HM King congratulated by HH Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received a cable of congratulations from His Highness Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Personal Representative of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa and President of the Supreme Council for Environment (SCE), on the success of the 33rd Arab Summit in Bahrain, held under the leadership of HM the king.

HH Shaikh Abdullah bin Hamad expressed pride in hosting this historic summit in the kingdom, hailing the keenness of HM the King on supporting Arab causes.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Abbas: PLO Central Council resolutions on relations with Israeli occupation to be implemented

His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine declared that the Palestinian leadership has resolved to fully implement the decisions of the Palestinian Central Council concerning the relations with the Israeli occupation.

In his address at the 33rd Arab League Summit held in Manama, Bahrain, President Abbas said the decision “comes in light of Israel’s persistent rejection of peace and the Arab Peace Initiative, ongoing assaults on the Palestinian people in Gaza, destruction of Palestinian state institutions, and the continuing violence and terrorism by settlers in the West Bank, including Jerusalem.”

The President highlighted the severe toll of the Israeli aggression, stating, “Around 120,000 Palestinians, the majority being women and children, have been martyred or injured over more than seven months, under the protection and support of the United States, which challenges international legitimacy and violates norms and ethics.”

He emphasised that “Israel continues its attac
ks on Palestinian people, land, and religious sites in the West Bank, including Jerusalem, through its army and terrorist settlers.”

President Abbas questioned, “How long will this Israeli terrorism continue? When will this tragedy end, and our people and state be liberated from occupation?”

Reaffirming his stance against the targeting of civilians, the President underscored that “the immediate priority is to halt the aggression, increase humanitarian aid, prevent the displacement of Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank, and promptly implement the two-state solution based on international legitimacy.”

Addressing the financial crisis facing the State of Palestine, President Abbas stressed the urgency of activating the Arab safety net to bolster Palestinian resilience and enable the government to fulfill its duties.

He also called on the United States to pressure Israel to release withheld Palestinian tax funds, cease its use of the veto against Palestinian rights, adhere to international law, and end it
s policy of double standards.

He praised the global student protests, particularly in American and European universities, supporting Palestinian rights and opposing Israeli aggression and occupation.

The President expressed gratitude to the countries that voted in favor of elevating Palestine’s status at the United Nations General Assembly to a full member state and commended the nations that have recently recognised the State of Palestine.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

HM King receives additional congratulatory cables

His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, today received cables of congratulations from members of the Royal Family, Ministers, diplomats, senior officials from the public and private sectors, and citizens on the success of the 33rd Arab Summit presided by His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

HM King congratulated by Speaker

Manama, His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa received a cable of congratulations from Ahmed bin Salman Al Musallam, Speaker of the Council of Representatives, on the occasion of the International Day of Parliamentarism.

Source: Bahrain News Agency

Education Minister emphasises commitment to implementing Arab Summit’s initiatives on education

Dr. Mohammed bin Mubarak Juma, Minister of Education, praised the efforts and approach of His Majesty the King in presiding over the proceedings of the 33rd ordinary session of the Arab League Summit in Bahrain.

He hailed the leadership’s adeptness in achieving Arab consensus on various issues, enabling the presentation of practical and exceptional solutions.

Highlighting Bahrain’s initiatives announced by His Majesty during the summit, including providing educational services for those affected by conflicts, the Minister commended these proposals as a testament to His Majesty the King’s commitment to addressing the repercussions of conflicts on fundamental rights, particularly education and healthcare.

He emphasised the severe consequences of compromising the right to education, especially primary education, on individuals and societies.

The Minister underscored the pivotal role of the Bahrain summit in addressing the needs of those affected by conflicts, especially children deprived of their basic righ
ts to education, through initiatives aimed at providing them with hope for a better future.

Source: Bahrain News Agency