Qatar Participates in Global Forum on AI Safety in Seoul

Doha: The State of Qatar, represented by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), participated in the Global Forum on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety, held in Seoul, South Korea, under the theme ‘Building in the AI Safety Summit: Towards an Innovative and Inclusive Future.’ The State of Qatar’s delegation was headed by HE Minister of Communications and Information Technology Mohammed bin Ali Al Mannai.

The Qatari delegation engaged in various discussion and dialogue sessions, as well as meetings with representatives of major companies, entrepreneurs, and executives. HE Minister of Communications and Information Technology participated in a high-level roundtable meeting titled ‘Sharing the Benefits of AI and Enhancing Inclusivity of Governance Framework.’ The meeting, during which His Excellency participated alongside ministers and high-ranking officials from around the globe, addressed the efforts of key AI players, highlighting concrete examples of the positive use of AI and exp
loring the potential for a more comprehensive governance framework for AI.

The forum aims to address global challenges related to the development and use of AI, and to enhance the balance between innovation, safety, and inclusiveness. It brings together an elite group of senior leaders from governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia from around the world.

The forum includes a series of high-level discussions and expert sessions on key topics such as the need for a coherent global framework for AI governance, addressing gaps in current AI governance efforts, promoting AI innovation while ensuring safety and security, and ensuring inclusivity and equitable sharing of the benefits of AI.

On the sidelines of the forum’s activities, HE Mohammed bin Ali Al Mannai met with his counterpart HE Minister of Science, Information, and Communications Technology of the Republic of South Korea Lee Jong-ho, where they discussed the use of AI and the possibility of enhancing bilateral cooperation in this f
ield. The two sides also discussed ways to benefit from AI technologies to provide innovative solutions in various vital sectors, for the benefit of both countries.

Qatar’s participation in the Global Forum on AI is part of its ongoing efforts to exchange experiences with leading countries and institutions in the field of technology. This participation serves as an ideal platform to showcase Qatars achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and to discuss the challenges and opportunities it faces with counterparts from around the world.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Hajj Volunteers Shine at Jadidat Arar Border Crossing

Arar, The spirit of volunteerism is alive and well on the northern border, with young men and women playing a vital role in welcoming pilgrims arriving from Iraq through the Jadidat Arar Border Crossing.

Over 80 volunteers affiliated with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development, Northern Border University, the Saudi Red Crescent, the Arar Chamber of Commerce, and various other organizations have stepped up to serve the pilgrims.

Their dedication has been evident since the arrival of the first groups of pilgrims. Tasks range from assisting the elderly to providing guidance and hospitality in the designated pilgrim city. The volunteers also help carry out entry procedures and even carry out basic health-related tasks, like taking vital signs.

Several volunteers, some with years of experience, expressed the deep sense of fulfillment that comes from giving back. They see their service as a way to honor their faith, serve their country, and contribute to a smooth and comfortable pilgrim experienc
e. They also praised the government agencies that facilitated their tasks, by creating a seamless and flexible work environment.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Israeli Occupation Forces Arrest 20 Palestinians in Raids across West Bank

The Israeli occupation forces arrested at least 20 Palestinians, including children and former detainees, in a series of raids carried out in the past 24 hours across the occupied West Bank.

According to a joint statement by the Palestinian Prisoners Society (PPS) and the Authority of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Affairs, the arrests took place across several governorates of the West Bank, including Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, Hebron, Jenin, and Jerusalem, Palestinian news agency (WAFA) reported.

The raids were accompanied by extensive home invasions, abuse, and widespread destruction of property, according to the statement.

Since Oct. 7, the total number of Palestinians arrested in the West Bank has risen to over 8,875. This figure includes those detained from their homes, at military checkpoints, those who surrendered under pressure, and those held as hostages, the statement added.

The statement emphasized that the arrest campaigns are a key systematic policy used by the Israeli occupation forces. They s
erve as a primary tool of collective punishment, which has become central to the occupation’s strategy of targeting Palestinians amidst the ongoing aggression on the Gaza Strip since Oct. 7.

Source: Qatar News Agency

KSrelief Supervisor General Meets with Yemeni Health Minister

Geneva: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Supervisor General Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah met here today with Yemeni Minister of Public Health and Population Dr. Qassem Mohammed Bahaibah, on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly.

The two officials discussed humanitarian and relief projects in the Yemeni health sector.

Bahaibah voiced gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by KSrelief, for its support to the health sector in Yemen, stressing that the Kingdom tops the list of countries that support Yemen.

Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Ambassador Abdulmohsen bin Khothaila attended the meeting.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Ministry of Labor Organizes Program to Qualify Leaders of Labor Communities

Doha: The Ministry of Labor, in cooperation with the International Labor Organization (ILO), has organized a distinctive training program designed to qualify leaders of labor communities. This program aims to develop their skills and increase their capabilities in dealing and coordinating with the Ministry, as part of its ongoing efforts to qualify and empower community leaders.

The training course was distinguished by providing a comprehensive package of services, aimed at enhancing the professional capabilities of the participants and helping them keep up with the challenges and rapid changes in the labor market. The course also included intensive practical training, with the goal of preparing them and effectively developing their professional skills.

The Ministry of Labor continuously collaborates with the International Labor Organization, as they jointly strive to achieve common goals in enhancing the qualification opportunities of incoming labor forces and developing the skills of the workforce to impr
ove the work environment.

Source: Qatar News Agency

KSrelief Supervisor General Meets with Syrian Health Minister

Geneva: King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Supervisor General Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah met here today with Syrian Minister of Health Dr. Hassan Al-Ghabbash, on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly in Geneva.

The two officials discussed humanitarian and relief issues, and the latest developments related to the health situation in areas affected by the earthquake in Syria.

Al-Ghabbash praised the center achievements in humanitarian, relief, and development work, and its relentless efforts to assist people around the world.

Saudi Arabia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Abdulmohsen bin Khothaila attended the meeting.

Source: Saudi Press Agency