Customs Authority head meets with number of date traders and importers

Head of the Customs Authority, Engineer Adel Ahmed Margham, discussed on Sunday with a number of date traders and importers the facilities available in customs offices and centers.

The meeting reviewed the comments submitted by date merchants aimed at facilitating and simplifying procedures, especially with the approaching of the holy month of Ramadan, which is considered an essential season for the date commodity, which requires facilitating procedures and speeding up the release of date shipments.

In the meeting, the head of the department indicated keenness to facilitate and simplify procedures for all merchants and importers, stressing the necessity of embodying joint cooperation by merchants through the commitment to provide the correct documents and licenses necessary for their shipments and their commitment to the integrity of customs clearance procedures, embodying the principle of facilitation in exchange for commitment.

Margham pointed out that customs procedures do not target a specific group,
but rather serve the public interest.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Ministry of Human Rights condemns suspension of funding by number of countries to UNRWA

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned in the strongest terms the announcement by a number of countries of suspending their funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and their sway behind the Zionist incitement and narrative.

The Ministry of Human Rights, in a statement, a copy was received by Saba, expressed its regret over the response of a number of countries to the accusations made by the Zionist entity before the end of the investigation into the accusations, in behavior that reveals the extent of the usurping entity’s blatant bias in continuing to strangle the Palestinian people and justifying the killing of UNRWA employees and the bombing of their buildings.

The statement stressed that these countries made their decisions according to double standards, as they continue to provide support and aid to the Zionist entity, while they are aware that their gang is committing the most horrific massacres against tens of thousands of civilians outside the law, and th
e Zionist entity is also imposing forced displacement on more than two million citizens.

It considered this decision a collective punishment for millions of Palestinians, especially in light of the humanitarian catastrophe and the entity’s continued refusal to allow the entry of humanitarian and sustainable aid to them, in light of the genocide, forced displacement, and destruction of all life facilities and infrastructure, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and the decision of the International Court of Justice.

He pointed out that what is happening against UNRWA is nothing but an expression of the Western will to end the Palestinian presence and cancel the right of refugees to return to their country.

The statement explained that the Zionist occupation killed UNRWA employees and bombed their schools, shelters, offices and food stores, stressing that Western countries and governments are coming to complete the crime by cutting off aid and further suffocating the people of Gaza, as if
there was an agreement between them and the Zionist entity to annihilate the Palestinian people.

The Ministry of Human Rights stated that after the failure of bringing Gaza to its knees with bombs, missiles, and siege for years, it was the turn to try to bring its people to its knees by withholding the humanitarian aid provided by UNRWA.

It said, “The United States and the Zionist entity have always used international humanitarian organizations as a sword hanging over the necks of peoples, not to mention turning them into functional tools that implement the American agenda, intelligence, morally, and militarily. The Zionist entity and America do not want to maintain any international institution that bears witness to the brutal crimes and genocide practiced in the Gaza Strip.”

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned the Arab silence regarding Western blackmail and its failure to provide support to the people of Gaza, who have been subjected to a war of genocide for 113 days. It asked, ‘Why do Arab and Islam
ic countries not fund humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people?’

The statement called for the establishment of an independent Arab organization to provide aid to the Palestinian people, specifically in the besieged Gaza Strip, calling on the free people of the world to continue their humanitarian solidarity with the Palestinian people and to put pressure on governments that have identified with the Zionist entity in killing the Palestinian people.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meeting of boycott process team for American goods supporting Zionist entity

The weekly meeting of the boycott process team for American goods that support the Zionist entity, headed by the head of the Customs Authority, Engineer Adel Ahmed Margham, discussed ways to activate the team’s work.

At the meeting, the head of the department stressed the importance of the team’s work and expanding the scope of the boycott process, which has proven its effectiveness in confronting the forces of global arrogance.

Margham confirmed that none of the goods included in the boycott’s decision will be allowed to enter after the specified period has passed.

For his part, the head of the team, Abdul Karim Rasee, confirmed that the team holds its meetings bi-weekly to monitor any developments in the boycott process and discuss the proposals and opinions that are presented by the team members from the participating parties, explaining that the work is carried out in coordination with the various parties concerned with the boycott process.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meteorology: Cold weather and scattered rain during coming hours

The National Center of Meteorology and Early Warning forecast cold weather and scattered rain in a number of provinces during the next 24 hours.

