Speaker of Shura Council meets with representatives of Jihad Movement and Democratic Front in Yemen

The Speaker of the Shura Council, Muhammad Hussein Al-Aidaroos, met on Sunday with representatives of the Islamic Jihad Movement, Ahmed Baraka, and the Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine in Yemen, Khaled Khalifa.

The meeting, in the presence of the Vice President of the Council, Muhammad Hassan Al-Durra, and the members, Yahya Al-Mahdi, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kabsi, Nabil Al-Hammadi, Abdul Hamid Al-Dahyani, Amr Maad Karb, Ahmed Amer, and Ahmed Al-Zubairi, reviewed the developments of the situation in the Gaza Strip and the current developments in the occupied Palestinian territories.

In the meeting, the Speaker of the Shura Council stressed the steadfastness of the position of the Yemeni people and its close connection to the position of the revolutionary and political leadership, and it will not change or change, no matter how American intimidation and enticement against Yemen increases.

He pointed out that these positions were embodied in words and deeds and were translated into reality in t
he measures taken in the Red Sea and the large crowds that took out in the squares in the secretariat of the capital and the governorates and authorized the leader of the revolution.

Al-Aidaroos pointed out the importance of Palestinian unity and unified efforts in confronting terrorism and Zionist arrogance supported by America and Western countries.

He considered that the brutal crimes taking place in the Gaza Strip by the usurping entity represent a disgrace on the foreheads of those who are silent about them, and that history will not be kind to anyone who fails in the battle for pride, dignity, and supporting the Palestinian people.

The Speaker of the Shura Council praised the courageous position of the State of South Africa and the countries that support it in the lawsuit against the Zionist entity, and the positions of free countries and peoples that began to move to support the Palestinian people.

In turn, they are the price of a blessing, and the successor to the courageous and honest stances of
the Yemeni leadership and people towards the crimes and Zionist terrorism that the Palestinian people are exposed to in light of the shameful Arab and international silence and silence.

They pointed out that the events proved to the world that the Yemeni people and their wise leadership took their decision into their own hands and were able to confront the forces of arrogance and global terrorism and impose a siege on the Zionist entity despite the aggression and unjust siege they are suffering from.

They stressed that Yemen has become a difficult figure in the axis of resistance with its courageous and steadfast stance in the face of American terrorism and those allied with it, which is something that the Arab countries together have not done, praising the permanent and ongoing movement at the internal and external levels of the Shura Council in supporting the oppression of the Palestinian people.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Check community initiatives in Amran

The Director General of Community Initiatives in Amran Governorate inspected the progress of work in implementing community initiative projects.

The statement emphasized the community’s efforts in implementing the initiatives, stressing the governorate’s leadership’s keenness to support and make all initiatives successful.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meeting at Ministry of Works discusses mechanism for determining priorities for 1446 AH plan

A meeting held on Sunday in Sana’a, headed by the Minister of Public Works and Roads of the caretaker government, Ghaleb Mutlaq, discussed the mechanism for identifying priority projects in the ministry’s plan for the year 1446 AH.

The meeting, which was attended by Deputy Minister of Works Engineer Muhammad Al-Dhari, and representatives of the services and social solidarity sector and the Executive Office of the National Vision Department, reviewed the priorities specified by the Ministry within the 1446 AH plan, in accordance with the references approved by the Executive Office of the National Vision Administration and the services sector.

Minister Mutlaq stressed the importance of the projects included in the plan that would improve the performance of all sectors and units affiliated with the Ministry, especially with regard to developing the road and bridge network, organizing public works, and advancing the housing sector.

He pointed out the importance of providing the necessary funds to implement th
e plan’s projects because of their importance in improving the level of services provided to citizens in the areas of roads, construction and public works.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Jahhaf visits Dar al-Salam Hospital in Hodeida

Deputy health minister, Dr. Ali Jahhaf, and director of Hodeida health office, Dr. Khaled al-Madani, on Sunday were briefed on the level of psychological services offered by Dar al-Salam Hospital to people in Hodeida City.

Jahhaf and Madani took a trip in the hospital’s clinics and sections, and had a look on the mechanism adopted in offering the services and admitting and treating the patients.

The hospital’s manager and staff briefed the two officials on how the 210 inmates and other patients receive high-quality medical services, and the recent development enjoyed by the hospital.

The health ministry is determined to provide needed resources to the only hospital in Hodeida, Jahhaf said, as the facility receives cases referred by relevant bodies.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns Zionist terrorist attack on Syrian capital, Damascus

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the terrorist attack by the Zionist entity, which violated Syrian airspace and targeted a residential building west of the Syrian capital, Damascus, and resulted in the martyrdom of five military advisors affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran carrying out advisory missions in Syria.

In a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs described this act as cowardly, and at the same time represents one of the miserable attempts of the Zionist entity to get out of the impasse it has fallen into and the heinous crimes and genocidal war it is practicing against the Palestinians in Gaza.

The statement explained that these Zionist actions increase the unity and cohesion of the axis of resistance, and also enhance its capabilities in confronting Zionist arrogance and intransigence, which will pay the price sooner or later, stressing that the response to the terrorist crimes of the Zionist entity will be soon

The Foreign Ministry’s statement called on “the Security Council to assume its responsibilities in maintaining international peace and security, unless the intensity of the conflict in the region increases, for which the Zionist entity and its supporters bear responsibility.”

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its condolences to the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the death of the military advisors, stressing its support and support for the Syrian Arab Republic in defending its territorial sovereignty in the face of Zionist aggression.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Federation of Yemeni Unions condemns American classification

The General Federation of Yemeni Trade Unions condemned the American decision to classify Ansar Allah on the list of terrorist organizations.

The Union confirmed in a statement received (Saba), that the invalid decision comes within the framework of logistical support and political cover provided by the American administrations to support the aggressive war and brutal crimes in Yemen.

The statement stressed that the Ansar Allah component is an authentic Yemeni component, which will not be deterred by American steps, whatever their kind, from continuing to perform its religious and moral duty.

It pointed out that the American classification decision came only to serve the Zionist entity so that it continues to kill the Palestinian people without any response or harassment.

Source: Yemen News Agency