KSrelief Signs Cooperation Agreement to Operate Healthcare Program in Syria’s Earthquake-Affected Regions

Riyadh: The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centre (KSrelief) on Wednesday signed a cooperation agreement with the international Wars and Disaster’s victims’ protection Association (IRVD) to operate the healthcare program in the earthquake-affected regions in northwestern Syria, benefiting 251,307 individuals.

KSrelief Assistant Supervisor General for Operations and Programs Eng. Ahmed bin Ali Al-Baiz signed the agreement at the organization’s headquarters in Riyadh.

The director of the KSrelief Health and Environmental Assistance Department, Dr. Abdullah Al-Muallem, explained that under the agreement, integrative and field healthcare services, and psychological, social and nutritional support will be provided to beneficiaries.

The program also includes routine vaccination campaigns; providing diagnostic and therapeutic health services; performing surgical operations; providing medicines and medical and non-medical consumables; enhancement of primary, secondary, and tertiary health services; and di
stribution of infant formula to alleviate the suffering of people affected by the earthquake through effective medical response in several Syrian regions.

The aid comes within the Kingdom’s efforts through its humanitarian arm, KSrelief, to assist earthquake-affected segments in Syria.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Number of Palestinians Detained Since October 7 Climbs to 8,680

The detention toll in cities and provinces of the West Bank and occupied Jerusalem since Oct. 7 has risen to 8,680, the Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Authority, and the Prisoners Club said in a joint statement on Saturday.

The Israeli occupation soldiers arrested nearly 15 Palestinians from the West Bank during the past 24 hours, among them a lady and several former prisoners, the statement continued.

The statement emphasized that the arrests were mainly focused on Jenin, Nablus, Ramallah, Hebron, Qalqilya, and Jerusalem, while the occupation soldiers keep conducting intimidation on a large scale during the arrest campaigns coupled with beatings and threatening detainees and their families, along with large-scale vandalism and destruction of Palestinians’ homes and confiscating their property.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Maldives President Visits Prophet’s Mosque

Madinah, President of the Republic of Maldives Dr. Mohamed Muizzu yesterday visited the Prophet’s Mosque, where he performed prayers.

Upon arrival at the Prophet’s Mosque, the president was received by several officials.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Receives Phone Call from UN Secretary-General

Doha: HE Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman bin Jassim Al-Thani, received a phone call on Saturday, from HE Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres.

During the call, they discussed developments in the Gaza Strip and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, especially the joint mediation efforts to end the war on the Strip, releasing prisoners and hostages, getting humanitarian aid sustainably into all areas throughout the Strip, in addition to the latest developments in the region.

Source: Qatar News Agency

Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Offers Condolences to King of Bahrain on the Death of Shaikh Abdullah bin Salman bin Khalid Al Khalifa

Jeddah: Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud sent a cable of condolences and sympathy to King Hamad bin Issa Al Khalifa of the Kingdom of Bahrain on the death of Shaikh Abdullah bin Salman bin Khalid Al Khalifa.

The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques expressed deepest condolences and sincere sympathy to the king and the families of the deceased, praying Allah to protect King Hamad.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Arab League Welcomes UNGA Resolution in Support of Palestine’s Full Membership in UN

The League of Arab States welcomed the resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) with an overwhelming majority, recommending the UN Security Council to reconsider Palestine’s full UN membership favorably and stipulating that Palestinians are fully eligible for full membership in the UN Organization.

In a statement on Saturday, Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Ahmed Aboul Gheit, stated that the overwhelming vote for this resolution unequivocally underscores the global desire and trend of the global public opinion in support of this resolution, affirming that the UNGA’s voice was vibrant and straightforward, making it harder for all parties to turn a deaf ear or become oblivious to the connotation of this resolution.

Aboul Gheit emphasized that countries that are convinced of the two-state solution should accelerate their steps towards converting this vision into reality, highlighting that the recognition of the Palestinian statehood to regain full membership in the UN rep
resents a critical step on this track, because it places Palestine in the position that it deserves and reflects its eligibility for gaining an independent statehood.

It sends a correct message to the Palestinians at a time of full tragedy they are being exposed to, who feel that the world has become unable to halt the massacres being committed against them, he added, pointing out that the arrogant position of Israeli representatives on this overwhelming vote expressed by the UNGA reveals the truth about the occupier’s stance with regard to the international rules-based order, along with the occupier’s perspective on the UN Organization and its relevant norms and rules.

He stressed the importance of ramping up incessant diplomatic pressures so as to embarrass the parties that provide political cover for Israel in the UN Organization, particularly the UN Security Council.

Source: Qatar News Agency