Hodeida cleanness fund starts planting city streets

Hodeida cleanness fund on Thursday kicked off planting the cornices of some of the city’s streets.

Trees further add beauty for the port city, Hodeida deputy governor, Mohamed Holaisi, said, praising the fund’s role and efforts to improve cleanness services and preserve environment.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Hodeida launches fishery national surveillance project

The Yemeni western seaport of Hodeida on Thursday launched a national inclusive, maritime surveillance project to protect and develop fisheries, under auspice of the agricultural and fishery supreme committee, the ministry of fisheries and Hodeida local authority.

Launched by fishing sectors in partnership with the navy and coastguard forces, the ‘Together for Sustainable Fisheries’ project is aimed to protect the fishery environment, such as coral reefs.

The project will also help raise awareness about risks of random fishing, commitment to organized fishing seasons, and importance of safe places for fish to reproduce, Governor Mohamed Quhaim said.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Learning about implementation of sports projects through community initiatives in Al-Dhale’

An engineering team from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, headed by Projects Director Ahmed Al-Rudaini, in the districts of Damt and Jaban in Al-Dhale’ province, reviewed today,Thursday, a number of sports projects being implemented through community initiatives.

The engineering team heard from the Director of the Youth and Sports Office in Al Dhale’, Musaad Al Dhaheri, and the heads of the clubs, an explanation of the projects being implemented through community initiatives in the two districts.

They explained that these projects include the establishment of stadiums , gymnasiums and the completion of the construction of terraces and turf.

He pointed to the overall needs that require the Ministry of Youth’s intervention in them.

The head of Al-Rudaini engineering team praised the initiative of the people of Dimt and Juban districts in implementing sports projects and their contribution to purchasing two grounds for the stadiums of the Juban Youth Club and the Al-Wasat Al-Sharqani Youth Club in Damt, in
addition to the work of leveling and backfilling the two grounds.

He stressed that these projects embody the interest of province’s people in sports activities that will work to include young people , develop their creativity and talents.

Source: Yemen News Agency

The UN mission in Libya stresses the need to include victims in any national reconciliation process.Sayyed Abdul-Malik says Yemen has surprises in store for enemies beyond what anyone can expect

The United Nations Support Mission in Libya reaffirmed today, Wednesday, the necessity of putting the victims at the heart of any national reconciliation process.

In a post on its Facebook page, the mission refused to grant amnesty for war crimes, crimes against humanity, and serious violations of international human rights law, after the conclusion of the activities of the conference ‘Supporting a Comprehensive Process for National Reconciliation and Transitional Justice,’ which was held in Tripoli last Monday and Tuesday.

The mission said that the conference is part of broader efforts facilitated by the United Nations mission to support a comprehensive reconciliation process based on rights and transitional justice centered on victims in Libya.

It was added that enhancing the safe and meaningful participation of victims and setting clear terms and conditions around amnesties were among the most important recommendations presented yesterday, Tuesday, by more than 95 representatives of victims and civil so
ciety organizations at the conclusion of the conference, which focused on victims and was based on rights in Libya.

It was also indicated that representatives of the United Nations Support Mission in Libya were joined by the representative in the Presidential Council, Abdullah Al-Lafi, and Al-Taher Al-Baour, in charge of running the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to experts in transitional justice, where they made presentations on reconciliation experiences in countries such as Guatemala, Rwanda, and Colombia.

Source: Libyan News Agency

The leader of the Yemeni revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi revealed on Thursday surprises that will come in an effective and influential manner that the enemies do not expect at all, at the level of Yemeni military operations.

Sayyed. Abdul Malik Al-Houthi said in a speech today on the latest developments, “We have surprises that the enemies do not expect at all, and they will be very surprising to the enemies and above what the enemy and friend expect, surprises will come in an effective and influential way, we do not want to talk about them, because we want them to start already, and then we respond to them by saying.”

