Al-Koni expresses his confidence in Saudi Arabia’s efforts to end the political impasse in cooperation with countries interested in the Libyan issue.

Tripoli: The representative of the Presidential Council, ‘Musa Al-Koni,’ met this Sunday morning with the Chargé d’Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to Libya, ‘Ahmed bin Abdullah Al-Shehri.’

The Presidential Council’s media office reported that during the meeting, Al-Koni stressed Saudi Arabia’s pivotal role in the Arab region to bring peace to countries suffering from instability. He expressed his confidence in its efforts that will lead to ending the political impasse in cooperation with countries interested in the Libyan issue.

In turn, the Chargé d’Affaires affirmed Saudi Arabia’s continued support for the efforts of the Presidential Council that aim to achieve stability in order to bring Libya to the electoral entitlement that the Libyan people aspire to.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Follow up on the executive procedures to launch the system for granting electronic visas of all types to foreigners.

Tripoli: A meeting was held today, Sunday, in the Cabinet Office, to follow up on the executive procedures for launching the system for granting electronic visas of all types to foreigners.

The “Our government” platform stated that the meeting was attended by the Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs, Adel Jumaa, the head of the General Information Authority, Abdel Basset Al-Baour, the head of the Passports and Nationality Department, Major General Youssef Murad, the director of the Administrative and Financial Affairs Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director General of the Libyan Telecommunications Company, and a number of directors of the technical departments at the Passports and Nationality Authority were assigned to follow up on the executive procedures for starting work on the tourist visa system and work visas for foreigners.

It was added that the team leader presented a position on the measures taken between the Passports Authority, the Ministry of Labor, and the Libyan Telecommun
ications Company regarding the mechanism for applying, paying, and granting visas to expatriate workers electronically, according to the required documents.

It was also agreed on the necessity of activating electronic work visas and giving them priority for launch, in coordination with the Ministry of Labor, according to controls that contribute to regulating expatriate workers, according to the platform.

Source: Libyan News Agency