VinFast signs UAE exclusive dealership agreement with Al Tayer Motors

HANOI, VIETNAM – Media OutReach Newswire – 27 May 2024 – VinFast Auto has officially signed an exclusive dealership agreement with one of the UAE’s premier automotive dealerships, Al Tayer Motors, for the distribution of VinFast electric vehicles (EV) in the country. The inaugural facility is planned to open in 2024 and will initially retail four VinFast e-SUV models, VF 6, VF 7, VF 8, and VF 9, at launch.Mr. Ta Xuan Hien, CEO of VinFast Middle East (fourth from the left), and Mr. Saeed Al Tayer, Managing Director of Al Tayer Motors (fourth from the right), along with senior representatives from both sides at the signing ceremony.

Al Tayer Motors will be VinFast’s exclusive partner in the UAE and plans to establish a network of VinFast facilities across the country. Award-winning Al Tayer Motors, established in 1982, is one of the UAE’s leading automotive players and represents major European and American automobile manufacturers.

With a continuously expanding network of sales, service and parts centres, along with a team of 2,700 employees, Al Tayer Motors is committed to providing exceptional experiences to customers through its impressive physical infrastructure and cutting-edge digital platforms, including e-commerce and dedicated app.

By promoting cooperation with leading partners in the UAE and the Middle East, VinFast actively contributes to the realization of green mobility solutions within the region, while affirming the commitment of the Vietnamese EV manufacturer to making them more accessible to everyone.

Mr. Ta Xuan Hien, CEO of VinFast Middle East, shared: “The agreement with Al Tayer Motors is an important milestone in VinFast’s global market expansion strategy. We believe this reputable and experienced partner will help VinFast bring the highest quality products and services to customers in the UAE. VinFast is committed to providing customers with smart and environmentally friendly EV mobility options, while contributing to the UAE’s sustainable development goals.”

Mr. Ashok Khanna, Chief Executive Officer of Al Tayer Motors, said: We are excited to launch VinFast in the UAE – a very vibrant international hub. We believe this partnership between Al Tayer Motors and VinFast will offer the ultimate EV experience to UAE customers while amplifying the brand globally. With our extensive expertise, dedicated teams and customer-centric approach, we make car ownership easier than ever and set best practices on a local and global level.”

Since the fourth quarter of 2023, VinFast has changed its strategy from a direct sales model to consumers to a hybrid model by leveraging existing distribution infrastructure through the establishment of a global dealer network. It is expected that sales through dealers will contribute significantly to VinFast’s sales in the second half of 2024.

In addition to key markets such as the United States, Canada, and Europe, VinFast is actively expanding into neighboring countries in Asia such as India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, as well as the Middle East and Africa.

 About VinFast

VinFast – a member of Vingroup – envisions driving the advancement of the global smart electric vehicle revolution. Established in 2017, VinFast owns a state-of-the-art automotive manufacturing complex with globally leading scalability that boasts up to 90 percent automation in Hai Phong, Vietnam.

Strongly committed to the mission of a sustainable future for everyone, VinFast constantly innovates to bring high-quality products, advanced smart services, seamless customer experiences, and pricing strategy for all to inspire global customers to jointly create a future of smart mobility and a sustainable planet. Learn more at:

‫مجموعة تداول السعودية وسهم كابيتال تتعاونان في برنامج “استثمر بوعي”

منطقة هونج كونج الإدارية الخاصة – 27 مايو 2024 – يسر شركة سهم كابيتال، شركة الوساطة المالية الرائدة عبر الإنترنت في المملكة العربية السعودية، أن تعلن عن رعايتها بالشراكة مع مجموعة تداول السعودية لبرنامج “استثمر بوعي”. جاء هذا الإعلان خلال ملتقى أسواق رأس المال، والذي تم انعقاده في هونج كونج 9 مايو 2024 حيث اجتمع قادة الصناعة لمناقشة مستقبل تدفقات رأس المال العالمية.

من المقرر إطلاق مبادرة رعاية برنامج “استثمر بوعي” في النصف الثاني من عام 2024. وهي مبادرة تهدف إلى تعزيز الثقافة المالية وتزويد مستخدميها بمهارات الاستثمار اللازمة لكي يصبحوا مستثمرين أكثر كفاءة ومهارة. حيث يتم إطلاق هذه المبادرة عبر منصة افتراضية مصممة لتلبية احتياجات المهتمين بالاستثمار، حيث تتيح هذه المبادرة الفرصة للتعلم والمشاركة والممارسة والمنافسة في بيئة محاكاة التداول وتعكس تجربة حقيقية للتداول في سوق الأسهم.

