Adel Jumma: We have not taken any decision regarding lifting subsidies and setting alternative prices for fuel.

The Minister of State for Prime Ministerial Affairs in the National Unity Government, Adel Jumaa, denied taking any decision regarding lifting subsidies and setting alternative prices for fuel.

‘Jumaa’ said in a press conference held this evening, Thursday, at the Prime Minister’s Office in Tripoli – which included the Minister of Local Government, the spokesman for the National Unity Government, and the head of the Committee for Handling the Fuel File – that making a decision regarding replacing or lifting the subsidy requires a lot of consultation and harmony with all institutions in the country. The Libyan state is not limited to the national unity government.

He also confirmed that what happened last period was that an expanded meeting was held by the formed committee headed by the Director of the Financial Resources Department at the Ministry of Finance, during which a presentation was given that covered the details of this matter and the trend of a number of countries towards the hydrocarbons file, i
ndicating that a lot of correspondence had been received over the past period from the Audit Bureau and the Administrative control Authority and the Central Bank of Libya are handling the fuel file.

He explained that there will be a national inquiry through local communication centers in municipalities for citizens in particular, and there will also be a questionnaire via text messages and direct meetings, which will help the technical committee to study this file in all its aspects and implications.

Source:Libyan News Agency

Al-Baour and the French ambassador to Libya discuss the latest developments in the political situation in the country.

The person in charge of running the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation in the Libyan unity government, ‘Al-Taher Al-Baour,’ met today, Thursday, in his office at the ministry’s headquarters in Tripoli, with the French ambassador to Libya, ‘Mustafa Maharaj.’

The Ministry’s media office reported that the meeting came to discuss ways to enhance cooperation relations between the two friendly countries, in addition to discussing political developments in Libya.

The media office added that the two sides affirmed their support for advancing the efforts of the United Nations envoy to reach comprehensive national elections in order to achieve the aspirations of the Libyan people.

Source:Libyan News Agency

Aoun discusses with the Secretary-General of the APO Organization a study of establishing a gas pipeline from Nigeria to Europe passing through Libya.

The Minister of Oil and Gas in the National Unity Government, ‘Mohamed Aoun,’ discussed with the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Petroleum Producing “APO” Countries, Omar Al-Farouq, the work of an economic study to establish a gas pipeline from Nigeria to Europe, passing through Niger and Libya.

This came during Aoun’s reception yesterday, Wednesday, at the ministry’s office in Tripoli, with ‘Al-Farouk,’ accompanied by the organization’s director of studies and research and the director of his office, on the sidelines of his participation in the 2024 Energy and Economy Summit, which Libya is hosting on January 13 and 14.

According to the official page of the Ministry of Oil and Gas on Thursday, the two parties also discussed ways to establish the African Energy Bank to support oil industry projects in Africa.

During the meeting, he stressed the importance of joint cooperation between member states to benefit from the expertise, technology, lessons and experience gained in the oil and gas
industry and the field of contracts.

Source:Libyan News Agency

Lifting fuel subsidies is decided by the state’s general budget approved by the House of Representatives.

Head of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee of the Libyan House of Representatives, ‘Issa Al-Araibi,’ explained that lifting subsidies on fuel is decided by the general budget approved by the House of Representatives.

Al-Araibi stressed that lifting subsidies without deep study will affect ordinary citizens, especially in transportation matters in general, and thus will contribute to rising prices.

He pointed out that if the government recognized by the House of Representatives presents a proposal in this regard, the House will amend the budget so that it takes into account those with limited income, and we have the experience of lifting subsidies on food supplies without paying the financial alternative to the citizen, which has increased the burden of the simple citizen.

The Chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee stated, that the Oil Corporation is in continuous communication with the people to consider their demands and achieve them to lift the force majeure on the Sharara field,
noting that the Energy and Natural Resources Committee in the House of Representatives is in communication with the National Oil Corporation in this regard.

Source:Libyan News Agency

Speaker of the House of Representatives issues a decision to allocate an amount of 500 million dinars for reconstruction.

Speaker of the House of Representatives, Counselor Aguila Saleh, issued a decision today, Thursday, to allocate an amount of 500 million Libyan dinars for the reconstruction of the affected cities in the western region.

The official spokesman for the House of Representatives, Abdullah Belhaq, stated that this decision came in accordance with what the House of Representatives approved in its last session based on a request from the members of the House of Representatives from the Western Region, and what a number of mayors of the Western Region municipalities requested during their meeting with the Speaker of the House of Representatives earlier this week. .

“This decision confirms the House of Representatives’ keenness for reconstruction and development to include all cities and regions throughout the country”. He added.

Source:Libyan News Agency

In confirmation of its slogan (the homeland’s news from the homeland of the news): Al-Anbaa Al-Libiya is a weekly newspaper affiliated with the official LANA platforms.

Issue (0) of the Libyan newspaper Al-Anbaa, issued by the Libyan News Agency, was issued in the city of Benghazi yesterday, Wednesday, January 10, 2024 , containing many news, reports, dialogues, and articles related to public affairs and important topics and files.

The Director General of the Libyan News Agency, Ibrahim Hadiya Al-Mujabri, explained in the editorial of the issue that starting with the issue zero provides journalistic material of interest to all pioneers of LANA, which has reached sixty years old this year.

Al-Mujabri pointed out that this publication is organized for the agency’s platforms to stand in the face of all the rages of temptation, falsehood, and fraud, and to repel any suspicion of harming national constants.

He stressed that the agency was confined within the Internet and was struggling in light of its lack of capabilities to reach the largest number of followers, pointing out that the agency’s board of directors had taken many important decisions within the framework of openi
ng many platforms, including an audio radio broadcast on shortwave and television to communicate Libyan news and the Libyan vision to all corners of the earth through social networking sites, in addition to an intellectual cultural magazine concerned with Libyan and Arab cultural affairs, a training and development center, and this newspaper, which ‘increased one of us by an additional zero on the right.’

Al-Mujabri said, ‘We hope, through the Libyan News Agency, its newspaper, and its various platforms, to spread the culture of love and tolerance and to achieve reconciliation between people on the one hand and the press on the other hand, by allowing our proud people to know the truth in our country – whether good or bad – through trustworthy national sources like our platforms, to raise your voice to the official as exclusive news and a scoop, believing that there is no urgent matter more important than the opinion of the Libyan.

Al-Mujabri concluded by saying that in the Libyan newspaper Al-Anbaa, we do
not have red or yellow lines towards dealing with the issues of the homeland and the citizen, except for the two national pillars, which are the unity of Libya, the integrity of its lands, its national security, the sanctity of Libyan blood, and commitment to the values of the profession and the ethical journalistic message before professionalism.

He pointed out that the news on our platforms will speak for itself without an intermediary or transmitter, stressing that LANA has no time between occurrence and speaking and it also has ‘the homeland’s news from the homeland of the news.’

It is noteworthy that the Libyan Al-Anbaa newspaper was issued in 16 large-sized pages and, in addition to the news, dealt with a number of reports, dialogues, and polls, in addition to specialized pages such as economy, culture, arts, sports, and accidents.

According to the newspaper’s general supervisor, the newspaper will be issued temporarily as a weekly periodic every Wednesday morning, turning into a daily newspaper in t
he future, God willing.

Source:Libyan News Agency