(Al-Baour) and Ambassador (Orlando) review many files of common interest.

Tripoli: The person in charge of managing the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the National Unity Government, ‘Al-Taher Al-Baour,’ met today, Tuesday, with the European Union Ambassador to Libya, ‘Nicola Orlando.’

Ambassador Orlando said in a tweet posted on his account on the X platform, ‘During the meeting, they reviewed many files of common interest, including the results of the recent European Union mission on migration and my fruitful visit to Misrata,’ describing the meeting as excellent.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Chairman of the founding committee of the African Investment Bank told LANA: The African summit’s decision supporting Libya’s hosting of the bank is a restoration of its position on the African continent.

Tripoli: The Chairman of the Founding Committee of the African Investment Bank, Mustafa Al-Mana, considered the recent African Summit decision supporting Libya’s hosting of the bank a restoration of its position on the African continent, which had been absent since 2011.

At the summit held in Addis Ababa (the headquarters of the African Union) on the 17th and 18th of February, African leaders affirmed their support for Libya’s efforts and vision aimed at strengthening the role of African finance, welcoming the work and efforts of the founding committee of the African Investment Bank.

The African leaders affirmed in a unanimous decision that the efforts of Libya and its founding committee to launch the African Investment Bank are in line with the directives of the African Union, and they called on member states that had not ratified the bank’s charter to expedite ratification after reviewing the distinguished efforts.

The Chairman of the Founding Committee of the African Investment Bank, Mustafa Al-Mana, sa
id in a statement to the Libyan News Agency that this African decision is a success for the efforts of the Libyan state in defending its right to host the African Investment Bank and Libya’s leadership of an initiative to strengthen financial institutions on the African continent as a fundamental support for development efforts in Continent.

Al-Mana explained that this decision, which was the result of exceptional efforts led by the Founding Committee with the support of the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, the Presidential Council and the Libyan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is an affirmation of Libya’s return to regain its position on the African continent, which it had been absent since 2011

Source: Libyan News Agency

(Al-Sayeh) discusses with the Ambassador of Japan to Libya enhancing the readiness of the High Elections Commission with technical and advisory support.

Tripoli: The Chairman of the High Electoral Commission, ‘Imad Al-Sayeh,’ discussed today, Tuesday, with the Ambassador of Japan to Libya, ‘Shimura Izuru,’ enhancing the Commission’s readiness with technical and advisory support.

The Commission’s media office stated that the meeting was held in the Council’s office and comes within the framework of the international community’s support for the electoral process in Libya, and to review the level of the Commission’s readiness to implement the municipal council elections scheduled to be implemented during the current year.

The Ambassador of Japan to Libya and his accompanying delegation made an inspection tour inside the Commission’s headquarters, during which they were briefed on the equipment and facilities of the Media Center and the Counting and Statistics Center.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Shimura praised the efforts made by the Commission and those in charge of it to provide ideal conditions for holding the upcoming elections.

Source: Libyan New
s Agency

Anti-aggression parties bless operations targeting American-British enemy

The coalition of anti-aggression political parties and forces have blessed the operations targeting the American-British enemy with four qualitative operations in the 24 hours.

In a statement, the coalition said the escalation of the Yemeni armed forces against American-British ships as the beginning of a qualitative transformation in Yemeni military operations and an affirmation of the stability of the position in support of the resistance in Gaza and the West Bank and a victory for the oppression of the Palestinian people who are subjected to genocide and a stifling siege for the fifth month in a row, in response to the American-British aggression against Yemen.

The statement pointed out that the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces are more faithful to the promise of the Leader of the Revolution in his successive speeches confirming that the operations in the Red and Arab seas will escalate and will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted.

t pointed out that the armed forces embodied the sincere popular will, which constitutes the strongest guarantees to continue on the path of steadfastness and confrontation until achieving clear victory in the sacred battle against the forces of global terrorism.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Military parade for 700 graduates of open courses in Al-Marashi District in Al-Jawf

A military parade was held in Al-Marashi District in Al-Jawf province for 700 graduates of open military courses as part of the general mobilization campaign and preparation for the battle of the ‘Promised Conquest and Holy Jihad.’

During the presentation, Shura Council member Abdullah Al-Marani praised the level of preparedness of the graduates and their morale and readiness to support the Palestinians in confronting the Zionist enemy, as well as confronting the American-British aggression against Yemen.

For his part, the official in charge of public mobilization in the province indicated that this offer comes within the framework of strengthening readiness to confront the evil trio of America, Britain, and the Zionist entity.

He stressed the continuation of mobilization in preparation for confronting the enemies of the nation.

In turn, the Director of Al-Marashi District, Adnan Al-Qahm, confirmed the readiness of the people of the Directorate to confront the American, Israeli and British enemy, and to s
upport the Palestinians who are being subjected to genocide at the hands of the Zionists in light of Arab and international silence.

While the fighters expressed pride in their participation in these courses as a religious and humanitarian duty in victory for the blood of children, women and civilians in the Gaza Strip.

They stressed the aspiration of all the people and tribes of the province to fight the direct battle with the Israeli, American and British enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency