Conclusion summer activities for girls in Hajjah

The Women’s Cultural Authority in Al-Mahabsha, Hajjah province, organized today ,Friday, a cultural competition to conclude the summer activities for the year 1445 AH, under the slogan ‘Increase my knowledge.’

The competition, in which 112 female students from the directorate’s schools participated, included memorizing and mastering the Holy Qur’an, the curriculum taught during the summer courses, as well as the skills of recitation, public speaking, poetry, chanting, theater and drawing.

The competition resulted in the excellence of the schools of Martyr of the Qur’an in Al-Shuja’a and Al-Kawthar in Shamsan.

The directorate’s coordinators stressed the importance of the cultural competition in providing female students with awareness and knowledge to build a generation armed with Qur’anic culture and faith education, on which everyone is betting in the nation’s renaissance.

They explained that the final competition came after a series of weekly competitions that were held in all summer sessions in 26 sch
ools, praising the efforts of the workers of the women’s body in the directorate in holding this competition between schools.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Bahrain, China sign MoU to enhance media cooperation

During the state visit of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, the President of the current Arab Summit, to China, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the National Communication Centre and China Media Group. This MoU aims to enhance cooperation and exchange expertise in the communication sector.

Ahmed Khalid Al Araifi, CEO of the National Communication Centre, highlighted that this agreement reflects the strong ties between Bahrain and China across various fields. It paves the way for a new phase of cooperation in the communication domain.

The MoU aims at enhancing communication between the two countries through various tools and platforms, serving shared interests and strengthening bilateral relations.

This agreement aligns with the National Communication Centre’s priorities to foster constructive cooperation with regional and international media entities, supporting ambitious government communication strategies.

The continuous development of government communication necessitate
s robust collaboration with leading media organisations worldwide, enhancing the exchange of professional expertise and knowledge as essential pillars of success, the CEO of NCC said.

The MoU covers areas of cooperation such as the exchange of news and media content, innovation in creative communication, programme and expertise sharing, participation in events and mutual visits, and joint efforts in training and developing human resources in various communication sectors through specialised programmes.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

March in Mahwit in support of Palestine

Mahwit witnessed march ‘with Gaza… escalation, regardless of the challenges’ in support of the Palestinian people, and an affirmation of the mobilization in the face of the American-British aggression.

The crowds at the march declared their alert and full readiness to confront the forces of tyranny and global arrogance.

The participants confirmed that the American and British aggression will not deter the Yemeni people from continuing to support and support the brothers in Gaza and all of Palestine

Source: Yemen News Agency

Bahrain, China establish comprehensive strategic partnership

During His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa’s official state visit to Beijing, a joint statement was issued today, marking the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between the Kingdom of Bahrain and the People’s Republic of China. The visit was at the invitation of His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People’s Republic of China.

Since establishing diplomatic relations on April 18, 1989, Bahrain and China have maintained mutual respect and equality, with their relations steadily developing, political trust growing, and practical cooperation growing stronger across various fields, the statement said.

Celebrating the 35th anniversary of their diplomatic relations, both nations expressed satisfaction with their progress and agreed to a comprehensive strategic partnership to enhance cooperation in all areas for the benefit of their peoples, the statement announced.

The statement said that both countries will continue supporting each other on core issues.

‘China reaffirms its supp
ort for Bahrain’s sovereignty, security, and stability, rejecting external interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs,’ it read.

‘Bahrain reaffirms its commitment to the One-China policy and supports China’s efforts to maintain its sovereignty and territorial integrity.’

Bahrain praised President Xi Jinping’s Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, and Global Civilisation Initiative, the statement added.

In turn, China welcomed Bahrain’s participation in these initiatives and expressed readiness to cooperate. Both sides emphasised the importance of true multilateralism, upholding the international system centred on the UN, and promoting a multipolar world and inclusive economic globalisation. They pledged to work together to build a community with a shared future for humanity.

The two countries agreed to enhance communication at all levels, expand exchanges between government and parliamentary bodies, and strengthen policy coordination to deepen political trust.

They will continue coop
eration under the Belt and Road Initiative, expanding collaboration in infrastructure, economy, trade, investment, finance, new energy, advanced technology, agriculture, fisheries, education, culture, tourism, and health to foster development and prosperity.

China congratulated Bahrain on successfully hosting the 33rd Arab League Summit on May 16, 2024, and commended Bahrain’s initiative to host an international peace conference, recognising Bahrain’s efforts in promoting peace in the Middle East.

Both sides praised the role of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in advancing joint cooperation and expressed readiness to ensure the implementation of the outcomes of the first China-Arab States Summit. They committed to preparing for the second China-Arab States Summit in China in 2026, fostering China-Arab cooperation and building a shared future.

The statement said that the two leaders stressed the importance of implementing the outcomes of the first China-GCC Summit, deepening strategic partnerships, a
nd working towards a China-GCC free trade agreement at the earliest opportunity.

Both sides affirmed that maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East and the Gulf serves the fundamental and long-term interests of the region’s people. They support resolving disputes through dialogue and consultation, utilising positive neighbourliness, and enhancing communication and coordination on regional affairs to jointly contribute to peace, development, and security.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Shura Council condemns American-British aggression against Sana’a, Hodeida, and Taiz

The Shura Council condemned today,Friday, in the strongest terms the evil tripartite aggression of ‘America, Britain, and Israel’ that targeted by direct bombing yesterday evening a number of civilian objects in Sana’a, Hodeida, and Taiz provinces.

In a statement today, the Council denounced the US-British aggression’s targeting of the Hodeida Radio building in Al-Hawk District and the Coast Guard in the port of Salif, which resulted in the killing , injury of dozens and damage to the radio , Coast Guard buildings and a number of commercial ships in the port.

The statement considered the direct targeting of civilian objects and the deliberate killing of civilians a blatant violation of international , humanitarian law and Yemeni sovereignty and a full-fledged war crime added to the crimes of aggression against the Yemeni people.

It pointed to the American and British aggression, which confirms beyond any doubt the magnitude of the losses suffered by the aggression as a result of the qualitative and succes
sive operations of the Yemeni armed forces against American, British and Zionist targets.

Shura Council statement blessed the joint operation of missile and naval forces that targeted the US warplane carrier “Eisenhower” with a number of ballistic and winged missiles in the Red Sea in response to the crimes of aggression and its targeting of civilian objects, and in continuation of support for the Palestinian people.

The statement affirmed the steadfastness of the position of the Yemeni leadership, people , army, and its continuation of waging the battle of ‘the promised conquest , holy jihad’ without retreating from its principles , its religious , humanitarian duty in supporting the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance until the aggression is stopped and the siege on Gaza is lifted.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Saudi Foreign Minister meets Chinese counterpart

His Highness Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah Al Saud, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, during his visit to Beijing, met with Wang Yi, the Chinese Foreign Minister.

According to the Saudi Press Agency (SPA), the meeting focused on Saudi-Chinese relations and means to enhance them across various domains. They also discussed strengthening bilateral and multilateral coordination on issues of common interest.

The two ministers addressed current regional and international developments and the efforts being made to address them.

Source: Bahrain News Agency