Libya and the USA discuss strengthening bilateral cooperation in the area of cultural exchange.

Tripoli: Deputy Minister of Culture for Activities Affairs, Widad Al-Duwaini, discussed with a delegation from the U.S. Embassy in Libya headed by the Public Affairs Officer at the Embassy ways to strengthen cooperation in the area of cultural exchange during a meeting held in this regard.

The ministry stated on its website today that the meeting reviewed areas of joint cooperation in the area of mutual cultural dialogue and integration in Libya.

Source: Libyan News Agency

Dr. Maqbouli confirms support for efforts to prepare draft national strategy for civil society organizations

Deputy Prime Minister of the caretaker government for services and development affairs, Dr. Hussein Maqbouli, confirmed the government’s interest and support for all the efforts and steps taken by the technical committee in the social development sector of the Ministry of Social Affairs to prepare the draft national strategy for civil society organizations.

In his speech at the opening of two sectoral and institutional analysis workshops to prepare the draft strategy, organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs for three days, Dr. Maqbouli expressed his hope that the workshop’s outcomes will enrich and improve the strategy and correct the reality of the imbalances that exist in the work of civil society organizations, which are an important partner in development and community work.

He pointed out the difficult circumstances that Yemen is exposed to as it faces the American-British-Zionist aggression, which is trying to dissuade the Yemeni people from their religious and humanitarian stance towards their b
rothers in the Gaza Strip, pointing to the position of the revolutionary leadership, the Supreme Political Council, and the operations of the armed forces against the Zionist entity and its ships at sea and heading towards its ports.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Tenders Committee in Sa’ada discusses implementation progress of number of projects

In its meeting headed today,Sunday,by Governor Muhammad Jaber Awad, Chairman of the Committee, the Tenders Committee in Sa’ada province discussed the progress of implementation of a number of projects in the province.

The meeting, in the presence of the Secretary-General of the province’s Local Council, Muhammad Al-Imad, the Governor’s Undersecretary, Muhammad Kaaibah, and Engineer Ibrahim Al-Nimri, reviewed a number of reports of the committees in charge of field visits to projects, as well as memos requesting the transfer of amounts to the account of the Road and Bridge Maintenance Fund.

At the meeting, Governor Awad stressed the necessity of completing projects according to the province’s plan and budget, pointing out the necessity of the project implementation rate matching the financial completion rate, unless the projects will be considered fictitious.

He stressed the need to complete the equipment of the Community Initiatives Office, open branches in the directorates, and allocate operational expen
ses, noting the necessity of establishing a mechanism for the Initiatives Office to work and the merit of each project.

In turn, the Secretary-General, Al-Emad, explained the importance of activating the role of oversight and follow-up on the implementation of projects, as well as the supervision of the concerned authorities implementing the projects, and the importance of field visits by their officials.

The meeting was attended by members of the administrative body, Muhammad Ofan and Ahmed Al-Qatabri.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Discussing Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control plans and programs

A meeting held today,Sunday, in Sana’a, headed by Industry and Trade Minister in the caretaker government, Muhammad Sharaf Al-Mutahhar, discussed the plans and programs of the Yemeni Authority for Standardization, Metrology and Quality Control.

The meeting, which included the Executive Director of the Authority, Sam Al-Bashiri, reviewed the difficulties facing the Authority’s workflow and ways to address them.

He pointed out the importance of the role played by the Authority and the need for employees to feel the responsibility they bear in protecting the consumer. He stressed the need to work as one team and preserve the Authority and its equipment.

For his part, the Executive Director of the Authority touched on the plans to develop the work of the Authority and enhance its role in consumer protection, as well as the efforts made to provide modern devices and equipment to examine goods and products according to the highest specifications.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Completing marine maintenance pilotage boat ‘Taiz’ in Hodeida port

The General Administration of Technical Affairs, in cooperation with the General Administration of Marine Operations at the Yemeni Red Sea Ports Corporation, completed today,Sunday, maintenance work for ‘Taiz’ maritime pilotage boat at the buoy slide in Hodeida port .

The Director of the General Department of Technical Affairs at the Corporation, Engineer Fahd Al-Jaboubi, explained that the maintenance process included replacing 90 percent of the hull parts and the propulsion and steering systems.

He pointed out that the maintenance work was carried out by cadres of the corporation’s technical and engineering crews and in accordance with a maintenance program for marine installations for the year 1445 AH to maintain their operational readiness.

Al-Jaboubi appreciated the corporation’s leadership’s keenness to rehabilitate operational equipment and mechanisms, in a way that contributes to its continued readiness to provide navigational services to the various ships arriving at its ports.

Source: Yemen Ne
ws Agency

Maitam Customs Center destroys six tons of expired medicines

The Maitam Customs Center in Ibb province on Monday destroyed a quantity of expired medicines, stimulants, and electronic shisha.

The director of the center, Abdo Ali Al-Kahali, explained to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the destruction process of the quantity amounting to six tons was carried out in the presence of representatives of the relevant authorities and in accordance with the instructions and laws in force.

Al-Kahali stressed that the center will not be lax in seizing various expired, prohibited and unauthorized goods entering the country for the benefit of the nation and the health and safety of citizens.

He pointed out that customs is the first line of defense in seizing and destroying expired goods that do not meet specifications.

Source: Yemen News Agency