HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister congratulated by the Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Arts

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, today received a cable of congratulations from the Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Arts, His Highness Shaikh Turki bin Rashid bin Isa Al Khalifa, on the success of the 33rd Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

HH Shaikh Turki bin Rashid highlighted that the Arab Summit has acted as a platform to address regional Arab issues, noting the Kingdom’s role as a unifying front for Arab developmental goals, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and supported by His Royal Highness.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister congratulated by HH Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, today received a cable of congratulations from the Personal Representative of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and President of the Supreme Council for Environment, HH Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, on the success of the 33rd Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

HH Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad highlighted that the Arab Summit has acted as a platform to address regional Arab issues, noting the Kingdom’s role as a unifying front for Arab developmental goals, led by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and supported by His Royal Highness.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

HRH the Crown Prince and Prime Minister congratulated by the Minister of Finance and National Economy

His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister, today received a congratulatory cable from the the Minister of Finance and National Economy, His Excellency Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, on the success of the 33rd Arab Summit hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain.

HE Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa stressed that the Summit affirmed the Kingdom of Bahrain’s prominent role, under the leadership of HM the King, in consolidating Arab bonds, supporting Arab causes, and contributing to safeguarding Arab national security to face regional and international challenges.

HE Shaikh Salman bin Khalifa commended the outcomes of the 33rd Arab Summit and its achievements that paved the way for further cooperation among Arab countries which fulfils the aspirations of their peoples for development, prosperity, security and stability in the region.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

GCC Sec Gen: Bahrain Summit is of high significance

Jasem Mohamed Albudaiwi, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), said that the 33rd Arab Summit, hosted by the Kingdom of Bahrain, is of high importance given the unprecedented crises and developments the region is going through, particularly the catastrophic conditions in Gaza, in addition to discussing many Arab issues.

This came during the participation of the Secretary General in the 33rd regular session of the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level, chaired by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on Thursday in Manama, with the participation of a number of leaders and representatives of Arab countries.

In his remarks, the Secretary General extended thanks and appreciation to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa for the efforts, full support, and necessary facilitation provided by the kingdom to host and organise the Arab Summit in a manner that will contribute to achieving positive results and outcomes at this summit.

Furthermore, Albudaiwi also expressed
his confident aspirations that the 33rd Arab Summit would contribute to developing and strengthening Arab relations, increasing solidarity among them to confront the security and stability challenges, and enhancing joint Arab collective action and cooperation in all fields.

The Secretary General said that this summit was held as the irresponsible Israeli attacks and violations continue against the Palestinian people and the Gaza Strip in particular, which requires all of us to work together to urge the international community with all its countries, institutions and organisations to stop the serious violations and the ongoing Israeli military escalation in the Gaza Strip.

In conclusion of his statement, the Secretary General affirmed the fixed stance of the GCC countries towards the Palestinian cause as it is the first cause of Arabs and Muslims, and supported the establishment of an independent Palestinian state on the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Bahrain News Agen

Imprisonment of former officials in the Sahari Bank branch, Omar Al-Mukhtar.

Tripoli: The Tripoli Court of Appeal issued a ruling on Thursday, to imprison former officials in the Sahari Bank branch – Omar Al-Mukhtar, who stole two million dinars. The first and second convicts were sentenced to four years’ imprisonment, and the third and fourth convicts were sentenced to three years’ imprisonment, they were fined twice the embezzled amount.

According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office today, Friday, the prosecution concluded that, the convicts had accessed the system of accounts of customers of the bank branch and intended to embezzle two million three hundred and eighty dinars, by approving banking operations conducted on the customers’ accounts, and taking two copies of cash withdrawals using bank check numbers not included in the bank’s system, and conducting Internal bank transfers without a request from the account managers.

Source: Libyan News Agency

UN Commemorates Palestinian Nakba For Second Time in Row

The United Nations (UN) on Friday commemorated the Palestinian Nakba, calling on the international community to redouble its efforts to end the Israeli occupation.

This is the second time in the history of the United Nations (UN) that the Nakba has been commemorated, while the first time was last year, according to a resolution adopted by the General Assembly on November 30, 2022.

The UN held an event on the occasion of this anniversary, entitled “1948-2024: The Continuing Palestinian Nakba,” during which it was hosted by the Committee concerned with the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, which considered “todays Nakba is a repetition of the 1948 Nakba, and throughout this period (between the two dates) We have witnessed Israeli occupation and confiscation of Palestinian property, deprivation of rights, arbitrary arrests including of children, brutal and disproportionate use of force, exploitation of East Jerusalem and its cultural symbols, and displacement, so the Nakba is an on
going process that has affected the Palestinian people for many generations.” The UN warned that the conflict is spreading in the Middle East, at a time when the Security Council appears powerless and the member states are divided, stressing that it will continue to work “for the day when the Palestinian people enjoy their inalienable rights and live in a state of their own in peace and prosperity.” In a related context, Ambassador Riyad Mansour, Permanent Representative of the State of Palestine to the United Nations (UN) , said that commemorating this anniversary “comes at a time when one of the most horrific chapters of this ongoing Nakba is taking place,” adding, “Our people in Gaza are besieged, bombed, and are being starved with one goal, which is either to destroy them or Get them out of Gaza.” He said that the Israeli government no longer hides its true intentions, noting that the Palestinians have three options: displacement, oppression, or death, ethnic cleansing, apartheid or genocide.

It is worth
noting that May 15, marks the 76th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba, which resulted in the displacement of about 950,000 Palestinians from their original cities and towns, out of 1,400,000 Palestinians who lived in 1,300 villages and cities.

The anniversary of the Nakba this year comes as the Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip continues for the 224th day in a row, killing more than 35,000 people, the majority of whom are children and women, in addition to wounding more than 79,000, and thousands of victims remain under the rubble.

Source: Qatar News Agency