Indian Prime Minister Declares His Coalition’s Victory in General Elections

New Delhi, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared the victory of his coalition in the Indian parliamentary elections that recently took place in the country.

Modi wrote on his account on the X social media platform Tuesday that the people have expressed their confidence in their ruling coalition for the third time in a row.

Meanwhile, Indian television channels reported that the Modi-led coalition is heading for a majority win during the vote counting so far in the general elections,Tuesday, but the numbers are much lower than the landslide victory expected by opinion polls when voters leave the polling stations.

Modi led his party to landslide elections in 2014 and 2019.

Voters in India cast their votes on the first of this month in the final stage of the general elections, which is the seventh and final stage of the elections in which nearly a billion people were entitled to cast their votes to determine the fate of 904 candidates competing for 57 seats.

Source: Qatar News Agency

2 Pilots Killed in Training Plane Crash in Central Turkiye

Ankara, The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced Tuesday that two pilots were killed after a training aircraft crashed in Kayseri province in central Turkiye.

The ministry said in a statement that the two pilots were on a training flight, before their SF-260D plane which took off from an air base in Kayseri crashed.

The causes of the plane crash are unknown yet.

Source: Qatar News Agency

EAA Celebrates Graduation of First Group of Students in Qatar Scholarship for Afghans Project

Doha: The Education Above All (EAA) Foundation celebrated, with the support of its strategic partner, the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), the graduation of the first group, consisting of 25 Afghan refugee students in New York, United States.

These students represent part of the total group of 250 students in the Qatar Scholarship for Afghans Project (QSAP) from the prestigious US university, Bard College in New York, United States.

The Afghan students, all of whom had their education interrupted when they were residing in their home country and were provided with the opportunity through EAAs QSAP to complete their studies and ultimately enhance their future professional opportunities, helping them grow into productive, engaged citizens, according to EAA in a statement.

Director of the Al Fakhoora Programme at EAA Talal Al Hothal said is proud of the graduates, whose success today highlights the crucial role higher education plays in the empowerment of refugees and displaced youth.

“Through the Qatar Sc
holarship for Afghans Project, we are able to provide life-changing opportunities for these remarkable youth, enabling them to reach their academic potential and equipping them to embark on successful professional careers and contribute to their communities. Our program leverages strategic international partnerships to amplify the impact of our scholarships, and these collaborations have made it possible for us to offer Afghan students many opportunities for advancement, innovation, and success. We look forward to witnessing the positive changes they will bring to the world.” For his part, Executive Vice President of the US-based Institute of International Education (IIE) Jonah Kokodyniak congratulated the QSAP students graduating from Bard and other colleges and universities across the U.S, affirming that this day marks a huge accomplishment for these young people.

“Not only have they overcome significant adversity to earn their degrees, but they have made numerous contributions to their university communit
ies and are poised to take on future leadership positions. We at IIE have been honored to support these talented students and to work with the programs partners and word-class higher education institutions like Bard College to help them realize their full potential” added Kokodyniak.

QSAP was founded in 2021 through a robust collaboration between EAA Foundation, its strategic partner the Qatar Fund for Development, and project partners the Institute of International Education, Afghan Future Fund, Schmidt Futures, the Yalda Hakim Foundation, and the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisers Fund.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Doha Forum Signs MoU with Jeju Peace Institute

Seoul, The Doha Forum signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jeju Peace Institute, on the sidelines of its participation in the Jeju Forum for Peace and Prosperity, held in the Republic of Korea.

Under the MoU, the Jeju Peace Forum becomes an official content partner for the 22nd edition of the Doha Forum, to be held in December 2024. The MoU also deepens the Forums partnerships and continued collaborations as it expands its ties with institutions in the East Asian region, which also include the Japan Institute of International Affairs, the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore and the Center for China and Globalization.

General Manager of Doha Forum Maha Al Kuwari said that the Forum regularly participates in global discussions, culminating in the organization of a new edition of the Doha Forum every December. The Forum aims to enhance its status as one of the most renowned and attended public political platforms in the world.

The Doha Forum participates in the St. Petersburg I
nternational Economic Forum in Russia. It also took part in the United Nations Civil Society Conference in Kenya in May, where General Manager of Doha Forum Maha Al Kuwari participated in a workshop held titled “Impact Coalition on AI and Cyber-Tech Governance”.

Source: Qatar News Agency

MOFA Spokesperson Calls for International Community to Pressure Israel, Hamas to Reach Agreement to End the War

Doha: Official Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Dr. Majed bin Mohammed Al Ansari called on the international community to pressure the Israeli and Palestinian sides to accept US President Joe Biden’s internationally-backed proposal to end the war in the Gaza Strip, and reach a prisoner exchange deal between the two sides.

