SCMCHA Official meets with Executive Director of Handicap InternationalDbaiba honors the teams carried out relief work in Derna.

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Administration and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Ibrahim Al-Hamli, met on Sunday with the Executive Director of the HandiCup International Organization, Manuel Patrouillard.

In the meeting, which was attended by the head of the International Cooperation Department, Faisal Modhesh, and the director of the organization’s office in Yemen, Duncan Pall, the general framework for aspects of coordination in the humanitarian and development fields was discussed, which contributes to improving the conditions of those affected and alleviating their suffering.

The meeting discussed mechanisms for joint cooperation in the humanitarian fields and ways to accelerate the implementation of agreed upon projects and activities in a way that alleviates the severity of the humanitarian situation in Yemen.

The Secretary-General stressed the importance of continuous coordination to overcome any difficulties that may arise in the field and
to enhance the positive role of the work of UN and international organizations.

He pointed out the importance of making more efforts by organizations working in Yemen to implement development projects that contribute to alleviating the human suffering that the Yemeni people are experiencing as a result of the aggression and siege.

He stressed the necessity of adhering to the controls of humanitarian work, national laws, and respecting the customs and culture of the Yemeni people, which would facilitate work and move towards achieving humanitarian goals. He reiterated the Council’s readiness to provide facilities to humanitarian organizations operating in Yemen to enable them to carry out their humanitarian, development and relief tasks and activities.

For his part, Manuel Patrouillard appreciated the efforts made by the Council to facilitate the work of the organizations, stressing full concern for the continuity of work in order to achieve common humanitarian goals that meet the actual needs of the benefi

The meeting was attended by the Director General of UN and International Organizations, Turki Jamil.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Al-Dbaiba, honored the government’s emergency teams that carried out relief work in the city of Derna, after it was exposed to flood disaster last year.

This took place during the celebration held yesterday in Martyrs’ Square on the occasion of the 13th anniversary of the February 17 Revolution.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Destroying 600 kilograms of rotten fish in Al-Balili market in Amanat Al-Asimah

The inspection team in the Production and Marketing Services Sector of the Ministry of Fisheries destroyed 600 kilograms of fish unfit for human use, in Al-Balili Market in Amanat Al-Asimah.

The Undersecretary for the Production and Marketing Services Sector, Abdul-Ghani Al-Wali, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that this quantity was destroyed after completing all legal procedures regarding it by the field inspection team.

He pointed out that controlling and destroying spoiled fish is part of the procedures undertaken by the Ministry of Fisheries, with the aim of preserving the quality of fish products and providing them to the consumer fresh.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meteorologist expect cold weather, rain

The National Center of Meteorology expects cold weather and scattered rain in a number of governorates during the next 24 hours.

It warned citizens, especially the elderly, children and patients in mountainous areas, of the cold weather in order to preserve their health.

The center called on citizens in areas where rain is expected to fall, to be careful and not to be in the valleys during and after the rain.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Fine arts exhibition in Taiz

A member of the Shura Council in Taiz Governorate opened the annual exhibition of plastic and folkloric arts.

The opening of the exhibition comes as an embodiment of the heroic victories of the resistance in Gaza and the Yemeni armed forces under the slogan ‘Al-Aqsa Flood and Identity of Faith.’

Source: Yemen News Agency

Parliament Speaker hands martyr leader’s son Parliament shield

Parliament Speaker, Yahya Ali Al-Ra’i, the son of the martyr leader, Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, a former member of parliament, presented the Parliament’s shield on the anniversary of his martyrdom, in appreciation of his struggle, sacrifices, and courageous national positions, which he adopted during his membership in the Parliament, and with which he established the foundations of the unity of the national ranks to confront the forces of Zionist-American global arrogance and their tools.

That came during a meeting today with Yahya Ali Al-Ra’i, the son of the martyr, Major General Ali Hussein Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, and with him Major General Amin Al-Muayyad, in the presence of members of the parliament, Ali Abu Haliqa, Qasim Al-Hadha, Murtada Jadban, Ali Al-Zanm, Ali Al-Manbahi, Muhammad Al-Bakri, and Abdo. Radman, and Ali Baghawi.

And in the meeting; the President , members of the Council and those present read Al-Fatiha to the soul of the martyr leader, Sayyed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi, the
soul of the main martyr, Saleh al-Sammad, and the souls of all the martyrs of the homeland, who were martyred while performing their duty in defending the homeland and the nation.

Parliament Speaker praised the sacrifices and virtues of the martyr leader and his life’s journey full of sacrifices in defense of the issues of the homeland and nation, supporting Al-Aqsa , the Palestinian cause, , confronting the forces of hegemony , arrogance led by America and Israel.

He considered the anniversary of the martyr leader an important station for learning lessons from his positions full of sacrifices in the face of the nation’s enemies, an incentive towards greater solidarity and unification of the national ranks to confront challenges and dangers.

Al-Ra’i stressed the importance of continuing on the path of the martyr leader and martyr Al-Sammad in building the nation , defending its sovereignty and independence.

The meeting was attended by the Secretary-General of the parliament, Abdullah Al-Qasimi, the Assist
ant Secretary-General of the House, Abdul Rahman Al-Mansour, and the Director of the Office of the Parliament Speaker , Moeen Al-Ra’i.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Drilling three artesian wells in Ibb

The Envelopes Committee of the General Authority for Rural Water Projects opened the drilling of three artesian wells in Al-Qafr District in Ibb Governorate.

The tender, with an estimated cost of 88 million riyals, funded by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit at the Ministry of Finance.

Source: Yemen News Agency