Industry Ministry announces launch of new services through electronic portal

Industry and Trade Ministry announced launching new services through the Ministry’s electronic portal.

That came during a meeting held today,Monday, in Sana’a, headed by Industry and Trade Minister in the caretaker government, Muhammad Sharaf Al-Mutahar, announcing the launch of commercial registration renewal services for individuals and company registration renewal services via the electronic portal, in addition to the services provided.

In the meeting attended by the Undersecretary for the Business Services Sector, Abdul Fattah Al-Dhuwaid, the Minister of Industry and Trade praised the efforts made by the relevant departments to develop the electronic portal services, praising the great strides made by the electronic portal in providing services to the private sector and beneficiaries of the ministry’s services.

Minister Al-Mutahhar stressed the ministry’s keenness to continuously update the services provided through the electronic portal within the framework of implementing development , modernization
plans and the ministry’s transformation of all its sectors into digital work, in a way that contributes to improving business environment services , supporting and strengthening the national economy.

For his part, Undersecretary Al-Dhuwaid pointed out that working with the electronic portal eliminated the obstacles and imbalances that plagued paper transactions.

He pointed out that the Ministry is continuously working to develop the electronic portal by simplifying , facilitating procedures and speeding up the completion of transactions.

The meeting was attended by general managers of the business services sector.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Reviewing plans for new neighborhood units in Bani Matar, Sana’a

A meeting in Sana’a province today,Monday, headed by the Deputy Governor for Technical Affairs, Engineer Saleh Al-Muntaser, reviewed plans for the new neighborhood units in Bani Matar District.

The meeting, which included the acting directors of public works and roads, Engineer Muhammad Ashafa, and the executive unit, Engineer Sami Al-Turabi, reviewed the new plans that were received from the office of the Land, Survey and Urban Planning Authority in the province in the neighborhood units ‘4B9, 4B8’ in the eastern Reid region, neighborhood units ‘114- 115- 121-213’ in the Matnah area, after projecting it and receiving the coordinates of the outer corners of each unit separately, using the ‘UTM’ system.

At the meeting, the victorious agent stressed the importance of adhering to the implementation of new urban plans and not violating them, preventing developments in them , preserving them, and preventing attacks on government reservations.

The meeting was attended by the directors of the Technical Secretaria
t, Muhammad Sharqan, the media, Adnan Al-Saqqaf, and the works of the Bani Matar Directorate, Zaid Dahan

Source: Yemen News Agency

Shura Speaker and his deputy, Al-Durrah, visit martyr President Al-Sammad tomb

The Shura Council Speaker , Muhammad Hussein Al-Aidaroos, and his deputy, Muhammad Hassan Al-Durra, visited the shrine of the martyr President Saleh Al-Sammad and his companions in Al-Sabeen Square on anniversary of his martyrdom occasion.

Al-Aidaroos and Al-Durrah, along with a number of heads of the Council’s permanent committees and the Secretary-General of the Council, Ali Abdul-Mughni, laid a wreath on the tomb of the martyr President Al-Sammad and his companions, and recited Al-Fatiha for their souls and all the martyrs of the nation who wrote the most wonderful heroic epics in defending Yemen, its sovereignty and its independence.

In addition, the President of the Council, his deputy, and their companions visited the exhibition of the martyr, President Al-Sammad, and viewed the photographs it contained that documented important milestones in his jihadist, practical, and presidential life.

They also viewed the personal belongings of President Al-Sammad, which were included in the exhibition, includin
g his military uniform, personal weapon, and other belongings.

Al-Aidaroos and his deputy praised the role played by the martyr Al-Sammad during his jihadist and practical life, which was filled with many achievements in aspects of correcting the course of the situation of state institutions and his great contributions to defending the homeland.

They stressed the continuation of the approach of the martyr Al-Sammad in confronting the global arrogance forces, Zionism and defending the homeland, completing the process of construction and development.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Supreme Political Council reviews latest local, regional and international developments


Supreme Political Council meeting, headed by His Excellency Field Marshal Mahdi Al-Mashat, Head of the Council, the Supreme Political Council reviewed today, Monday, the latest local, regional and international developments.

At the meeting, the Council praised the achievements of the Yemeni Armed Forces and the successful military operations they are carrying out to support Palestine in light of the broad popular momentum from the people of the Republic’s provinces in support of the operations.

President Al-Mashat briefed the members of the Council on the military and political developments, communications and messages received by the Republic of Yemen regarding its firm, principled, humanitarian and religious position in support of the Palestinians, the people of the Gaza Strip, and a number of related topics.

The Supreme Political Council reiterated that the position of the Republic of Yemen is firm and will not retreat from it until the Zionist aggression against the people of Gaza stops, the siege
is lifted, medicine and food are brought to them.

The Council affirmed that the Republic of Yemen is proceeding within the framework of establishing the rule of reciprocity with countries hostile to Yemen, and that it is working in accordance with international law and that the decision to classify hostile countries and the Humanitarian Operations Coordination Center comes in this context.

It praised the position of the riparian countries, which did not fall behind the American trends in support of the Zionist entity.

The meeting called on all Yemeni people to continue the weekly exit in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the provinces, because of its great influence on enemies and thwarting their conspiracies and plans.

The Council reaffirmed its readiness to implement Marib Initiative, represented by the nine points presented by the Revolution Leader , His Eminence Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the initiative of the President Mahdi al-Mashat related to Taiz province in all its points,
considering that the two initiatives aim to effectively secure the movement of citizens and alleviate their suffering.

Source: Yemen News Agency