Shura Council praises position and solidarity of Omani Shura Council with Yemenis

The Shura Council of the Republic of Yemen praised the honorable and courageous position of the Shura Council of the Sultanate of Oman, in solidarity with the Yemeni people and condemning the blatant American-British aggression on Yemeni lands.

In a statement issued today, Tuesday,the Council considered that this position is not strange to Oman, especially as it is one of the first countries to express its solidarity at all levels with the Yemenis , their supportive and supportive choices for the Palestinian cause and their valiant resistance.

The Council highly appreciated the free people and countries positions in the world in solidarity with the Republic of Yemen, which were quick to condemn the blatant American-British aggression against Yemen. It noted the marches and demonstrations witnessed in a number of capitals and cities of the world, including the demonstration in the British Parliament Square and some American and Western cities, in rejection of the aggression against Yemen.

It deplored the r
eception of the so-called Alimi at the residence imposed on him by the aggression coalition in Riyadh, the British ambassador, days after the latter committed a serious violation of Yemeni sovereignty and bombed a number of Yemeni cities without any legal justification.

The Council said, “It would have been better for Alimi to issue a stern warning to the British Ambassador because of the blatant attack on Yemen, rather than speak with all meekness and humiliation about the security of navigation in the Red Sea, and humiliatingly beg the British Ambassador to provide support for his government, which only expresses itself and cannot even secure its residency in Aden”.

Shura Council blessed the operation of the armed forces and naval forces in the Gulf of Aden, which targeted an American ship with a number of appropriate naval missiles.

The Council reiterated its support for the continuation of military operations against the American and British warships present in the Red Sea, as they are considered hosti
le targets, and come within the framework of the legitimate right of the Republic of Yemen to respond to the American-British aggression.

The Council called on all Yemeni people to continue the honorable exit to the squares to reject the American and British presence in the Red Sea and to support the choices of the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to take the appropriate and deterrent response to the brutal aggression and support the Palestinians in their holy jihad.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Kanani: US-UK military attack infringes Yemen’s sovereignty

The American-British attack on Yemen infringes the sovereignty and integrity of an independent state, conflicts the UN Charter and international law, and will only embolden the occupation entity to commit further war crimes and expand tensions in the region, spokesman for the Iranian foreign ministry said on Tuesday.

The British FM’s baseless statements are a futile attempt to justify promotion for the US-UK recent war in the Red Sea, and to divert the World’s attention from the Zionist genocide in Gaza, Nasser Kanani added in remarks carried by Tasnim.

Those, who began the new millennium with bloody wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and did not learn from the past, are now accomplices in the Zionist persistent crimes against the Palestinian wronged people in Gaza and the West Bank, and are too shameful to defame Iran, he said.

Kanani dismissed the US-UK reckless actions as threats to regional and global peace and security, and their irresponsible remarks cannot help save the Zionists from pilled crises and ac
countability for crimes against the Palestinians.

Immediate measures to stop attacks and war crimes committed by the Zionist entity are the only way to curb further tensions and bring peace to the region, the Iranian diplomat said.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Seminar at Amran University on economic boycott

The Center for Research and Studies at Amran University organized a scientific symposium entitled ‘The Economic Boycott of American and Israeli Goods.’

Three scientific papers were presented at the symposium, reviewing the concept of economic boycott and its strategic importance in confronting Israeli aggression.

The statement referred to the requirements for confrontation with the enemy, the types of boycott, and its importance.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Yemen hits ship heading to ports of occupied Palestine

The Yemeni Armed Forces said on Tuesday that it had targeted Zografia ship which was heading to the ports of occupied Palestine.

In a statement, Yemen’s naval forces carried out the operation with a number of appropriate naval missiles in support of the oppressed Palestinian people who are subjected to aggression and siege in the Gaza Strip.

The statement pointed out that the operation came after the ship’s crew rejected the warning calls, including the warning messages.

It confirmed that the Yemeni armed forces will continue to implement the decision to prevent Israeli navigation or those associated with the Israeli enemy in the Red and Arab Seas until the aggression against Gaza is stopped and the siege on the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is lifted as well.

Yemen’s naval statement reaffirmed their continued commitment to taking all defensive and offensive measures within the legitimate right to defend Yemen and affirmed their continued practical solidarity with the oppressed Palestini
an people

Source: Yemen News Agency

Al-Gharsi receives final report on National Conference for Yemeni Theater

The head of the Media Affairs Department of Presidency Office of the Republic, Zaid Ahmed Al-Gharsi, received the final report on the outcomes of the National Conference for Yemeni Theater and its recommendations.

That came during his meeting with the head of the General Organization for Cinema and Theater, Salah Al-Sharqabi, and a number of members of the First National Conference for Theater and Cinema.

The head of the Cultural and Media Affairs Department of the Presidential Office praised the efforts made to make the conference successful, which was held in the capital, Sana’a, during the period 2-4 January.

He pointed out the importance of holding such conferences because they represent an opportunity to exchange expertise and experiences between artists and specialists in the field of theatrical art.

He stressed the keenness of the leadership of the Presidential Office to implement the recommendations of the working papers and the conference’s outcomes in reality, in a way that contributes to devel
oping and supporting theatrical art in the provinces of the Republic.

In the meeting, the head of the Cultural and Media Affairs Department of the Presidency Office received the shield of the General Organization for Cinema and Theater in recognition of the role of the Presidency Office in supporting the conference’s activities and making its work successful.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Meeting chaired by Health Minister discusses import plans and pharmaceutical stocks

A meeting in Sana’a today, Tuesday,headed by Public Health and Population Minister in the caretaker government, Dr. Taha Al-Mutawakkil, discussed the matrix of problems and difficulties facing drug importers and ways to address them.

The meeting, which included the Chairman of the Supreme Pharmaceutical Authority, Dr. Ali Abbas, the directors of departments in the authority, and a number of leaders and members of Importers of Medicines and Medical Supplies Union, discussed import plans for the year 2024 and the joint roles in providing pharmaceutical stocks and combating drug smuggling.

At the meeting, Minister Al-Mutawakkil stressed the importance of holding such meetings, which embody the effective partnership between the public and private sectors in providing safe, high-quality medicine at an appropriate price, indicating that many of the problems included in the matrix previously submitted by the Pharmaceutical Importers Union have been solved.

He pointed out the Ministry’s keenness to facilitate all
difficulties facing drug importers in order to ensure the availability of safe and effective medicine.

For their part, the President and members of the Pharmaceutical Importers Union praised the efforts of the leadership of the Ministry of Health and the Supreme Authority for Medicines, their understanding of the issues raised at the meeting, the speed of response and guidance in implementing urgent solutions, and the endeavor to develop the general performance in the Authority.

Source: Yemen News Agency