وأعربت هديل البديري، المدير العام لشركة سهم كابيتال، عن مدى حماسها لهذه الشراكة، قائلة: أن برنامج “استثمر بوعي”  مبادرة شاملة عبر الإنترنت في المملكة تتماشى تمامًا مع التزام شركة سهم كابيتال برفع الوعي المالي والثقافة المالية بين المستثمرين الحاليين والمستثمرين المحتملين. ومع استمرار المملكة العربية السعودية في رحلتها نحو سوق أكثر مؤسسية، سيتم تمكين المستثمرين من اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية سليمة.

يشتمل  برنامج “استثمر بوعي” على ورش عمل استثمارية، وإمكانية الوصول إلى المواد التعليمية، ومنصة محاكاة تداول متطورة تتيح للمشاركين إنشاء محافظ افتراضية مع اكتساب خبرة في التداول. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، ستوفر المسابقة فرصة للمشاركين لعرض مهاراتهم ومعرفتهم في التداول، مع جوائز ترعاها شركة سهم كابيتال.

تأسست شركة “سهم كابيتال” في عام 2022، وسرعان ما رسخت مكانتها كشركة رائدة بين شركات الوساطة عبر الإنترنت. وفي أكتوبر 2023، حصلت شركة “سهم كابيتال” على الرخصة من هيئة السوق المالية لمزاولة خدمات التعامل والاستشارة وحفظ الأوراق المالية في المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يجعلها أول شركة وساطة دولية عبر الإنترنت تقدم خدمات جديدة تلبي احتياجات المستثمرين داخل المملكة.

في ديسمبر 2023، أطلقت شركة سهم كابيتال تطبيق سهم، الذي اكتسب شهرة واسعة وسريعة وأصبح الآن ضمن أفضل ثلاثة تطبيقات مالية مجانية في متجر Play Google. يعتبر تطبيق سهم أول تطبيق في المملكة يوفر التبديل الفوري والسلس بنقرة واحدة بين الحسابات السعودية والأمريكية، مما يتيح للمستخدمين التداول وتحويل العملات دون عناء.

نبذة عن شركة سهم كابيتال:

شركة “سهم كابيتال” شركة مسجلة في الرياض، حاصلة على ترخيص برقم (22251-25) من هيئة السوق المالية (CMA) لمزاولة خدمات التداول والاستشارات والحفظ في المملكة العربية السعودية، مما يجعلها أول شركة وساطة دولية عبر الإنترنت تقدم خدمات الوساطة في المملكة العربية السعودية.

كما أن شركة سهم كابيتال عضو مسجل في السوق المالية السعودية، وكذلك الشركات التابعة لها، شركة مركز إيداع الأوراق المالية (إيداع) وشركة مركز مقاصة الأوراق المالية (مقاصة). لمزيد من المعلومات حول شركة سهم كابيتال، يرجى زيارة:

Over 300 Million Children Are Victims of Online Sexual Exploitation


LONDON, May 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Over 300 million children are subjected to online sexual exploitation and abuse globally, with several parts of Africa identified as areas of concern. These are among the conclusions by university researchers behind the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis.

With files containing sexual images of children are reported worldwide once every second, the authors stated that pupils “in every classroom, in every school, in every country” are victims of this “hidden pandemic”.

The statistics appear in a ground breaking report the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. It indicates that one in eight, or 12.6%, of the world’s children have endured past year experience of non-consensual taking, sharing, and exposure to sexual images and video, amounting to about 302 million young people.

Additionally, 12.5% of children globally (300 million) were subject in the past year to online solicitation, including unwanted sexual talk, non-consensual sexting, and unwanted sexual questions or act requests by adults or other youths. Offences can also include “sextortion” and abuse of AI deepfake technology.

One child grooming survivor campaigning for change emphasised the need for stronger regulation to hold tech platforms accountable, especially with the increasing difficulty of detecting offenders due to the roll-out of end-to-end encryption on popular social media apps.

Childlight’s new global index, Into the Light, found the Middle East and North Africa receive the highest Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM) hosting alerts per population size – nine per 1,000 people, more than any other region. The prevalence of online solicitation is highly reported by children in East and Southern Africa and West and Central Africa, at 20.4% and 18% respectively, compared to the 12.5% global average.

