Many Killed, Injured in New Israeli Bombardment on Parts of Gaza Strip

At least three Palestinians were killed , and others were injured, in a new bombing launched by the Israeli occupation forces, on Friday, on the Bureij Camp in the centre of the Gaza Strip, and Rafah City, south of it.

The occupation army bombed with shells the vicinity of the Martyrs Roundabout in “Al-Bureij”, which resulted in the death of a citizen and the injury of others, adding that two others were killed and others were injured in another bombing that targeted “Al-Shawout Camp” in the centre of Rafah, after defense crews recovered it, local sources said.

Meanwhile, the occupation artillery targeted the areas of “Al-Tawam”, “Al-Saftawi” and “Al-Qasaib” north of Gaza, while Israeli gunboats fired towards the coast of Rafah, while ground forces continued to incursion near the entrance to the town of Beit Hanoun and besieged displaced people in shelter centres.

Israeli military vehicles also carried out extensive sweeping, excavations, and bombing of homes and residential squares east of the city of Ra
fah, where losses were not known yet.

The latest toll of the ongoing Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, for the 224th day in a row, indicated the death of 35,303 Palestinians and the injury of 79,261 others.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Saudi Arabia Joins International Agency for Research on Cancer

Lyon, The UN World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) officially celebrated welcoming Saudi Arabia as a new member during the 66th session of the agency’s Governing Council, held in Lyon, France.

Saudi Health Council Secretary General Dr. Nahar Al-Azemi said Saudi Arabia’s joining of the IARC reflects the nation’s leading role in the field of disease prevention and control.

The move also emphasizes the Kingdom’s pioneering efforts in containing the spread of cancer and its complications through a rigorous scientific approach, Al-Azemi added.

He highlighted the Saudi government’s great emphasis on dealing with cancer, addressing various preventive, therapeutic, and social aspects of the disease.

Fahad Al-Ruwaily, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to France and designated permanent representative of the Kingdom to UNESCO, and the participating Saudi delegation led by Al-Azemi attended the celebration.

Also attending were Mushabbab Ali Al-Asiri, General Director of the Nationa
l Cancer Center; Ali Al-Zahrani, deputy director at the research center of King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center; and Samar Al-Homoud, consultant colorectal surgeon at the hospital and chair of the IARC Ethics Committee.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

HH the Amir Sends Congratulations to Chad President Elect

Doha: HH the Amir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani sent Friday a cable of congratulations to HE Lt. Gen. Mahamat Idriss Deby on the occasion of his election as President of the Republic of Chad, wishing him success and for the relations of the two friendly countries further progress and prosperity.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Discussing cooperation between private sector, Secretariat Chamber of Commerce AND UNHCR

The Head of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Amanat Al-Asimah, Ali Al-Hadi, discussed with the Director of Programs at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Yemen, ‘India Bijou,’ aspects of cooperation between the private sector and the Chamber of Commerce.

The meeting, in the presence of Board of Directors members Anwar Al-Husseini and Nasr Sinan, and Acting Director General of the Chamber, Adel Al-Khawlani, touched on mechanisms for assisting refugees , displaced persons, rehabilitating them, supporting the fields of training, rehabilitation, entrepreneurship, small , micro-enterprises for the benefit of displaced persons and refugees.

During the meeting, Al-Hadi stressed the Chamber’s interest and support in the areas of economic empowerment for displaced people and refugees and the readiness of the private sector to participate in programs and activities in a way that contributes to creating sustainable development for this group.

For his part, t
he Director of Programs at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Yemen appreciated the Chamber’s cooperation and its interest in developing cooperation with the Commission.

He stressed the readiness to establish a partnership with the private sector through the Chamber in areas aimed at enhancing the permanent response that the United Nations and its organizations are working to achieve so that it contributes to the development process.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Fisheries Ministry stresses necessity of committing not to sell shrimp

The Ministry of Fisheries stressed the need for all fishermen, agents and traders to commit to not trading and selling fresh shrimp during the ban period.

The Undersecretary for the Production and Marketing Services Sector stressed to (Saba) the importance of adhering to Ministerial Resolution No (36) of 1445 AH issued on Shawwal 12, 1445 AH, corresponding to April 21, 2024 AD.

Source: Yemen News Agency