Hajjah Health Office delivers medical equipment to Al-Thuluth Hospital

The Public Health and Population Office in Hajjah province delivered medical equipment to Al-Thuluth Hospital in Aslam District.

The equipment that comes within Bmz project and is implemented by the IDA organization with the support of the German Foreign Ministry includes anesthesia, ELISA, and electrolyte testing machines, a 45-liter steam sterilizer, a 400-watt cutter, a digital plus, a blood bank refrigerator, a syringe pump, intravenous fluid drip, and an ECG.

Director of the province Health Office, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kahlani, explained that this step comes within the plans and programs of the Health Office to provide health facilities with equipment to improve health performance in hospitals.

He stressed the importance of these medical devices and equipment at Thuluth Rural Hospital to develop health services provided to citizens.

While the hospital director, Dr. Muhammad Al-Faqih, appreciated the efforts and support of the province’s health office, which contributes to improving the health and medical se
rvices provided to patients in the hospital.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Conclusion of scientific competitions in Sana’a

Scientific and cultural methodological competitions for male and female secondary school students, the English section, at the private school level, were concluded in the capital, Sana’a.

The competitions aimed to enhance the spirit of competition between male and female students in the third year of secondary school within the framework of the educational activities program for the year 1445 AH/2023-2024 AD.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Human Rights Ministry Council discusses strengthening human rights and humanitarian work

In its meeting today, headed by Human Rights Minister in the caretaker government, Ali Al-Dailami, the Council of the Ministry of Human Rights discussed the difficulties facing the workflow in the ministry and ways to address them.

The meeting, which was attended by Undersecretary Ali Tayseer and the employees, evaluated the human rights performance of the Ministry , its public administrations and the strengthening of their work during the current period.

He reviewed the ministry’s activities to be established to achieve victory for the Palestinian cause and translate the directives of the revolutionary leadership in supporting the Palestinians in all fields, coinciding with the violations committed by the occupying Zionist entity in Gaza and the occupied territories.

At the meeting, Minister Al-Dailami urged the Ministry’s employees to work responsibly and redouble efforts in the context of the human rights and humanitarian work undertaken by the Ministry and to ensure collective work to overcome any dif

He stressed keeping abreast of events regarding what is happening in Gaza, which embodies the ugliness of violations committed by the Zionist entity without any international reaction to stop its aggression and crimes.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Workshop in Shura Council to evaluate project completion’s level for year 1445 AH

The Shura Council held today,Sunday,the second evaluation workshop on the level of completion of the Council’s projects in accordance with the priorities of the year 1445 AH, in the presence of the Chairman of the Council, Muhammad Hussein Al-Aidaroos.

The workshop, with the participation of Vice President of the Council Muhammad Hassan Al-Durra, Head of the Council’s Technical Unit, Talal Aklan, members of the unit, and Representative of the Parliament and Shura Sector, Engineer Lutf Al-Jarmouzi, discussed the level of implementation of the remaining projects of the Council’s plan in the National Vision for the year 1444 AH.

In the workshop, the Chairman of the Shura Council stressed the importance of continuous follow-up of the implementation of the procedures approved in the committees’ plans and the commitment to present what has been accomplished according to the specific time plans, and to evaluate the performance of the committees and the extent of their commitment to implementing the procedures ent
rusted to them.

The workshop recommended completing activities and procedures related to unfunded projects, and assigning the technical unit to prepare a vision that includes the necessary mechanism for how to implement these projects.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Abdul Salam: America will not prevent Yemen from fulfilling its humanitarian duty towards torturers of Gaza

The head of the national negotiating delegation, Muhammad Abdel Salam, confirmed that America and others will not prevent Yemen from fulfilling its humanitarian and moral duty towards the tortured in Gaza, stressing the continuation of the armed forces’ operations against Israeli ships and others heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.

The head of the national delegation said on the Banning a loaf of bread from the people of Gaza means fighting UNRWA.

He added: “In the face of the starvation war against Gaza, those who have an ounce of dignity left cannot do anything but support the deprived and support them in every way possible.”

Abdul Salam stressed that ‘what the children and women of Gaza are suffering from, from hunger, thirst, cold, and deprivation of everything, drives the Yemeni armed forces to continue their operations against Israeli ships and others heading to the ports of occupied Palestine, and neither America nor anyone else will be able to prevent Yemen from fulfilling its humanitarian
and moral duty towards the torturers of Gaza.’

He continued: “We say to America that it has surpassed Nazis’ Nazism and the fascism of the fascists, and this bloody Israel is nothing but one of the bad deeds of America and Britain. You will not be able to conquer this nation indefinitely.”

He went on to say, “Stop Gaza war enough of the Nazis, fascism, and brutality.”

Source: Yemen News Agency

Tourism and Tourism Promotion Council mourn former Minister of Tourism, Dr. Qasim Salam

The Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Promotion Council mourned the struggling former Minister of Tourism and Secretary-General of the Baath Party, Yemen Branch, Dr. Qasim Salam Al-Sharjabi, who passed away at the age of 82 years.

In the obituary statement, the Ministry and the Council praised the deceased’s virtues, his national record full of struggle and giving, and his contributions to the process of the national struggle and the achievement of Yemeni unity.

The statement indicated that the nation lost, with his passing, one of its symbols who made national and political contributions in various fields of political and institutional work.

The Ministry of Tourism and the Promotion Council confirmed that the late Dr. Qasim Salam made prominent contributions during his work as Minister of Tourism and Chairman of the Tourism Promotion Council.

The statement expressed sincere condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased and the entire Sharjabi family over this affliction.

Source: Yemen News