Meeting discusses investigation results into Taiz Airport campus land issue

A meeting at the headquarters of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority, today,Monday, headed by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Caretaker Government for Defense , Security Affairs – Chairman of the Committee for the Protection of Sanctuary and Land Protection of the Republic’s Airports, Lieutenant General Jalal Al-Ruwaishan, and the Chairman of the Authority, Judge Mujahid Ahmed Abdullah, discussed the results of the investigation and carried out by the Authority in Taiz International airport case.

The meeting, which included the Caretaker Minister of Transport, Abdul-Wahab Al-Durrah, and the Acting Governor of Taiz, Ahmed Al-Masawa, discussed the measures and procedures for protecting the airport campus lands and removing the trespassers on the airport lands who had previously been compensated.

The meeting reviewed the illegal encroachments and procedures to complete the fencing of the airport campus lands to prevent any encroachments or developments and to ensure its operation and infrastructur
e as an international airport serving the province and neighboring provinces.

The meeting was attended by a number of members of the Supreme National Anti-Corruption Authority, the Secretary-General of the local governorate, Mohamed Ahmed Al-Hajj, the head of the General Authority of Civil Aviation and Meteorology, Dr. Mohamed Abdel Qader, the Undersecretary of the Authority, Raed Jabal, and general managers of airports.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Rehabilitation of 270 homes in Hodeida

The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation, Ibrahim Al-Hamli, and the governor of Hodeida, Muhammad Ayyash Qahim, opened a project to rehabilitate and restore 270 homes damaged by the aggression in Al-Durayhimi and Al-Hawk districts.

The project includes the rehabilitation of 205 homes in Al-Durayhimi district, and 65 homes in Al-Hawk district, at a cost of $562,500.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Concluding training course for 50 returnees to homeland

The command of the Fifth Military District organized the closing ceremony of the fortieth training course for 50 deceived people returning to the ranks of the homeland.

At the ceremony, which was attended by the representative of the Military Intelligence Department, Colonel Sadiq Al-Siyaghi, and the returnee official in the Intelligence Division in Raymah province, Lieutenant Colonel Muhammad Al-Haidari, the director of the National Center for Returnees, Colonel Abdul-Ghani Al-Marouni, indicated that the return of the deceived people to the ranks of the homeland expresses the extent of their awareness of the falsity and deception of the aggression and its mercenaries.

He stated that the American-British aggression will be broken, just as the American-Saudi-Emirati aggression was broken, with the solidarity of the free Yemeni people alongside the heroes of the armed forces, and the Yemeni people will triumph over the forces of tyranny and arrogance.

In turn, the returnee official in the Fifth Military Dis
trict, Lieutenant Colonel Saddam Sboul, stressed the importance of continuing communication with the deceived people who are still on the side of the aggression in order for them to return before it is too late.

He pointed out the Zionist, American-British conspiracies that Yemen is being exposed to, targeting its security, stability, sovereignty and independence.

While the speech of the participants in the session delivered by Major Hamid Abkar, the Revolution Leader , Sayyed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the Supreme Political Council praised the general amnesty decision, calling on the rest of those who were deceived to benefit from the general amnesty decision by returning to the ranks of the homeland.

The ceremony included two poetry recitals.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Organizing committee calls on women of Yemen to march

The events organizing committee called on the women of Yemen to take part in the march to commemorate the anniversary of the martyr leader,al-Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi.

In a statement, the committee specified a square west of Al-Thawra Park in the capital Sanaa, as the place for the march, at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Cultural symposium in Hajjah on anniversary of martyr leader

Hajjah governorate organized a cultural symposium on the anniversary of the martyr leader, al-Sayeed Hussein Badr al-Din.

In the symposium, the statement stressed the importance of learning about the methodology and project of the leader who represented the project of truth and had a positive impact on the nation in general and the Yemenis in particular.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Protest in Dhalea in support of Palestinian people

A tribal pause held in Damt district in Al Dhalea governorate to declare mobilization and general mobilization in support of the Palestinian resistance and to confront the threats of American-British aggression.

During the protest, the Acting Governor of Al-Dhalea stressed that the American enemy is the planner and financier of terrorism, the implementing arm, and the basis of crises and calamities in the world.

He expressed pride in the positions and decisions of the leader of the revolution,al-Sayeed Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, in supporting the Palestinian people.

Source: Yemen News Agency