Aid Trucks Begin Entering Gaza Through Karem Abu Salem Crossing for First Time in 20 Days

Aid trucks started entering the Gaza Strip on Sunday through Karem Abu Salem commercial crossing, for the first time since the start of the Israeli ground attack on the city of Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, on May 6.

The aid trucks set off from the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing, along the border with the Gaza enclave, arriving at Karem Abu Salem crossing, before entering the enclave, Palestinian News Agency (Wafa) reported.

WAFA added that the trucks would be delivered to the United Nations and would then set off from the Palestinian-Egyptian border bound for Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood west of Rafah city, to be ultimately sent to the depth of the Gaza Strip through Al-Rashid coastal street.

Wafa explained that the expected number of trucks that are set to enter Gaza reaches 200, with each one carrying between 15 to 20 tons of aid, including 4 trucks carrying fuel.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Saudi Ginseng Returns After 20 Years in the Northern Borders

Arar, The “abab” plant, also known as “Saudi ginseng” or “ashwagandha”, has returned after a 20-year absence in the deserts of the Northern Borders Region.

This evergreen shrub with yellow flowers has reemerged, alongside other wild plants.

In an interview with the SPA, Director of the Aman Environmental Association in the region Nasser Rashid Al-Majlad said that the area’s rich green wealth presents economic opportunities. By utilizing natural plant resources, the region can enhance biodiversity, combat desertification, expand green spaces, promote tourism, and foster human development.

Al-Majlad said that these efforts align with the principles of the green economy, which aims to strike a balance between economic and environmental needs for the benefit of both humanity and the planet.

Khonaysser Al-Anazi, a plant enthusiast, said the abab plants on the outskirts of Arar city reappeared due to increased rainfall and the expansion of green areas. He highlighted the potential for cultivation and utilizatio
n of these plants for various purposes.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Afghan Foreign Minister Values Qatar’s Multi-Field Humanitarian Assistance

HE Afghan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amir Khan Muttaqi, expressed his thanks and appreciation to the State of Qatar for the assistance it provides to the Afghan people across various fields.

His Excellency appreciated the Qatar Red Crescent Society (QRCS)’s efforts and contributions in responding to the needs of the population in various regions.

During a meeting with Director of the Relief and International Development Division at the QRCS, Dr. Mohamed Salah Ibrahim, HE Muttaqi touched on the importance of the QRCS’ projects in Afghanistan that focus on heart disease in children as an urgent medical problem, as well as helping forced returnees from asylum in neighboring countries, whose number exceeded one million, and they are in dire need of assistance in various health, educational and service fields.

Both sides also discussed the importance of supporting the establishment of a strategic aid warehouse, which includes basic food and non-food items that enable a rapid and urgent response to the needs o
f those affected by recurring natural disasters in the various states and regions of Afghanistan.

In a press conference that included Dr. Ibrahim and HE President of the Afghan Red Crescent Society Matiul Haq Khalis, a new project was announced to support the establishment, equipment and operation of 10 health centers in Afghanistan over a period of two years, with the aim of providing primary health care and enhancing maternal and child health services for the benefit of more than 250,000 beneficiaries annually in the areas most in need.

In addition, the QRCS announced the extension of the support it has provided since 2018 to the community health center in the third district of Kandahar City, with medicines, supplies, medical and non-medical equipment, the operational budget and training of health staff until 2027, with the aim of providing basic health services and maternal and child care services to about 46,000 people annually.

He noted that he signed a cooperation agreement with his Afghan counterpar
t to launch a project to enhance resilience among families most affected by conflicts and natural disasters in Afghanistan by enhancing food security and livelihoods, indicating that 800,000 families will benefit from the project in Farah, Faryab and Helmand provinces. The agreement was signed upon a funding from the Qatar Fund for Development.

As part of the medical convoy program, the fourth phase of the Little Hearts Project was launched in Afghanistan, while arrangements are underway to launch the fourth phase of the Educational Support Program in remote areas of Afghanistan.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Dar Tantora: A Sustainable Oasis Steeped in AlUla’s Rich History

AlUla, Dar Tantora, a name synonymous with the historic sundial that once graced its entrance, has unveiled its eco-friendly luxury hotel facilities.

This unique property, also known as “The House Hotel”, boasts 30 guest rooms meticulously built using traditional AlUla construction methods. Skilled artisans employed time-honored tools and seamlessly blended them with modern engineering techniques for a truly immersive experience.

Stepping inside Dar Tantora is like stepping back in time. The corridors bathed in warm candlelight emanate serenity, while the restaurant, café, and health club seamlessly integrate in the traditional home lifestyle of AlUla old town.

Sustainability is at the heart of Dar Tantora’s philosophy. The hotel utilizes specially designed irrigation and ventilation systems to minimize energy consumption and environmental impact. The hotel’s design, echoing the changing seasons and temperature fluctuations, reflects a deep respect for the natural world.

This innovative project is testame
nt to AlUla’s commitment to preserving its rich heritage while embracing a sustainable tourism future.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Qatar Underscores Importance of Enhancing African Nations’ Role in Countering Security, Global Development Challenges

The State of Qatar has affirmed that reinforcing the role of African countries in addressing the challenges facing security and global development in Africa is extremely significant, in addition to bolstering global peace and security, as well as accelerating the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030. Qatar pointed out that the strategic significance of Africa, its rich resources and the growing number of its population – which is projected to exceed 2.5 billion by 2050, centralize the continent and makes it an indispensable player in shaping the global future.

