity.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Military media distributes Toofan 1 boat test drone scenes at naval target

The military media distributed today,Friday, scenes of the homemade Toofan 1 drone boat and its combat specifications.

The scenes showed the boat being tested on a sea target, from launch to hitting the target and its destructive ability.

The Toofan 1 drone boat is an attack boat that carries a 150 kg warhead and is characterized by speed , high maneuverability and stealth capabilities.

The speed of the boat reaches 35 nautical miles per hour, and it specializes in targeting nearby marine targets (fixed and moving).

Source: Yemen News Agency