Delivering the MOFA’s weekly media briefing, Dr. Al Ansari said that military solutions do not lead to results, stressing the need for both parties to negotiate, and for an urgent humanitarian aid access.

He added that the Qatar-Egypt-US sponsored negotiations round between Hamas and the Israeli occupation forces is closely linked to the principles set by President Biden in his last speech. He added that both sides now have clear ideas on the table to negotiate.

He added that an Israeli proposal reflecting the principles as stated by President Biden was conveyed to Hamas, and the paper now includes positions closer than before to the positions of the two sides. He n
oted that all sides were doing their best to put the final touches to reach an agreement.

He added that the State of Qatar had been pressing on unwavering contacts with all parties since the beginning of this round of negotiations. Yet, he said it was difficult to put a time frame for these negotiations, because they are linked to many on-the-ground situations , and that what can be done is to always emphasize and focus on the need to reach an immediate ceasefire deal.

The issue now is related to the existence of clear positions from both parties on President Biden’s principles and the ideas on the table, he added.

To date, the Israeli aggression has left over 36,000 martyrs in the Gaza Strip and over 82,000 wounded, while over one million displaced Palestinians are struggling a new displacement wave as they are directly targeted, Dr. Al Ansari added.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) announced that it is unable to provide its aid, after being suspe
nded at the Rafah crossing by the occupation. Dr. Al Ansari stressed that an humanitarian aid delivery should not be linked to any political reason.

Commenting on the humanitarian disaster in the Gaza Strip, he said it is worsening every day and has not reached an end – a fact that must provide a sufficient reason for the international community and the two conflicting parties to realize that reaching an agreement is no longer linked to narrow political calculations, but to this catastrophic humanitarian situation in the enclave, the worsening security and political repercussions in Israel, the attacks in northern Israel, and the confrontations in northern and central Gaza, which cast their shadows on the situation on the ground.

Dr. Al Ansari said the ongoing almost permanent negotiations are held in Cairo and Doha, or via means of communication, until both parties reach a language of agreement to move to direct meetings at the highest levels.

Since the first day of this mediation and all the mediations i
t has undertaken, the State of Qatar has been engaged in a positive and sincere manner with the aim of reaching an end to human suffering and an end to the crisis, he added.

When Qatar announced earlier it was re-evaluating its role as a mediator, it was primarily linked to the seriousness of the parties in reaching a solution to this crisis and the effectiveness of the Qatari role, he added, noting Qatars ongoing commitment to mediation efforts as long as there is a possibility to end the crisis and suffering of civilians, return Palestinians to their homes, reconstruct Gaza and achieve the demands of the Palestinian people.

Meanwhile, Dr. Al Ansari highlighted the MOFA’s efforts including hosting the meeting of the 160th Ministerial Council of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) on Sunday, under the chairmanship of HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani. On the sidelines of this meeting and within the framework of the State of Qatars presidency
of the current session, two joint ministerial meetings will be held between the GCC and the sisterly Republic of Yemen and the sisterly Republic of Turkiye respectively.

He also spoke about the Qatar-Egypt-US joint statement following President Biden outlined the basic principles for reaching a ceasefire agreement in the Gaza Strip, and about the virtual meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the State of Qatar, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and the Arab Republic of Egypt to discuss developments in the mediation efforts led by the State of Qatar, the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the United States of America.

He also highlighted HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani’s contacts with HE Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran Ali Bagheri Kani, HE US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and HE Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the Un
ited Kingdom David Cameron.

Besides, he spoke about the political consultation round of between the State of Qatar and the Republic of Turkmenistan, the MOFA’s engagement in the Syria donors conference in Brussels and the State of Qatar’s pledge of USD 75 million in support of humanitarian efforts for the brotherly Syrian people, and in the 10th China-Arab Cooperation Forum and holding a number of meetings with participating ministers and officials.

Source: Qatar News Agency

4.5-Magnitude Earthquake Hits Tonga

Nuku’alofa, An earthquake measuring 4.5 magnitude on the Richter scale hit Tonga on Tuesday.

The US Geological Survey (USGS) said that the epicenter of the earthquake occurred 111 km Hihifo area, at a depth of 257.1 km.

There have been no reports about human losses or material damage as a result of the earthquake so far.

Tonga is an archipelago of 176 scattered islands in the South Pacific Ocean, of which only 52 are inhabited.

Source: Qatar News Agency