He renewed his call to the Yemeni people to go out tomorrow in Al-Sabeen square in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the governorates, addressing them by saying, “O my dear people, a metal for all noble and dear human values and meanings, I invite you to invite God, the Qur’an and Al-Aqsa Mosque and the call of the oppressed Palestinian people to go out two million tom
orrow in the seventy square in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the governorates, in solidarity with the Palestinian people and their just cause and in support of their valiant resistance.”

He added “Your weekly exit last Friday in 132 squares means a lot because of its importance, as the enemies count the exit of two million thousand accounts,” he said, noting that missile strikes, drone operations and naval forces operations reflect the Yemeni people who come out in millions in squares .

Sayyed. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi stressed the continuation of the millionth exit because of its great impact and support in light of a terrible betrayal situation, considering that going out in the squares is part of the situation and jihad, and it is also part of the field and the squares should not be evacuated as long as the battle continues.

He added, “It is one of the great blessings that God Almighty helped us in this country to have this comprehensive position, but it is the grace of God Almighty to o
ur dear people to be in a great position that is great and comprehensive and honorable that pleases God Almighty and raises the head and whitens the face.”

“We are at a fateful and historical stage foreseen by God’s control and management in front of this test, and when a person has the opportunity to be in a great position and then not move, it is a dangerous situation for him, and whoever works for enemies or fails to fulfill his responsibilities will not be spared from God’s punishments,” he said.

The Leader of the Revolution explained that whoever moves at such a stage should preach the promises of God Almighty, especially since this stage has its aftermath and has what God writes in the destinies of peoples, individuals, and individual and collective destinies. He pointed out that the movement at this stage expresses honor, pride, fatherhood, manhood, magnanimity, dignity, freedom and all noble human meanings.

He referred to the outputs of the continuous mobilization in the thousands and the wide pres
ence in the squares, which means a lot to the Yemeni people. He called on the masses of the Yemeni people to go out in solidarity with the Palestinian people and Al-Aqsa Al-Sharif.

He also addressed the Palestinian people in Gaza, saying, “We say to the Palestinian people and the mujahideen in Gaza, you are not alone, and our people will go out tomorrow will express with an actual translation of that, you are not alone, we are with you until victory, we will not tire and we will not get bored and we will not retreat, and we will not be tired and we will not be tempted, and we will with the will of faith and seriousness we will continue the journey.

The Leader of the Revolution indicated that the operations of the Yemeni armed forces in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza amounted to targeting 54 ships, which is a very important number and a large number, and thanks to God Almighty, the goal of preventing the movement of the Israeli enemy from Bab al-Mandab on the Red Sea was achieved.

He reiterated t
hat the American does not respect peoples and nations and insists on continuing criminality against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and implicated himself in the aggression against Yemen to protect Zionist criminality and support the continuation of the Israeli aggression on Gaza.

“Our position is fully linked to the issue of what is happening in Gaza, and the position since its inception is clear from the ships associated with the Israeli enemy, and the American aggression against our country supports the Israeli enemy and implicates itself in the framework of targeting,” he said.

He pointed out that the American, followed by the British, received painful and painful blows, pointing out that the total number of missiles and drones amounted to 384 in operations that target enemies.

He stated that the raids and bombardment of the enemies did not affect the military capabilities of Yemen, and if the operations of the enemies have an adverse impact and will contribute despite their noses to the development of
Yemeni military capabilities.

Sayyed. Abdulmalik Al-Houthi stressed that the path of escalation and development is continuing, and the Americans and the British have felt that. He pointed out that the statements of the enemies acknowledged the failure of the American and British to destroy Yemeni capabilities or to reduce the impact or momentum of these capabilities.

“The enemies expressed surprise and amazement at our country’s military capabilities and the use of some weapons for the first time against ships at sea,” he said. He described the enemies as stupid when they opened a battle with Yemen in which they do not need.

The Leader of the Revolution reminded the Americans and the British that the right position that contributes to the stability of the entire region is to stop the aggression and end the siege on Gaza, stressing that the escalation in the Yemen front or any front that supports Gaza will not benefit the Americans with anything and its effects are counterproductive.

