Presidency for the Affairs of Two Holy Mosques Activates 3rd Phase of Initiative to Streamline Tawaf

Makkah: The Presidency for Religious Affairs of the Two Holy Mosques has activated the ‘Walyattawafu’ initiative during the third phase of the Farewell Tawaf, which follows the previous two: Standing in Arafat and the Farewell Tawaf (circumambulation).

The initiative aims to streamline the Tawaf process. The presidency has prepared the Tawaf places and distributed guides and volunteers wishing to serve pilgrims to guide them during the Farewell Tawaf.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Experts to QNA: Right’s Election Win Disrupts French Political Scene

Paris, The recent European elections and the rise of the far-right have disrupted the political scene in several European countries, most notably France, due to its demographic, political, economic, and strategic significance within the European framework. This suggests that the only option is a government based on the principle of coexistence, composed of multiple parties with different orientations.

Far-right parties achieved significant gains in the European Parliament elections held from June 6 to 9, without upsetting the political balance in Brussels. These parties came first in France, Italy, and Austria, and second in Germany and the Netherlands.

As a result of these outcomes, France is experiencing a profound political shift driven by the increasing gains of the far-right on the political scene. These gains are not limited to changes in the electoral map but have also raised serious questions about the future of democracy and republican principles, which form the foundation of French national identi
ty. As the influence of far-right parties grows, traditional parties face unprecedented challenges in reshaping their strategies and regaining voters’ trust.

Analysts and experts in France have noted that the European election results, which saw a victory for the nationalist right in France, have sparked a double revolution in French political life. They explained, in statements to Qatar News Agency , that the political repercussions of President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to dissolve the National Assembly, despite its boldness, represent a risky political gamble aimed at creating a political shock among voters and public opinion.

Following the European Parliament election results, which saw the far-right achieving a historic victory in France, President Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and called for early legislative elections on Jun. 30 for the first round and Jul. 7 for the second round.

The far-right National Rally party, led by Jordan Bardella, came first in France, securing
31.5 percent of the votes, double what was achieved by President Macron’s party, which came second with 15.2 percent. Meanwhile, other leftist, green, and conservative right-wing lists fell to lower positions in these elections.

In this context, Gerald Olivier, a French political analyst and strategy expert, told QNA that the European election results, which saw a victory for the nationalist right in France, have sparked a double revolution in European political life. He emphasized that European peoples have tried to change the narrow elitist concept of the European Union to bring it closer to the will and aspirations of the peoples from this European institution.

He explained that on the French level, voters expressed their will for change, pointing out that President Macron, by dissolving the National Assembly and calling for legislative elections, had no other choice but to create this political shock for voters, especially since he does not have a parliamentary majority. Without a parliamentary majority
, one cannot govern or implement their political program.

He affirmed that this move showed that the president had learned the lesson from the past parliamentary term, which was overshadowed by issues of not having a majority in the parliament. Thus, after these early legislative elections, a new majority might form, whether for the presidential camp or the nationalist right, and in that case, President Macron would be forced to adopt the principle of coexistence with the far-right candidate for the head of government.

He pointed out that the principle of coexistence is not a precedent in French political life. It has existed before during the tenure of former President Jacques Chirac, who governed in cooperation with Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and also in the mid-1980s during the term of former Socialist President François Mitterrand, who governed in cooperation with Republican Prime Minister Jacques Chirac at that time.

Regarding the risk of dissolving the N
ational Assembly on the future of political institutions and political life as a whole in France, the political analyst and strategic expert at the European Institute indicated that if the early legislative elections do not result in a parliamentary majority, France could fall into a state of political uncertainty and a kind of confusing ambiguity. However, he noted that democratic constitutional and political principles will overcome all this confusion, and perhaps the solution will be in a government that coexists among several parties, as is currently the case in Germany and Italy and as happened in France in previous periods.

He stressed that the constitutional and democratic institutions were ultimately designed and built to withstand all scenarios and absorb all political shocks, including the political shock that occurred following the announcement of the European election results and the dissolution of the French National Assembly.

Olivier concluded his statement by saying that it is too early to ta
lk about substantial political repercussions in the upcoming French presidential elections scheduled for 2027, noting that all scenarios remain open to many possibilities, especially with the current President Emmanuel Macron not running for re-election. (MORE)

Source: Qatar News Agency

Makkah Municipality Increases Number of Field Teams at Jamarat Facility

Mina: The Municipality of Makkah has increased the number of field teams at its 28 service centers at the holy site in Mina during the days of Tashreeq (11th, 12th and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah).

The municipality teams are hard at work to monitor cleanliness, the environment, and food stores during the days of Tashreeq, mobilizing machines and equipment to constantly remove waste left by pilgrims in the Jamarat Bridge area, where 600 workers and 30 supervisors work round the clock in shifts.

Eighteen pieces of equipment and machinery of different types work on all floors of the Jamarat facility to remove waste and maintain cleanliness, while the teams increased the number of inspection tours in that area.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

UN: Number of Civilians Killed in Global Conflicts Rose to 72% in 2023

Geneva: Civilian deaths due to armed conflicts around the world soared 72 percent last year, the UN rights chief, Volker Turk, said on Tuesday.

In his inaugural remarks to the 56th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Turk said: “In 2023, data gathered by my Office shows the number of civilian deaths in armed conflict soared by 72 percent. Horrifyingly, the data indicates that the proportion of women killed in 2023 doubled and that of children tripled, compared to the year prior”.

He warned that the situation in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem is dramatically worsening, adding that there are unconscionable death and suffering in Gaza.

Turk highlighted that as of June 15, 528 Palestinians, including 133 children, had been killed by Israeli occupation forces or settlers since October, and that some cases raise serious concerns about unlawful killings.

The deficit in funding humanitarian aid reached $40.8 billion at the end of May, indicating that calls to raise funds were only met by up to 16.1 p
ercent of the requested amount, he pointed out.

Source: Qatar News Agency

GACA Monitors Performance Standards, Quality of Services at Airports during Hajj Season

Mina: The General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA), in partnership with the companies operating at airports, conducts inspection tours around the clock to assess airport performance and the quality of services provided for pilgrims.

During the Hajj season 1445 AH, the authority has been checking whether performance is up to the required level and standards are complied with by service providers at airports, and by carriers, and to measure the performance of services to pilgrims, in an endeavor to contribute to raising their levels of satisfaction.

In its efforts to improve the Hajj experience of pilgrims at airports, GACA supervises the services provided to pilgrims and involves the beneficiaries and other stakeholders in improving these services, including by measuring traveler satisfaction.

Source: Saudi Press Agency