While these African regions receive fewer CSAM hosting reports, their lower internet availability suggests they may become future hotspots as more countries come online.

Childlight CEO Paul Stanfield, a former Interpol Director, stressed the urgency of treating the issue as a global health emergency. “Child abuse material is so prevalent that files are on average reported to watchdog and policing organisations once every second. This is a global health pandemic that has remained hidden for far too long. It occurs in every country, is growing exponentially and requires an urgent global response. Children can’t wait.”

Debi Fry, professor of international child protection research at the University of Edinburgh, who led the Childlight project, stated: “The world needs to know these atrocities are affecting children in every classroom, in every school, in every country. These aren’t harmless images: they are deeply damaging.”

Interpol’s executive director, Stephen Kavanagh, said: “Online exploitation and abuse is a clear and present danger to the world’s children, and traditional law enforcement approaches are struggling to keep up. We must do much more together at a global level.”

Newton Kariuki*, a 22-year-old Kenyan man who was sexually abused as a child, adds: “It pains me so much that children still face abuse. For me it affected me so much. Sharing with anyone, even with my parents at first was hard, but I had to get justice. Guidance and counselling are important. It is what has helped me to overcome the stigma and negative feelings I had in me.”

Timothy Opobo, Executive Director of The AfriChild Centre in Uganda, emphasised the need for more data and investment in research to prevent child sexual abuse and exploitation effectively. “Building the evidence base through rigorous research is crucial to ending harmful social norms and beliefs that don’t work in the best interests of the African child,” he said.

Among the key findings based on original research and analysis of 125 studies and over 36 million reports are:

  • The Middle East and North Africa receive the most alerts about CSAM per head of population.
  • Eastern and Southern Africa report the highest prevalence of online sexual extortion.

If you or someone you know needs support for child sexual exploitation and abuse, or if you are concerned that you might hurt a child, please visit Child Helpline International or brave movement or Stop it now

Notes to editors

A copy of the full report, video clips, photos and an infographic (all free to use) are available at this Dropbox link
*Survivor name changed to protect identity

Childlight is funded by the Human Dignity Foundation

For information and interview opportunities please contact Jason Allardyce at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000952789

Makkah Route Initiative Continues to Make it Easy for Indonesian Pilgrims Coming to Saudi Arabia

Jakarta, Indonesian pilgrims heading to Saudi Arabia to perform Hajj this year continue to benefit from the Makkah Route Initiative services at the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport here.

Pilgrims interviewed praised the initiative and Saudi Arabia’s efforts to serve pilgrims in the best possible way and ensure that they complete their Hajj journey comfortably.

The initiative entails streamlining travel procedures for pilgrims in their home countries. Upon their arrival in the Kingdom, they will be received in a designated hall and then transported to their accommodations without having to wait at the airport. Their luggage will then be delivered to them.

The Ministry of Interior has been implementing the initiative for six consecutive years in cooperation with the ministries of foreign affairs, health, Hajj and Umrah, and media, the General Authority of Civil Aviation, the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority, the Saudi Data and AI Authority, and the ?Pilgrim Experience Program, to enhance the Hajj journey

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Secretary-General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meets Deputy Prime Minister of Iraqi KRG

Erbil, HE Secretary-General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Dr. Ahmed bin Hassan Al Hammadi met with HE Deputy Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Qubad Talabani.

The meeting discussed cooperation ties and ways to strengthen them, in addition to a range of topics of shared interest.

HE Ambassador of the State of Qatar to the Republic of Iraq Sultan bin Mubarak Al Kubaisi, HE Consul General of the State of Qatar in Erbil Hussein bin Ali Al Fadala and the accompanying delegation attended the meeting.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Qatar Takes Part in WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region’s Ministerial Briefing Session

Geneva, The State of Qatar participated in the ministerial briefing session for the member states of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Eastern Mediterranean Region, regarding the meetings of the World Health Assembly, which was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

HE Minister of Public Health Dr. Hanan Mohammed Al Kuwari chaired the State of Qatar’s delegation to the briefing session, which discussed several topics, primarily the governing bodies’ meetings in May, nominations for elective positions in the World Health Assembly, and membership of the WHO Executive Board.

The session also discussed the results of the 40th meeting of the Programme, Budget and Administration Committee of the WHO Executive Board, the agenda of the 71st WHO Regional Committee of Eastern Mediterranean, and leading regional initiatives.

Source: Qatar News Agency