The Leader of the Revo
lution reiterated that what threatens navigation is the American, who drags everyone to militarize the Red Sea, provoke chaos in it and turn it into a field of conflict and a battlefield. He stressed the clear Yemeni position that military operations will continue with high effectiveness towards the Red Sea, the Arabian Sea, the Gulf of Aden and the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

“Food, medicine and humanitarian needs must be brought in for the Palestinian people in Gaza and genocide against the Palestinian people in Gaza must stop,” he said.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Specifications begin field visit to verify measuring tools in secretariat & Sana’a

The Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control began a field visit to verify the measuring tools for meat and fish stores in the capital secretariat and Sana’a province to monitor the weight, measure and measurement tools used in the direct buying and selling process as part of the Woe to the Treasures campaign.

The Executive Director of the Authority, Sam Ahmed Al-Bashiri, explained that the field visit aims to verify the measuring tools used in meat and fish stores and their conformity with the approved standard specifications, reduce fraud and manipulation, and protect citizen’s rights.

He called on meat shop owners to adhere to the specifications and standards of the weighing scales, stressing that the Authority will take legal action against violators and confiscate non-compliant scales and those prohibited from being used, such as spring scales, manual electronic scales, and cuff scales.

Source: Yemen News Agency

President Al-Mashat: Yemeni people have become role model for Arab & Islamic peoples , world free people in their support for Gaza

Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, met on Thursday in the capital Sana’a with the leadership of the local authority in Ibb Governorate, dignitaries, sheikhs and social figures from the governorate.

During the meeting, which was attended by Chief of the General Staff Major General Mohammed Al-Ghamari, and Deputy Director of the Presidential Office Fahd Al-Ezzi, His Excellency President Al-Mashat stressed that the awareness and wisdom of the people of Ibb Al-Ahrar Governorate had a prominent role in thwarting all the enemy’s conspiracies and attempts to target this governorate.

“You are at the forefront of the sons of this country, who had the great honor under the leadership of Commander Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi in supporting the oppressed Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip,” he said.

President Al-Mashat pointed out that the culture of faith of the Yemeni people, led by the people of Ibb governorate, derived from the Holy Quran, is the safety valve that shat
tered all the conspiracies of the enemy, and the Yemeni people and their positions of faith in support of the oppressed Palestinian people in Gaza have become a model to be followed by the Arab and Islamic peoples and all the free people of the world.

He added, “In this reality, in which the facts became more clear, and in light of the criminal Zionist aggression with the participation of America and the Western countries, the voice of this great leader, Sayyed. Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, emerged, who said to America and the evil trio: We will not retreat from our support for the oppressed Palestinian people until the Zionist criminal aggression on Gaza stops, the siege is lifted, and medicine and food enter it.”

His Excellency the President stressed the importance of interacting with the various mobilization activities and events in support of the oppressed Palestinian people and their just cause, and active participation in awareness activities and mass marches in support of Palestine.

He stressed the need t
o pay attention to the service and development aspect and work to meet the needs of the governorate of projects and improve the level of services and performance in various facilities. He pointed to the importance of giving the agricultural aspect priority as the main pillar of the national economy.

President Al-Mashat directed all officials, starting from the governor to the youngest official, to commit to working hours in their offices and job discipline in all branches of offices, institutions, bodies and interests of the state in the governorate, work in a team spirit to serve the country and the citizen, and pay attention to society and proximity to it and touch its needs of basic services.

He also directed attention to summer centers and pushing students to join them because of their importance in building and immunizing generations, as well as paying attention to charity, social solidarity, charitable work and caring for poor families and families of martyrs, prisoners, missing persons and Almoravids

President Al-Mashat called on citizens to cooperate with the security side in resolving issues, maintaining security, unity of ranks and the home front, preserving the social fabric, good tribal customs, virtuous values and morals, and beware of the plans of enemies that aim to stir up strife and problems among the people of the province and not to be affected by their lies and media mouthpieces.

Source: Yemen News Agency