This came in the State of Qatar’s statement delivered by Deputy Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the United Nations Jassim Sayar Al Maawda at the UN Security Council open debate on maintenance of international peace and security and strengthening the role of the African State in addressing global security and development challenges, held at the UN headquarters in New York.

The State of Qatar is
proud of its advanced relations and strategic partnership with the African nations at all levels, Al Maawda said, underlining that the State of Qatar has been making unwavering efforts in the areas of preventive diplomacy, mediation in conflict settlement and peacemaking in Africa. Qatar is committed to making these efforts in accordance with the priorities of the African Union’s initiative to silence the guns, and the UN-led efforts on peacemaking operations in Africa, he added.

He highlighted that the State of Qatar’s mediation efforts included Sudan, Chad, Somalia, and the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea, along with its humanitarian and development efforts in many African nations.

The statement shed light on some examples in this context, pointing out that in November 2023, the State of Qatar announced its contribution with USD 20 million to support the ‘Grain From Ukraine’ program in support of African countries to obtain Ukrainian grain exports. In September 2023, the State of Qatar pledged
USD 12 million in humanitarian aid for the Horn of Africa region to counter the menace of famine and food insecurity challenges, with the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) funding the second phase of ‘Building Resilient Communities in Somalia’ project (BRCIS), in collaboration with the British Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Somalia.

This is in addition to the State of Qatar’s steadfast humanitarian efforts in Sudan and other nations, along with its contribution with USD 60 million for the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) during the conference hosted by the country in March 2023, the statement noted.

The statement expressed the State of Qatar’s pride in forging advanced strategic partnership with the African countries in investment fields, especially that the Qatari investments are diverse and sustainable and primarily focus on renewable energy, agriculture and infrastructure, noting the fourth Qatar Economic Forum (QEF) that was
held in early May of 2024, in Doha. The forum thoroughly discussed ways to connect the Middle East and Africa through enhancing the economic development in Africa, given the growing partnership between the State of Qatar and the African countries.

The statement highlighted that the State of Qatar hails partnership with the African countries in the bilateral global counter-terrorism efforts through the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT), noting the country’s participation in the high-level meeting on strengthening regional cooperation and institution building to address the evolving threat of terrorism in Africa, held in May 2024, in Abuja, Nigeria.

The State of Qatar reiterates its welcome of the recommendation set forth in the UN Secretary-General’s new agenda for peace represented in establishing frameworks and robust regional organizations, the statement outlined. The agenda called for forging partnership between the UN Security Council and the African Union (AU) to capitalize on the AU’s
experiences, thus underpinning the principle of “African solutions to African problems” with respect to peacemaking efforts in Africa and the world.

The State of Qatar calls for strengthening the regional and global efforts to achieve the initiative to silence the guns that was launched by the AU in 2013, and thereby stresses the importance of implementing the UN Security Council’s resolution No. 2719 to ensure a sustainable and predictable funding to support AU-led peacekeeping operations, the statement added.

The statement also asserted that for the sake of reinforcing the role of the African countries in addressing security and global development challenges, the State of Qatar reiterates the importance of strengthening conflict prevention efforts and addressing their root-causes that hamper the efforts of curbing the challenges facing stable governance, sustainable peace, security, and development in Africa.

The statement also emphasized the State of Qatar’s need for reforming the global financial struc
ture, and setting a just agenda for climate change that would overtly meet Africa’s needs for funding the efforts of countering the challenges posed by climate change, in addition to capacity-building and technology transfer so as to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and enhancing the sustainable development.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Elderly Indonesian Pilgrims Have an Easier Hajj Journey with Makkah Route Initiative

Jakarta, The Makkah Route Initiative implemented by the Ministry of Interior at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Jakarta, Indonesia, is providing exceptional services to Indonesian pilgrims, ensuring a smooth and comfortable Hajj journey.

Elderly pilgrims have expressed gratitude for the ease of procedures engendered by the initiative.

Siti Munasaru, a 69-year-old pilgrim from Tangerang, said she appreciates the ease with which Hajj procedures are carried out, and expressed deep gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and those responsible for the initiative.

Suwatini Binti Amat, a 68-year-old pilgrim from Purworejo, Central Java, expressed gratitude to the Kingdom for the services provided to pilgrims, and stressed that the Makkah Route Initiative has greatly relieved the hardships faced during traditional travel, particularly for elderly pilgrims, making their Hajj journey more comfortable and safer.

Many Indonesian pilgrims expressed gratitude to the Kingdom for the Makkah Route Initiative, whi
ch has simplified travel procedures from Jakarta airport, reduced waiting time, and made their trip to the holy land more convenient and easier.

The testimonials of elderly Indonesian pilgrims highlight the significant impact of the Makkah Route Initiative on the Hajj experience.

This initiative reflects the strong collaboration between Saudi Arabia and Indonesia, and underscores the commitment to provide excellent services to pilgrims, in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

Source: Saudi Press Agency