The center said in its weather bulletin, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that it expects cold weather in Sa’ada, Amran, Sana’a, Dhamar and Al-Bayda, where minimum temperatures range between 5-10 degrees Celsius.

The center explained that the lowest temperatures recorded at some weather monitoring stations this morning reached 8 in Dhamar, 8.6 in Amran, and 10 in Sana’a.

It warned citizens in the mountainous areas and internal plateaus of the cold weather.

The Center called on citizens in areas where rain is expected to fall, to be careful of the flow of torrents and not to be in its streams during and after the rain.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Al-Lafi meets in Tokyo with the President of the African-Japanese Parliamentary Friendship League.President Al-Mashat offers his condolences on death of Sheikh Mohammed Ahmed Al-Dhamin

Tokyo: At the conclusion of his visit to Japan, the representative of the Presidential Council (PC), Abdullah Al-Lafi, met in Tokyo with the President of the Japan-Africa Parliamentary Friendship League and a number of members of the Japanese House of Representatives.

The meeting, held in the presence of a member of the Libyan House of Representatives, Ayman Saif Al-Nasr, focused on enhancing cooperation between the two countries and encouraging the return of economic activities and Japanese companies to Libya.

According to the PC, Al-Lafi also met with Akihiko Tanaka, head of the government agency JICA (the Japan International Cooperation Agency), which is concerned with coordinating efforts of the Japanese government to provide support in building peace in the world’s countries.

The meeting was attended by Mohamed Aoun, Minister of Oil and Gas, Abdullah Al-Hassi, and Al-Taher Al-Baour, National Reconciliation Advisor, charged with the duties of Minister of Foreign Affairs, who stressed Libya’s commitment
to supporting peace-building efforts in the country through the National Reconciliation Project.

Al-Lafi held a meeting with Atsushi Sonami, head of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation, affiliated with the Japanese government, who in turn stressed the provision of technical and advisory support to Libya through the national reconciliation project to achieve security and stability for the Libyan peopl

Source: Libyan News Agency

Mahdi Al-Mashat, Chairman of the Supreme Political Council, sent a cable of condolences on the death of Sheikh Mohammed Ahmad Al-Dhamin Al-Sharif after a life full of giving in the service of the nation.

In the condolence cable he sent to the sons of the deceased Abdul-Wahab and Hussein Muhammad Al-Dhamin, their brothers, and the Al-Dhamin family in general, the President praised the virtues of Sheikh Al-Dhamin and his contributions to serving society, as well as his honorable national stances in the face of the US-Saudi-UAE aggression.

He stressed that Yemen lost with the departure of the deceased Sheikh Muhammad Al-Dhameen, one of the sheikhs and prominent social figures, who had patriotic positions with the Mujahideen, as his sons were martyred in the six wars.

President Al-Mashat expressed his sincere condolences and deep sympathy to the children of the deceased, family members, and all Al-Dhamin family over this affliction.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meeting and march in Hajjah within framework of national campaign to support Al-Aqsa

A meeting was held on Sunday in the Maghrib District, Hajjah Governorate, headed by the governor’s deputy, Ahmed Al-Akhfash, to enhance mobilization and mobilization within the framework of the national campaign to support Al-Aqsa and mobilize in support of the Palestinian people.

The meeting, which included the director of the directorate, Ali Kamel, branches of the executive offices, the directorate’s general mobilization official, Yahya al-Durra, and social figures, sheikhs, and educators, confirmed the readiness to fight the battle of ‘the promised conquest and holy jihad’ against the countries of global arrogance.

He stressed the importance of raising awareness about enrolling in open courses in preparation for direct confrontation with the American-British Zionist enemy and working to activate the weapon of boycotting American and Israeli products and goods and companies supporting the entity.

The meeting blessed the armed, naval and missile strikes in Bab al-Mandab and the Red and Arab Bahrain as a
victory for the Palestinian people and the martyrs, women and children

Source: Yemen News Agency