Reviewing first phase work of project to establish Great Messenger Center for Oncology

Hodeida Governor, Muhammad Qahim, reviewed the progress of first phase work of the project to establish the Great Messenger Center for Oncology Treatment and Surgery in the Medical City in Hodeida.

Governor Qahim listened to an explanation from those in charge of the project about the nature of the work completed, namely building the foundations of the project, which costs $15 million, with funding and supervision from the Cancer Control Fund.

Hodeida Governor urged the to redouble efforts to complete the project to build the center for oncology treatment and surgery, stressing that the local authority is counting on the success of this project to alleviate the suffering of patients with cancer in particular, most of whom are from the poor and vulnerable segments.

Source: Yemen News Agency

General People’s Congress praises speech contents of Mujahid Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi & calls for marches

The General People’s Congress called on the masses of the Yemeni people, at the forefront of which are the leaders and bases of the conference, its coalition and supporters, to go out and actively participate in the million-man marches tomorrow afternoon, Friday, in Al-Sabeen Square in the capital, Sana’a, and the rest of the squares in the provinces, in response to an invitation from Nusra Al-Aqsa Committee.

The conference affirmed in a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), that the honorable exit expresses the positions of the Yemeni people in support of, and advocacy for the Palestinians and Gaza in particular against the war of extermination to which they are being subjected by the Zionist enemy supported by America and Europe.

The General People’s Congress blessed the operations of the Yemeni armed forces to respond to the American aggression, stressing its rejection of any attempts to justify the American attacks with false justifications, stressing that any coalit
ion formed in this regard will fail as the previous aggression coalition failed thanks to the steadfastness of the Yemeni people.

The People’s Congress statement reaffirmed its position in support of the Palestinian cause and the right of the Palestinians to liberate their land and establish their independent state with Al-Quds as its capital.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Faith identity activities inauguration & events in Taiz to celebrate the Friday of Rajab

The Endowments, Zakat and Guidance offices in Taiz province launched today,Thursday, faith identity activities and events, in celebration of Rajab Friday, for the year 1445 AH.

At the inauguration, which was held at the historic Jund Mosque under the slogan ‘Faith is Yemeni and Wisdom is Yemeni,’ and was attended by the governor’s advisor, Ali Al-Sufyani, the governor’s deputy, Ismail Sharaf al-Din, stressed the importance of celebrating this occasion and exploiting it to strengthen the identity of faith and draw inspiration from the positions of the ancestors, whose notable roles in the victory of religion have been recorded in Islamic history God and confronting the titans of disbelief and polytheism.

He pointed out that the Friday of Rajab is considered one of the most important stations in the history of Yemen, as the Yemeni people entered Islam when the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, sent them the Commander of the Faithful, Ali – peace be upon him. All of Ham
adan converted to Islam in one day, so the Messenger prostrated a rak’ah of thanks to God, saying, ‘The people of Hamadan have come to you.’ Yemenis have the softest hearts and softest hearts. Faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni.’

In addition, the director of the Endowments Office in the province, Muhammad Al-Ahdal, pointed out that the Yemeni people receive Rajab Friday with overwhelming joy because it constituted a milestone in their history.

Meanwhile, the cultural activist, Abdul Karim Al-Shami, warned of the dangers of a soft war that seeks to target the faith identity of the Yemeni people.

He stressed the importance of having correct awareness, being guided by the Holy Qur’an, and feeling responsible for carrying the message of Islam.

The inauguration, in the presence of a number of province agents, directors of executive offices , directorates, and social figures, included a poem that expressed the occasion.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Bani Al-Harith District organizes mass march to celebrate anniversary of Friday of Rajab

The Bani al-Harith district in the capital secretariat organized a mass march to Al-Halaqa Market Square in the old city of Sana’a, to commemorate the Friday of Rajab, the anniversary of the entry of Yemenis into Islam.

During the march, the participants chanted popular songs and songs expressing the greatness of the occasion, and the pride and pride of the Yemeni people in their faith identity and their honorable positions since the dawn of Islam in supporting the Islamic religion, the most honorable Messenger, and the nation’s issues, the last of which was supporting the Palestinian people.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Amran inaugurates garlic harvest for year 1445 AH

Al Bon Agricultural Cooperative Society in Amran governorate inaugurated the harvest of the garlic tree for the current year’s season as part of contract farming for the year 1445.

At the inauguration, the president of the association praised the efforts of the farmers and their commitment to the contractual terms with the association, noting the importance of ensuring the production of a high-quality crop.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Security Committee in Al-Dhale’ discusses security situation, ways to enhance security & stability

In Security Committee meeting, headed by Acting Governor Abdul Latif Al-Shaghdari, the Security Committee in Al-Dhale’ province discussed the security conditions and ways to enhance the security services’ role in maintaining security and stability.

The meeting touched on the tasks and duties of the security committee in the province center and the directorates in combating crime, controlling it before it occurs, establishing security pillars, enhancing tranquility, protecting public , private facilities, and the efforts of the security services in addressing various issues, including conflict issues.

In the meeting, Al-Shaghdari noted the role and tasks of the security services in implementing the tasks assigned to them during the past period.

He urged to redouble efforts and raise the level of security vigilance, especially in light of the current conditions, stressing that citizen awareness of the difficulty of the current stage that the country is going through will contribute to addressing and resolvi
ng many security issues.

Source: Yemen News Agency