Mexican Foreign Minister Meets Qatar’s Ambassador

HE the United Mexican States Secretary of Foreign Affairs Alicia Barcena met with HE Ambassador of the State of Qatar to Mexico Mohammed bin Jassim Al Kuwari, on the occasion of the end of his tenure.

The Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs wished HE the Ambassador success in his future assignments, and bilateral relations further development and prosperity.

Source: Qatar News Agency

10th Ministerial Conference of China-Arab Cooperation Forum Adopts Joint Statement on Palestinian Issue

The 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum on Thursday adopted the Beijing Declaration, the Forums implementation plan for 2024-2026, and a joint statement between China and the Arab countries on the Palestinian issue.

The declaration reviewed the important consensus and progress achieved in implementing the outcomes of the first China-Arab Summit, and clarified the practical path to promoting a common destiny between China and the Arab countries.

The Beijing Declaration also reiterated that China and the Arab countries will continue to support each other in core interests, deepen practical cooperation, and clarify their common positions on the political solution to hot regional issues, dialogue among civilizations, global governance, counter-terrorism, human rights, artificial intelligence, and climate change.

The implementation plan charts the path to strengthening the setting up of the forum mechanism in the next two years and enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation in
areas such as politics, economy, trade, investment, finance, infrastructure, resources, environment, cultural exchange, aerospace, education and health.

The joint statement between China and the Arab countries on the Palestinian issue expressed the deep concern of China and the Arab countries about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The statement stressed the firm position and important consensus of both sides in calling for a ceasefire in Gaza, ensuring the delivery of humanitarian aid, opposing the forced displacement of the Palestinian people, supporting Palestines full membership in the United Nations, and working steadily to reach an early settlement of the Palestinian issue on the basis of the two-state solution.

The 10th ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum began its work in Beijing earlier Thursday, where Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed in his opening speech that he will work with every effort to build a community with a shared future for China and the Arab countries, express
ing China’s satisfaction with the extent of implementing the outcomes of the first Sino-Arab Summit, and its readiness to work with the Arab side to activate the strategic leadership role of the summit, in order to achieve successive breakthroughs in Sino-Arab relations.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Algerian Prime Minister Meets Mozambican Economy Minister

Algeria’s Prime Minister Nadir Larbaoui met Thursday with Minister of Economy and Finance of Mozambique Ernesto Max Tonela, who is currently visiting Algeria at the head of a ministerial delegation.

Discussions during the meeting dealt with bilateral relations and the strengthening of coordination and consultation between the two countries on regional and international issues, especially in light of their current non-permanent membership in the United Nations Security Council.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Palestinian Killed by Occupation Bullets in Al Bireh, Injuries Reported in Jenin and Tulkarm

A Palestinian was killed, and a number of others were injured, on Thursday, during confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces in the occupied West Bank.

A Palestinian was killed and four others were injured during the occupation forces storming of Al Bireh city.

A young man died as a result of being shot in the chest by live bullets, during the confrontations that broke out after the occupation forces stormed Al Bireh city, local sources reported.

In turn, the Ministry of Health said that five citizens were injured by bullets from the occupation forces during their storming Al Bireh city.

Four of them were transferred to the Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. One of them was in critical condition, as he was hit by live bullets in the head, and the other one sustained moderate to serious wounds as a result of being shot in the abdomen, noting that the other two wounded sustained minor injuries.

Six young men were injured by bullets by the occupation army, following the storming of the Jenin cit
y and its camp.

Medical sources reported that six young men were injured by live occupation bullets, and the wounds of some of them were described as “moderate.” Local sources reported that large forces from the occupation army stormed the city and its camp from several directions, noting that six young men were injured by occupation bullets and were subsequently transferred to a hospital in the city.

It pointed out that the occupation reconnaissance aircraft flew intensely and at low altitude coinciding with the storming.

Meanwhile, the occupation forces stormed the town of Kafr Al Labad and the suburb of Dhanaba, east of Tulkarm.

The Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported that a number of occupation vehicles stormed the town of Kafr Al Labad, coming from the Enab military checkpoint east of the governorate, and passing through the main street of the neighboring town of Anabta, the Palestinian News Agency (WAFA) reported.

Occupation patrols roamed the streets of the town of Kafr Al Labad, specifically
Al Khalayel Road, and the vicinity of the garages, the girls school, and Al Hara Al Tahta, where violent confrontations broke out between young men and the occupation soldiers amid heavy gunfire, without causing any casualties.

The cities, towns and camps of the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem witness daily raids and incursions by the occupation forces and settlers, accompanied by confrontations, arrests and shooting, and their frequency has increased in conjunction with the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip since last October.

Source: Qatar News Agency

KSrelief Presents Saudi Arabia’s Gift of 25 Tons of Dates to the Philippines

Manila, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) donated Saudi Arabia’s gift of 25 tons of dates to the Philippines.

Saudi Ambassador to the Philippines Hisham bin Sultan Al-Qahtani presented the gift on behalf of KSrelief to National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) Secretary Sabuddin N. Abdurahim.

Foreign Affairs Assistant Secretary Mardomel Celo D. Melicor, Philippine Red Cross Assistant Secretary General Ramon Murillo, and a team from KSrelief attended the ceremony at the Saudi embassy in Manila.

The gift is part of the ongoing programs initiated by the Saudi government to provide assistance to vulnerable families in various brotherly and friendly countries worldwide.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Ambassador Al Al-Sheikh Presents Credentials to Armenia President

Yerevan, Ambassador of Saudi Arabia to Georgia Salman bin Abdulrahman Al Al-Sheikh, presented his credentials as the non-resident ambassador to Armenia to President Vahagn Khachaturyan.

The ceremony took place at the presidential palace in the capital city of Yerevan.

During the reception, Ambassador Al Al-Sheikh conveyed greetings from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, and His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. He extended their wishes for President Khachaturyan’s good health and happiness and hopes for progress, prosperity, and development for the Armenian people.

President Khachaturyan expressed greetings to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and HRH the Crown Prince.

The president highlighted the significant milestone in Saudi-Armenian relations with the establishment of diplomatic ties between the two countries in 2023.

Source: Saudi Press Agency